

单词 存在于
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bakelite〕A trademark used for any of a group of synthetic resins and plastics found in a variety of manufactured articles.电木,酚醛树脂:一种商标,用于存在于各种加工制造物品中的任何一种合成树脂或塑料制品美国传统〔Bence-Jones protein〕A protein occurring in the serum and urine of patients with certain diseases, especially multiple myeloma.本斯·琼斯蛋白:一种存在于患某些疾病的病人的血清和尿液中的蛋白质,尤指多发性骨髓美国传统〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕Job insecurity is widespread in the fast-changing American workplace. 工作缺乏保障普遍存在于美国飞速变化中的各行各业。朗文写作活用〔THERE/NOT THERE〕The virus is present in tears and saliva, but in very small amounts. 这种病毒存在于眼泪和唾液里,但是量很少。朗文写作活用〔actuality〕It exists in dreams rather than actuality.它存在于梦境而非现实中。柯林斯高阶〔afterworld〕A world thought to exist after death.阴间;阴世:被认为存在于死后的世界美国传统〔aldolase〕An enzyme present in certain living tissues, including skeletal and heart muscle tissues, that catalyzes the breakdown of a fructose ester into triose sugars.醛缩酶:存在于某些活生理组织,包括骨骼和心脏肌肉组织中的一种生物酶,其能够催化果糖脂分解成丙糖美国传统〔alginic acid〕An insoluble colloidal acid in the form of a carboxylated polysaccharide that is abundant in the cell walls of brown algae.褐藻酸:一种羟化多糖形式的不可溶的胶状酸,大量存在于褐藻的细胞壁中美国传统〔ammonite〕The coiled, flat, chambered fossil shell of an extinct mollusk belonging to the class Cephalopoda, which was abundant in the Cretaceous period.菊石,鹦鹉螺化石:已灭绝软体动物的螺旋形、扁平的化石外壳,属头足纲动物,大量存在于中生代美国传统〔amylopsin〕The starch-digesting amylase produced by the pancreas and present in pancreatic juice.胰淀粉酶:胰产生的淀粉酶,存在于胰液中美国传统〔animal〕Cut down on animal fats found in red meat, hard cheeses and so on.减少摄入存在于红色肉类、硬干酪等中的动物脂肪。柯林斯高阶〔atmospheric〕Of, relating to, or existing in the atmosphere.大气的:属于、关于或存在于大气中的美国传统〔bacteroid〕Any of various structurally modified bacteria, such as those occurring on the root nodules of leguminous plants.类杆细菌:一种在结构上已经改变了的细菌,如存在于豆科植物根部的根瘤菌美国传统〔base-pairing〕The hydrogen bonding of complementary nitrogenous bases, one purine and one pyrimidine, in DNA and in hybrid molecules joining DNA and RNA.碱基配对:结合两个补充氮基(嘌呤和嘧啶)的氢键,这两个补充氮基存在于脱氧核糖核酸以及连接脱氧核糖核酸与核糖核酸的混合分子中美国传统〔bile acid〕Any of the liver-generated steroid acids, such as cholic acid, that commonly occur in the bile in combination with glycine and taurine as sodium salts.胆汁酸:由肝脏产生的任一种固醇酸,如胆酸,一般存在于胆汁中,与甘氨酸和牛磺酸化合成钠盐美国传统〔bilocation〕Existence or the ability to exist simultaneously in two places.在两地同时出现:同时存在或能存在于两个地方美国传统〔blueprint〕DNA is the genetic material inside every cell that carries the blueprints for everything from hair color to the risk of cancer.脱氧核糖核酸是存在于每个细胞内的基因物质,它承载从头发颜色到致癌风险等各种遗传型板。柯林斯高阶〔borosilicate〕A salt that is derived from both boric acid and silicic acid and occurs naturally in dumortierite.硼硅酸盐:由硼酸和硅酸反应而得的一种盐,存在于自然界蓝线石中美国传统〔calculus〕Pathology An abnormal concretion in the body, usually formed of mineral salts and found in the gallbladder, kidney, or urinary bladder, for example.【病理学】 结石:体内一种不正常的聚结,通常由矿物盐形成并存在于胆囊、肾或膀胱中,例如美国传统〔caliche〕A crude sodium nitrate occurring naturally in Chile, Peru, and the southwest United States, used as fertilizer.生硝:一种粗糙的硝酸纳,存在于智利、秘鲁和美国西南部,用作肥料美国传统〔cannabinoid〕Any of various organic substances, such as THC, found in cannabis.大麻酯:存在于大麻中的任一种有机物质,如四氢大麻酚美国传统〔centrality〕A tendency to be or remain at the center.向心性:存在于或保持在中心的趋势美国传统〔coincidental〕Happening or existing at the same time.