

单词 头饰
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COLOUR〕The boy wore a headdress of dyed ostrich feathers. 这个男孩戴着一顶由染过色的鸵鸟毛做成的头饰朗文写作活用〔aigrette〕An ornament, such as a spray of gems, resembling a tuft of plumes.羽饰:一种类似于一簇羽毛的装饰,如羽毛状宝石头饰美国传统〔anadem〕A wreath or garland for the head.花环头饰美国传统〔coronet〕A chaplet or headband decorated with gold or jewels.带形饰物:饰有金子或宝石的花环或带状头饰美国传统〔diamond〕The tiara was set with diamonds and rubies.头饰上镶嵌着钻石和红宝石。剑桥高阶〔fret〕A headdress, worn by women of the Middle Ages, consisting of interlaced wire.网状头饰:一种中世纪妇女常戴头饰,由镶嵌线组成美国传统〔fret〕To provide with such a design or headdress.使用这种图案或头饰美国传统〔gown〕She wore a jewelled gown and a tiara.她身穿镶有珠宝的礼服, 头戴冠状头饰外研社新世纪〔headdress〕A covering or an ornament for the head.头巾,头饰:头部的遮盖物或装饰物美国传统〔headdress〕The bride wore white with a pearl headdress.新娘身穿白色礼服,戴着珍珠头饰朗文当代〔headdress〕The dancers wore ceremonial headdresses.舞者们戴着礼仪头饰韦氏高阶〔headpiece〕The bride wore a veil with a beaded headpiece.新娘戴了面纱,上面有珠子做成的头饰韦氏高阶〔millinery〕Articles, especially women's hats, sold by a milliner.女帽,妇女头饰:帽商出售的商品,尤指女帽美国传统〔millinery〕The profession or business of a milliner.女帽或妇女头饰制造业:帽商的工作或业务美国传统〔miter〕The ceremonial headdress worn by ancient Jewish high priests.大祭司冠:古代犹太祭司长的正式头饰美国传统〔mitral〕Relating to or resembling a miter worn by certain ecclesiastics.基督教牧师所戴头饰的:有关或相似于一定基督教牧师所戴的头饰美国传统〔outdo〕She wore a lovely tiara but the groom, not to be outdone, had on a very smart embroidered waistcoat.她戴了一顶漂亮的冕状头饰,而新郎也毫不逊色,身着一件非常讲究的刺绣西服马甲。柯林斯高阶〔panache〕A bunch of feathers or a plume, especially on a helmet.羽饰:用作头饰或头盔装饰品的一簇羽毛美国传统〔pillow sham〕A decorative covering for a pillow on a bed.枕头饰套:床上枕头的装饰性外套美国传统〔rat〕A pad of material, typically hair, worn as part of a woman's coiffure to puff out her own hair.女用发垫:一团垫状物,通常由头发组成,戴在女人头上作为头饰来达到蓬松的效果美国传统〔taj〕A tall conical cap worn by Moslems as a headdress of distinction.锥形高帽:穆斯林教徒所戴的一种圆锥形高帽,作为表示地位的头饰美国传统〔turban〕A traditionally Moslem headdress consisting of a long scarf of linen, cotton, or silk that is wound around a small cap or directly around the head.头巾:传统的穆斯林戴的头饰,由一条长的亚麻、棉或丝制的围巾组成,缠在一顶小帽周围或直接缠于头上美国传统〔twine〕She twined the bridal arch with flowers.她将新娘拱形头饰用花缠起来。21世纪英汉〔war bonnet〕A ceremonial headdress used by some Plains Indians consisting of a cap or band and a trailing extension decorated with erect feathers.战帽:北美大草原印第安人用的礼仪性头饰,包括一顶帽子或帽带和一个用直立羽毛装饰的拖带延伸物美国传统In Papua New Guinea, the tail plumes (= large feathers) of birds of paradise are used to make headdresses.在巴布亚新几内亚天堂鸟的尾羽被用来作头饰剑桥国际The dancers at the Folies-Berg弐e wore plumed headdresses (= with a decoration which looked like several large feathers tied together).在舞蹈《牧羊女之恋》中演员们都戴着羽毛头饰剑桥国际




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