

单词 小妹
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AVOID〕I was supposed to stay at home with my baby sister today, but I'll try to get out of it. 今天我应该是要留在家里照顾我的小妹妹的,不过我尽量脱身吧。朗文写作活用〔CRY〕David often teases his little sister and makes her cry. 戴维常常逗他的小妹妹,把她惹哭。朗文写作活用〔USE〕Older brothers and sisters often take advantage of the younger children in a family. 大哥哥大姐姐经常会欺负家里的小弟弟小妹妹。朗文写作活用〔YOUNG〕He has a kid sister in the fourth grade at school. 他有个念四年级的小妹妹。朗文写作活用〔YOUNG〕She went to the ballet class with her little sister every week. 她每星期都和她的小妹妹一起去上芭蕾课。朗文写作活用〔appeal〕When Mother said “No,” my little sister would appeal toFather.当妈妈不同意时,小妹妹总是求爸爸去。英汉大词典〔bother〕Her baby sister bother her for candy.她的小妹妹缠着她要糖果。21世纪英汉〔brain〕What are you doing,braining your little sister?你在干吗呀,猛击你小妹的头?21世纪英汉〔bullied〕He loved to bully his younger sister.他爱欺侮他的小妹妹。21世纪英汉〔cheat〕She cheated her little sister out of some money.她从自己的小妹妹身上骗了些钱。外研社新世纪〔cry out〕She cried out with pleasure when she saw her little sister.当她见到小妹妹时她高兴得叫喊起来。21世纪英汉〔delight〕He takes (a) delight in teasing his little sister.他以逗弄他的小妹妹为乐。英汉大词典〔exact〕Gina's the exact opposite of her little sister.吉娜和她小妹妹截然相反。朗文当代〔exclude〕Don't exclude your little sister from the game.不要把你的小妹妹排除在游戏之外。韦氏高阶〔food〕Please cut up the food for your baby sister.请替你小妹妹把吃的切碎。牛津搭配〔giddy〕Isabel's giddy young sister 伊莎贝尔轻浮的小妹牛津高阶〔look after〕I look after my little sister.我照看我的小妹妹。外研社新世纪〔loving〕She looked after her little sisters with loving care.她关心备至地照看她的小妹妹们。英汉大词典〔mean〕He is often mean to his little sister.他对他的小妹妹时常很刻薄。英汉大词典〔mischief〕My little sister's always up to mischief.我的小妹妹总是在捣蛋。外研社新世纪〔overprotective〕He is overprotective of his little sister.他过于袒护他的小妹妹。韦氏高阶〔recall〕As you may recall, she had a little sister who was five years old then.你可能记得,她有一个小妹妹,那时只有五岁。21世纪英汉〔sister〕She has to babysit for her little sister tonight.大姐/小妹麦克米伦高阶〔sister〕Where's your little sister? 你的小妹妹在哪里?朗文当代〔tagalong〕His little sister was sometimes a tagalong on his outings with his friends.他和朋友们出游时,他的小妹妹有时会跟着去。韦氏高阶〔three〕My little sister's only three (=three years old) .我的小妹妹只有三岁。朗文当代〔touching〕The way she took care of her little sister was really touching.她照看小妹妹的样子真令人感动。剑桥高阶〔to〕He is deeply attached to his little sister.他深深地爱著他的小妹妹。文馨英汉〔whack〕He whacked his little sister on the head with a spoon.他用一把勺子猛打他小妹妹的头。麦克米伦高阶Alexander is walking, but his little sister is still a crawler.亚力山大会走了,但他的小妹妹还只会爬。剑桥国际He likes to lord it over his little sister.他喜欢凌驾于他的小妹之上。剑桥国际My kid sister has a splendid memory. 我小妹记忆力极好。译典通My little sister was crying noisily. 我的小妹妹在大声哭嚷。译典通My shy little sister clung to me like a leech all through the party. 我那腼腆的小妹在聚会上寸步不离地跟著我。译典通Small children can often feel supplanted (in their parents’affections) (= that their parents no longer like them as much) when a new brother or sister is born.小孩子往往会觉得小弟弟或小妹妹出生后会取代他们在父母心中的地位。剑桥国际The way she looked after her little sister was really touching.她照看她的小妹妹的热情真的令人感动。剑桥国际Tommy has become very jealous of his new baby sister because his parents spend so much time with her.汤米很妒忌他的小妹妹,因为他的父母花了许多时间和她在一起。剑桥国际




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