同时发生的:发生在或存在于相同时间的美国传统〔common-law marriage〕A marriage existing by mutual agreement between a man and a woman, or by the fact of their cohabitation, without a civil or religious ceremony.习惯法婚姻:存在于男女之间相互同意或根据他们同居的事实的婚姻,没有民事或宗教典礼美国传统〔complement〕Logic Mathematics For a universal set, the set of all elements in the set that are not in a specified subset.【逻辑学】 【数学】 补集:对任意一个集合,这个集合的所有元素不共存在于它的任一子集合美国传统〔conceptualism〕Philosophy The doctrine, intermediate between nominalism and realism, that universals exist only within the mind and have no external or substantial reality.【哲学】 概念论:介于唯名论与唯实论之间的一种理论,认为宇宙只存在于内心并没有外在或客观现实美国传统〔confine〕Poverty and deprivation are by no means confined to the north of the country.贫困并不仅仅只存在于这个国家的北部。牛津搭配〔confine〕This attitude seems to be confined to the verty wealthy.这种态度似乎只存在于上层阶级中。剑桥高阶〔creatine kinase〕An enzyme present in muscle, brain, and other tissues of vertebrates that catalyzes the reversible conversion of ADP and phosphocreatine into ATP and creatine.肌酸激酶:一种存在于脊椎动物的肌肉、脑髓以及其它组织中的酶,对二磷酸腺苷、磷酸肌酸和三磷酸腺苷、肌酸之间的可逆转换能起催化作用美国传统〔cut〕Domestic violence seems to cut across most social divisions.家庭暴力似乎存在于大部分的社会阶层。朗文当代〔cyanogen〕A univalent radical, CN, found in simple and complex cyanide compounds.氰基:一种单价基因,氯化苯乙酮,存在于简单的和复杂的氰化物中美国传统〔depth〕I am well aware of the depth of feeling that exists in Londonderry.我很清楚存在于伦敦德里市的那种强烈情绪。柯林斯高阶〔dimension〕A measure of spatial extent, especially width, height, or length.尺寸:存在于空间范围的一种量变,特别是宽度、高度或长度美国传统〔enterocoele〕The coelom formed from a pocketlike outgrowth of the wall of the archenteron, especially in echinoderms and chordates.肠体腔:由原肠壁的袋装生长而形成的体腔,尤其存在于棘皮动物和脊索动物中美国传统〔eustele〕The central cylinder in which the primary vascular tissue is arranged around a pith, as in most seed plants.真中柱:一种管状中柱,其中初生脉管组织排列在髓孔周围,存在于大多数种子植物中美国传统〔extracranial〕Located or occurring outside the cranium.颅外的:位于或存在于头盖骨外面的美国传统〔extramundane〕Occurring or existing outside of the physical world or universe.超越现世的,物质世界以外的:存在于或出现在物质世界或宇宙外的美国传统〔extravascular〕Located or occurring outside a blood or lymph vessel.血管或淋巴管外的:位于或存在于血管或淋巴管外的美国传统〔extreme〕In fact, the truth lies between the two extremes .事实上,真理存在于两个极端之间。朗文当代〔fat〕A mixture of such compounds occurring widely in organic tissue, especially in the adipose tissue of animals and in the seeds, nuts, and fruits of plants.动物油脂,植物油脂:此种成分的混合物,广泛存在于有机组织里,特别是在动物的脂肪组织、以及植物的种子、坚果以及水果里美国传统〔fat〕Avoid excess saturated fats as found in meat, poultry, and eggs.避免过多摄入存在于肉、禽类和鸡蛋中的饱和脂肪。牛津搭配〔fetoprotein〕Any of several antigens normally present in a fetus and occurring abnormally in adults as a result of certain neoplastic conditions or diseases of the liver.胎蛋白:正常情况下存在于胎儿体内的任何抗原,若存在于成人体内则会由于某种赘生物或肝病而造成体内有不正常的反应美国传统〔gavel〕Tribute or rent in ancient and medieval England.贡税:存在于古英国和中世纪英国的贡金或租金美国传统〔genomic DNA〕The full complement of DNA contained in the genome of a cell or organism.基因组DNA,基因组脱氧核糖核酸:存在于细胞或生物体中的全部脱氧核糖核酸辅助成分美国传统〔gonidium〕An asexually produced reproductive cell, such as a zeospore, found in certain algae.无性生殖细胞:无性生殖细胞,存在于一些藻类植物里美国传统〔head〕The problem only exists inside his head.这个问题只存在于他的脑子里。朗文当代〔homunculus〕A miniature, fully formed individual believed by adherents of the early biological theory of preformation to be present in the sperm cell.雏型人:一个微型的,充分成形的个体,早期生物理论预说的拥护者认为它存在于精子细胞中美国传统〔hormone〕Any of various similar substances found in plants and insects that regulate development.