

单词 如土
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔French-fry〕To fry (potato strips, for example) in deep fat.在浓油里炸(如土豆条)美国传统〔SHOOT〕The men's faces were white with fear -- none of them had ever been under fire before. 那些人吓得面如土色——他们以前从没遭到过射击。朗文写作活用〔SPEND MONEY OR TIME|花钱/时间〕I remember him as a charming but irresponsible spendthrift. 他在我的印象中是个很有魅力的人,但是挥金如土朗文写作活用〔SPEND MONEY OR TIME|花钱/时间〕This is the time of year when all the big spenders pour into Las Vegas hotels and casinos. 每年这个时候,所有的挥金如土的人都涌到拉斯韦加斯的酒店和赌场去了。朗文写作活用〔ashen〕His face was ashen and wet with sweat.他面如土色,汗如雨下。牛津高阶〔ashen〕His face was ashen.他面如土色。朗文当代〔ashy〕Having the color of ashes; pale.色如土灰的;苍白的美国传统〔bedrock〕The solid rock that underlies loose material, such as soil, sand, clay, or gravel.基岩:松散地质下的大石块,如土、沙、陶土或碎石美国传统〔capital asset〕A long-term asset, such as land or a building.资本资产:长期资产,如土地或一幢建筑美国传统〔chalk〕To treat (soil, for example) with chalk.用白垩处理(如土壤)美国传统〔chowder〕A thick soup containing fish or shellfish, especially clams, and vegetables, such as potatoes and onions, in a milk or tomato base.海鲜杂烩汤:一种用牛奶或西红柿作汤底的浓汤,包括鱼或贝类(尤其是蛤),以及蔬菜(如土豆和洋葱)美国传统〔clot〕A clump, mass, or lump, as of clay.土块:一块、一堆或一团,如土美国传统〔co-orbital〕Of or relating to two or more celestial bodies that share, or very nearly share, the same orbit, such as Epimetheus and Janus, two of Saturn's moons.同轨道的:属于或关于两个或更多个天体,如土卫十一和土卫十、土星的两个卫星,共享或几乎分享一样轨道的美国传统〔compete〕When it comes to yachting, Spain can't compete with Turkey.在帆船运动上, 西班牙不如土耳其。外研社新世纪〔expend〕He expended largely.他挥金如土21世纪英汉〔fill〕The material, such as earth or gravel, used for fill.筑堤用的材料:例如土或砂石,用来填充的物质美国传统〔fill〕To build up the level of (low-lying land) with material such as earth or gravel.填满:用例如土或砂石等材料加高(低地的)水平美国传统〔fling about〕He is always flinging his money about,with his colour television and his new car every year.他总是挥金如土,炫耀其彩电,而且每年都要购买新车。21世纪英汉〔green〕The passengers were looking green around the gills.乘客们看上去面如土色。韦氏高阶〔hand〕He used to have an open hand.他过去一向挥金如土英汉大词典〔high roller〕One who spends freely and extravagantly, as for luxuries or entertainment.挥金如土的人,如为了奢侈品或娱乐美国传统〔like water〕He spends money like water.他挥金如土韦氏高阶〔make-believe〕She squandered millions on a life of make-believe.她为一种虚幻的生活挥金如土外研社新世纪〔make-believe〕She squandered millions on a life of make-believe.她为一种虚幻的生活挥金如土柯林斯高阶〔nongraded〕Consisting of particles of essentially the same size, as soil.同样的:由最基本的同样大小的微粒所构成的,如土美国传统〔opulence〕Most of the cash went on supporting his opulent lifestyle.大部分现金都花在了维系他挥金如土的生活方式上。柯林斯高阶〔opulent〕Most of the cash went on supporting his opulent lifestyle.大部分现金都花在了维系他挥金如土的生活方式上。外研社新世纪〔princely〕They used money freely in achieving princely comforts and amusements.他们为追求穷奢极欲的享乐而挥金如土英汉大词典〔savory〕A dish of pungent taste, such as anchovies on toast or pickled fruit, sometimes served in Great Britain as an hors d'oeuvre or instead of a sweet dessert.美味小盘菜肴:如土司上的鲵鱼或腌制水果等辣味,在美国可以代替饭前开胃菜或作为饭后甜点美国传统〔seed〕To plant seeds in (land, for example); sow.播种:播种于(如土地)中;播种美国传统〔set-aside〕Something, such as land or a certain percentage of profits, that is set aside for a specific purpose.留出,拨出:作特殊用途而被保留的东西,如土地或利润的特定百分比美国传统〔slater〕Any of several small isopod crustaceans, such as the sow bug.等足类甲壳动物:属于几种小型甲壳纲等足目动物的,如土美国传统〔spendthrift〕One who spends money recklessly or wastefully.挥金如土的人;浪费金钱的人美国传统〔subtenant〕One that rents property, such as land or a house, from a tenant.转租人:向一承租人租借财产,如土地或房屋的人美国传统〔tenement〕Law Property, such as land, rents, or franchises, held by one person leasing it from another.【法律】 保有物:一个人拥有的租借给他人的财产,如土地、出租的财产或特许权等美国传统〔throw about〕You can't afford to throw money about like this.如此挥金如土的生活你负担不起。外研社新世纪〔tuber〕Botany A swollen, fleshy, usually underground stem, such as the potato, bearing buds from which new plant shoots arise.【植物学】 块茎:一种肿大的、肉质的、通常为地下的茎块,如土豆,长有可抽出新芽的芽状凸起美国传统He expends largely. 他挥金如土译典通They both spend money like water. 他们两人都是挥金如土译典通




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