

单词 家长的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔REACT〕When children perform poorly at school, parents often react with anger. 孩子在学校表现不好时,做家长的反应通常是气愤。朗文写作活用〔away〕You must bring a note from your parents if you've been away from school.缺了课必须补交家长的便条。朗文当代〔backing〕The teachers have the full backing of the parents.老师们得到家长的全力支持。牛津搭配〔come〕The head teacher came under a lot of criticism from the parents.校长受到了家长的很多批评。牛津高阶〔complaint〕We have had some serious complaints from parents.我们收到家长的一些严正投诉。牛津搭配〔complementary〕The school's approach must be complementary to that of the parents.学校与家长的教育方法必须相辅相成。牛津高阶〔concerned〕The school's decision is being questioned by a group of concerned parents.学校的决定受到一群心存忧虑的家长的质疑。韦氏高阶〔consensus〕The general consensus is that the joys of having a baby more than compensate for the stresses that every parent experiences.人们普遍认为, 拥有孩子带给每个家长的快乐远远超过了他们经受的压力。外研社新世纪〔consent〕The written consent of a parent is required.要求有家长的书面同意。牛津高阶〔contact〕If you are babysitting, make sure you have a contact number for the parents.做临时保姆时,一定要有孩子家长的联系电话。朗文当代〔contact〕The school needs a contact number (= phone number, especially for emergencies) for parents during school hours.学校希望有上课时间能联系到家长的电话号码。剑桥高阶〔counterpoint〕I have used my interviews with parents as a counterpoint to a professional judgement.我把我和家长的访谈拿来与专家的意见作了对照,发现很有趣。朗文当代〔cover〕Parents are already stressed trying to cover the bases at home and at work.家长的压力已经很大了,家庭、工作,都要面面俱到。朗文当代〔easy〕Once children learn to entertain themselves, it makes life much easier for their parents.孩子一旦学会自己玩, 家长的日子就好过多了。外研社新世纪〔encouragement〕With support and encouragement from their parents, the students organized a fundraiser.在家长的支持和鼓励下,学生们组织了募捐。韦氏高阶〔fling aside〕Flinging aside the wishes of his parents,the student went abroad for a year before returning to his university.学生不顾家长的意愿,去国外呆了一年才回到大学来。21世纪英汉〔fuzzy〕There's a fuzzy line between parents' and schools' responsibilities.家长的责任与学校的责任之间界线是模糊的。朗文当代〔help〕With help from a parent, a child can do simple cooking.在家长的帮助下,孩子可以做一些简单的饭菜。牛津搭配〔intend〕The program is intended to make life easier for working parents.这个方案旨在使双职工家长的生活更轻松。韦氏高阶〔key〕The daycare hours are keyed to the needs of working parents.日间托儿服务的时间根据在职家长的需要而定。朗文当代〔night owl〕The late-night parties make the hotel a haven for night owls and a hell for anyone with children.深夜聚会使得这个旅店成为夜猫子们的天堂, 带孩子家长的地狱。外研社新世纪〔number〕I have had an enormous number of letters from single parents.我已经收到了大量单亲家长的来信。柯林斯高阶〔obligation〕She failed to fulfill her obligations as a parent.她没有尽到做家长的责任。韦氏高阶〔parent〕Playgroups tend to encourage a high level of parent participation.幼儿游戏组往往鼓励家长的高度参与。外研社新世纪〔patriarchal〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of a patriarch.家长的,族长的:关于某个家长或族长的,与其有关的或具有其特性的美国传统〔preoccupation〕The safety of their children is a constant preoccupation of most parents.儿女们的安全始终是大多数家长的牵挂。麦克米伦高阶〔purport〕They purport to represent the wishes of the majority of parents at the school.他们声称自己代表了该校大多数学生家长的愿望。剑桥高阶〔reflect〕If my children are rude, that reflects on me as a parent.假如我的孩子没有礼貌,那会使我这个做家长的丢脸。朗文当代〔routinely〕The views and concerns of parents are routinely ignored.家长的意见和担心被习惯性地忽视了。外研社新世纪〔setout〕This was a very different setout, a children-and-parents party.这是一个与众不同的招待会,是招待学生及其家长的社交聚会。英汉大词典〔sic〕In the letter to parents it said: ‘The school is proud of it's [sic] record of excellence’.在致家长的信中写道:“ The school is proud of it's (原文如此) record of excellence ”。牛津高阶〔submission〕The teachers agreed to a special meeting, in submission to parents' demands.在家长的要求下,老师们只得同意召开特别会议。剑桥高阶〔substantial〕We have the support of a substantial number of parents.我们有相当多的家长的支持。朗文当代〔wish〕It is vital for schools to respect the wishes of parents.对学校来说,尊重家长的意愿至关重要。牛津搭配In a paternalistic gesture, the general has arranged for his troops to be covered by life insurance.以一种家长的态度,将军安排好叫部队官兵全都进行人生保险。剑桥国际Independent schools can exercise/use their prerogative to admit students according to academic ability or to the parents’ ability to pay.私立学校可以利用特权按照学生的成绩或家长的付费能力来招生。剑桥国际One of the joys of being a parent is watching the child's character develop.做家长的乐趣之一就是观察孩子性格的发展。剑桥国际The teachers agreed to a special meeting, in submission to (= because they accepted) parents’demands.在家长的要求下老师同意召开一次特别会议。剑桥国际There will be a tea party for the new girls and their parents at four o'clock.四点钟将有一个新女生和她们的家长的茶话会。剑桥国际They purport to represent the wishes of the majority of parents at the school.他们声称自己代表了这个学校大多数学生家长的愿望。剑桥国际




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