激素:一种存在于植物或昆虫中的具有调节生长之功能的物质美国传统〔indwell〕To inhabit or reside within as such a spirit, force, or principle.存在于…之中:如精神、力量或本性存在于…之中美国传统〔inherent〕I'm afraid the problems you mention are inherent in the system.你提及的这些问题恐怕本来就存在于这个体制中。朗文当代〔inosinic acid〕A nucleotide found in muscle and other tissues that is formed by the deamination of AMP and on hydrolysis yields inosine.纤维糖酸,次黄苷酸,肌苷酸:存在于肌肉和其它组织中的核苷,由一磷酸腺苷脱氨基和水解肌核苷形成美国传统〔intertribal〕Existing or occurring between tribes.部落间的:存在于或发生于部落间的美国传统〔kami〕Any of the sacred beings worshiped in Shintoism, conceived as spirits abiding in natural phenomena and sometimes in people with extraordinary qualities.神道,神:任何在神道中所为人崇拜的神圣本质,被认为是一种永恒存在于自然现象中及偶尔存在于拥有不凡特质的人们身上的精神美国传统〔lactoprotein〕A protein normally present in milk.乳蛋白质:一种通常存在于乳汁中的蛋白质美国传统〔languish〕To exist or continue in miserable or disheartening conditions.憔悴:存在于或继续处于悲惨或沮丧的境况中美国传统〔lysosome〕A membrane-bound organelle in the cytoplasm of most cells containing various hydrolytic enzymes that function in intracellular digestion.溶酶体:一种被膜包住的小器官,存在于大多数细胞的细胞质中,内含多种水解酶,在细胞内消化中起作用美国传统〔margarite〕A rock formation that resembles beads, found in glassy igneous rocks.珍珠云母:一种存在于光滑的火成岩岩层中的呈珠粒状的岩层美国传统〔missing link〕A theoretical primate postulated to bridge the evolutionary gap between the anthropoid apes and human beings.被推定存在于类人猿和人类之间的过渡动物:被假设来弥补从类人猿到人类的进化空白的仅存在于理论上的一种灵长目动物美国传统〔muscle spindle〕A stretch receptor in vertebrate muscle.肌梭:存在于脊椎的肌肉中的可拉伸的感受器美国传统〔naturally〕A number of important vitamins are found naturally in dark green vegetables like spinach.许多重要的维生素天然存在于诸如菠菜这样的深绿色蔬菜中。韦氏高阶〔niccolite〕A nickel ore, essentially nickel arsenide, NiAs, found in America and Europe.红砷镍矿:一种镍矿石,主要是砷化镍组成,元素符号NiAs,存在于美洲和欧洲美国传统〔numen〕A spirit believed by animists to inhabit certain natural phenomena or objects.神灵:万物有灵论者相信的存在于某些自然现象或物体中的精灵美国传统〔one-dimensional〕Having or existing in one dimension only.单向度的:具有或仅存在于一个方向的美国传统〔paleomagnetism〕The magnetic field present in fossilized rocks, created by the earth's magnetic field when the rocks were formed.古地磁:存在于化石中的磁性,于岩石生成时受地磁影响而产生美国传统〔partial pressure〕The pressure that one component of a mixture of gases would exert if it were alone in a container.分压力:混合气体中的一种组分如果单独存在于容器中会产生的压力美国传统〔perforin〕A protein in killer cells and natural killer cells that causes lysis of target cells on contact.穿孔蛋白:存在于杀伤细胞与自然杀伤细胞中能将接触的目标细胞溶解的蛋白质美国传统〔practice〕Certain practices exist in both public and private schools.某些习惯做法既存在于公立学校,也存在于私立学校。牛津搭配〔preceramic〕Of or being a society or culture prior to the use of ceramics or pottery.先陶时期的:属于或是存在于陶器以前的社会或文化的美国传统〔predate〕It's a tradition that predates the 20th century.那是一个存在于20世纪之前的传统。麦克米伦高阶〔present〕Both kinds of nucleic acid are present in all cells.这两种核酸存在于所有细胞中。麦克米伦高阶〔present〕Oxygen is present in the bloodstream.有氧气存在于血管中美国传统〔present〕This form of vitamin D is naturally present in breast milk.这种形式的维生素D天然存在于母乳中。外研社新世纪〔prosenchyma〕A type of plant tissue consisting of elongated cells with tapering ends, occurring in supporting and conducting tissue.纤维细胞组织:一种植物组织,由有逐渐变细的尾的拉长的细胞构成,存在于支撑和引导组织中美国传统〔reside〕Memory has been shown to reside in many different organisms.已经证实,记忆存在于多种生物体中。英汉大词典〔restricted〕The problem is not restricted to the southeast.问题并不是只存在于东南部。外研社新世纪〔science fiction〕Time travel exists only in the realm of science fiction.时间旅行只存在于科幻小说的领域。