

单词 官方政策
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔anti-American〕Opposed or hostile to the government, official policies, or people of the United States.反美的:对美国政府,官方政策或人民持反对或敌视态度的美国传统〔glasnost〕An official policy of the Soviet government emphasizing candor with regard to discussion of social problems and shortcomings.公开性,开放性:苏联政府关于在对社会问题和弊端的讨论中强调公平的一个官方政策美国传统〔neutrality〕The country adopted an official policy of neutrality.这个国家采取了中立的官方政策韦氏高阶〔policymaking〕High-level development of policy, especially official government policy.制定政策,决策:领导阶层对政策所做的发展,尤其指政府的官方政策美国传统〔private〕In public he supported the official policy, but privately he was sure it would fail.他明里支持这项官方政策,但暗中却确信它会失败。牛津高阶〔symbolic〕The protest was a symbolic gesture of anger at official policy.这次抗议是对官方政策极度不满的一种表示。朗文当代You'll have to chime with the official policy if you want to be promoted.你要是想得到提升就得同意官方政策剑桥国际




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