

单词 女工
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEGINNING〕Women workers tended to lose their jobs with the advent of new technology. 随着新技术的出现,女工更容易失业。朗文写作活用〔USE〕Many employers are only too ready to exploit and underpay female part-time workers. 许多雇主很会剥削兼职女工,付给她们很微薄的薪水。朗文写作活用〔charwoman〕A woman hired to do cleaning or similar work, usually in a large building.清洁女工:雇佣来一般在一座大宅子里打扫清洁或做相似工作的女人美国传统〔char〕A charwoman.计日女工:按日雇佣的女工美国传统〔char〕To work as a charwoman.做家庭打杂女工美国传统〔clean〕The woman who cleans for me has got flu.我家的清洁女工得了流感。麦克米伦高阶〔copy girl〕A girl employed by a newspaper or broadcast news office to carry copy and run errands.勤务女工:报社或广播机构雇用来递送稿件及跑腿的女孩美国传统〔correct〕We need to correct the imbalance in men and women's pay.我们必须纠正男女工资的不平衡。麦克米伦高阶〔craftsperson〕A craftsman or a craftswoman.工匠或女工美国传统〔craftswoman〕A woman who practices a craft with great skill.女工匠:熟练使用工艺的女人美国传统〔dairymaid〕A woman or girl who works in a dairy.乳牛场女工:在乳牛场工作的妇女或女孩美国传统〔dairywoman〕A woman who owns or manages a dairy.乳牛场女场主;乳牛场女工:拥有或经营一牛奶公司或乳牛场的女子美国传统〔dairywoman〕A woman who works in a dairy.挤奶女工;乳牛场女工:在乳牛场或牛奶公司工作的女子美国传统〔do〕The woman we hired to clean our house doesn't do windows.我们雇来打扫房子的女工不管擦窗户。韦氏高阶〔employ for〕The female worker has been employed for five months.这名女工受雇已有5个月了。21世纪英汉〔forewoman〕A woman who serves as the leader of a work crew, as in a factory.女工头:一个工组的女领袖,如在工厂中美国传统〔ghost〕The ghost of a murdered dairymaid is said to walk the farmyard at night.有人说那个被谋杀的牛奶厂女工的鬼魂夜晚在那个农家宅院里游荡。麦克米伦高阶〔girl〕They just hired a new girl to do the filing.他们刚刚新雇了一个女工来管理文件。韦氏高阶〔grisette〕A French working-class girl or young woman.青年劳动妇女:法国年轻女工或年轻女人美国传统〔harass〕One woman engineer claimed that she had been sexually harassed by a male manager.一位女工程师声称遭到过一位男性经理性骚扰。朗文当代〔infect〕Jenner infected cuts in the boy's arms with pus from a milkmaid with cowpox.詹纳用取自一名出牛痘的挤奶女工的脓液感染了这个男孩手臂上的伤口。外研社新世纪〔interment〕The decision will result in the interment of the women's program.这项决议结果将把妇女工作计划葬送掉。英汉大词典〔laundress〕A woman employed to launder clothes or linens.洗衣女工:雇来清洗衣服或亚麻制品的妇女美国传统〔make〕The maid asked if she could make up the room.清洁女工问她是不是可以整理房间。牛津高阶〔milkmaid〕A girl or woman who milks cows.挤奶女工:挤牛奶的女孩或妇女美国传统〔parity〕Women workers at the factory went on strike for parity with men.工厂女工为争取获得和男性平等的待遇而进行罢工。外研社新世纪〔pink-collar〕Of or relating to a class of jobs, such as typist or telephone operator, once traditionally filled by women.粉红领阶层的:属于或关于一种传统上是由妇女工作的工作阶层的,如打字员或接线员美国传统〔quiz〕Sybil quizzed her about life as a working girl.西比尔询问了她当女工的生活。柯林斯高阶〔segregate〕The women were segregated from the male workers in the factory.在这家工厂里女工和男工是分开的。牛津搭配〔settle〕The management asked experienced workers to settle their new girls in.管理部门要求有经验的工人帮助新来的女工们适应工作。英汉大词典〔thick on the ground〕Female engineers are not too thick on the ground.女工程师并不多见。剑桥高阶〔woman〕Do they have a cleaning woman? 他们是不是有一个清洁女工韦氏高阶〔woman〕We used to have a woman to do the cleaning.我们曾雇过一位女工打扫衞生。牛津高阶〔workingwoman〕A woman who works for wages.女工:为工资而工作的妇女美国传统〔workwoman〕A woman who performs manual or industrial labor for wages.女工:为赚取工资而从事体力或工业劳动的女人美国传统Female engineers are not too thick on the ground.女工程师并不太多。剑桥国际Our biggest source of customers are the dolly-birds working-class girls. 我们最大的顾客来源是年轻貌美的摩登女工译典通The cleaning lady (= woman who cleans the house) comes on Mondays.清洁女工每周一来。剑桥国际The girls at work gave it to me.那些女工作人员把它给了我。剑桥国际The report suggests that there has only been a marginal improvement in women's pay over the past few years.报告显示妇女工资在过去几年中仅有小幅增长。剑桥国际The survey reveals that two-thirds of married women earn less than their husbands.调查显示2/3的已婚妇女工资比其丈夫低。剑桥国际The textile industry employs many women workers. 纺织工业雇许多女工人。译典通The union demanded the immediate reinstatement of a factory worker who had been forced to resign because of her criticism of the company's safety standards.工会要求立刻让因批评了公司的安全标准而被迫辞职的一名女工复职。剑桥国际There is no fairness in paying female workers a third less than male workers.付给女工的工资比给男性工人的少三分之一是不公平的。剑桥国际




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