韦氏高阶〔subconscious〕A person's behavior can be influenced by urges that exist only in the subconscious.一个人的行为可能会被仅存在于潜意识中的强烈欲望所影响。韦氏高阶〔sulfatase〕Any of a group of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of sulfuric acid esters and are found in animal tissues and bacteria.硫酸酯酶:一种催化硫酸脂水解的酶,存在于动物组织中和细菌中美国传统〔supernatural〕Of or relating to existence outside the natural world.超自然的:存在于自然世界以外的,与自然世界以外有关的美国传统〔superwoman〕Superwoman exists only in the minds of journalists and Hollywood producers.超级女人只存在于记者和好莱坞制片人的脑子里。外研社新世纪〔thing〕An entity existing in space and time.物体:存在于空间和时间的实体美国传统〔thyroglobulin〕A thyroid protein that stores iodine-containing hormones and is typically present in the colloid of thyroid gland follicles.甲状腺球蛋白:一种内部贮有含碘激素的甲状腺蛋白质,主要存在于甲状腺小囊的胶质里美国传统〔troilite〕A nonmagnetic variety of the mineral pyrrhotite, FeS, present in almost all meteorites and having almost no ferrous iron deficiency.无磁黄铁矿:磁黄铁矿石的无磁性种类,FeS,存在于所有的陨石中且几乎不含铁质美国传统〔unconsciously〕I think racism is unconsciously inherent in practically everyone.我认为种族偏见固有地存在于几乎所有人的潜意识中。外研社新世纪〔unconsciously〕I think racism is unconsciously inherent in practically everyone.我认为种族偏见固有地存在于几乎所有人的潜意识中。柯林斯高阶〔unknown〕A hundred years ago coronary heart disease was virtually unknown in Europe and America.在100年前冠心病几乎不存在于欧洲和美洲。柯林斯高阶〔vapor〕The state of a substance that exists below its critical temperature and that may be liquefied by application of sufficient pressure.水蒸气:物质存在于低于临界温度的情况下,并且在施加足够压力情况下能被液化的状态美国传统〔vegetable tallow〕Any of various waxy fats obtained from certain plants, such as the bayberry, and used in making soap and candles.植物脂:存在于特定植物中的蜡质脂肪的一种,用于制造肥皂和蜡烛,如香桂美国传统〔visionary〕Existing in imagination only; imaginary.出于空想的:只存在于想象中的;想象的美国传统〔ylem〕A form of matter hypothesized by proponents of the big bang theory to have existed before the formation of the chemical elements.原元素(依论):宇宙大爆炸理论中的假设存在于化学物质形成之前的物质形式美国传统Dinosaurs pre-existed human beings by many millions of years.恐龙存在于人类出现前数百万年。剑桥国际Everybody believed that the missing plane was buried under the sea. Well, here is the zinger that it is still alive in some remote island and all the passengers are intact. 每个人都认为那架飞机沈入海底了。令人震惊的消息是,它还好好地存在于一个海岛上,而且所有的乘客都还活著。译典通It's a moot point whether God exists outside our own thought processes.上帝是否存在于我们思想活动之外是一个争论未决的问题。剑桥国际It's an attitude which seems to be confined to the upper classes.这种观点看来只存在于上层阶级中。剑桥国际Melanin is the dark brown pigment of the hair, skin and eyes which is present in varying amounts in people of all races.黑色素是黑褐色色素,以不等的数量存在于各种族人的头发,皮肤,眼睛中的。剑桥国际Nationhood does not reside only in institutions and religion.民族性不仅仅存在于习俗和宗教。剑桥国际One of the central questions in aesthetics is whether beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or whether there is something within an object itself which makes it beautiful.美学的中心问题之一是美存在于观看者眼中,还是事物本身存在着令其美的东西。剑桥国际Some species exist in this small area of forest and nowhere else on Earth.一些物种仅存在于这一小片森林中,地球上其他地方都没有。剑桥国际The conspiracy of which they were falsely accused did not exist, save in the fevered (= too excited by imagination) brains of the secret police.他们被诬告的“阴谋”根本不存在,只存在于秘密警察发热的头脑里。剑桥国际Zinc, which is found naturally in many foods, is important in the body for fighting disease, making wounds heal and for the development of unborn babies.存在于许多食物内天然的锌在体内对于抵抗疾病,愈合伤口,以及未出生婴儿的发育很重要。剑桥国际




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