

单词 头人
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Amen〕The Egyptian god of life and reproduction, represented as a man with a ram's head.亚扪:埃及的生命和繁殖之神,由羊头人身代表美国传统〔Anubis〕A jackal-headed Egyptian god and the son of Osiris. He conducted the dead to judgment.导引亡灵之神,豹头人身神:豹头人身的希腊神,俄赛里斯之子。他引导死者去接受审判美国传统〔carve sth out (for yourself)〕He hopes to carve out a niche for himself as a leading researcher in his field of study.他希望在自己的研究领域里闯出一个学术带头人的地位。剑桥高阶〔distinguish yourself〕She has distinguished herself as a leader in the community.作为社区带头人,她享有盛名。韦氏高阶〔elder〕An older, influential member of a family, tribe, or community.头人,长辈:在一个家庭、部落或团体里的年长且有影响力的人美国传统〔field〕These academics are world leaders in their respective fields.这些学者都是各自领域里世界级的领头人牛津搭配〔fugleman〕A leader, especially a political leader.领导者:带头人,尤指政治带头人美国传统〔headman〕The leader or the chief man of a small, primitive village or community.头人,村长:一个原始小村庄或村落的首领或酋长美国传统〔house〕He was a prefect and house captain.他是一个理想的学院带头人外研社新世纪〔inert〕She nudged the inert beside her.她用胳膊肘轻轻捅了一下她身旁的那个木头人英汉大词典〔labyrinth〕Labyrinth Greek Mythology The maze in which the Minotaur was confined. Labyrinth 【希腊神话】 牛头人身怪弥诺陶洛斯被囚禁的迷宫美国传统〔opponent〕Leading opponents of the proposed cuts in defence spending will meet later today.反对削减国防开支建议的带头人将在今天晚些时候会面。剑桥高阶〔pacesetter〕Hammond was the early pacesetter.早期的带头人是哈蒙德。外研社新世纪〔pass along〕He passed along everything he saw and heard to his contact at the Soviet embassy.他把自己看到和听到的一切都报告给苏联大使馆的接头人外研社新世纪〔pioneer〕He was a pioneer in the field of biotechnology.他是生物技术领域的带头人朗文当代〔pioneer〕She was a pioneer in the development of new cancer treatments.她是研制癌症新疗法的带头人韦氏高阶〔pointy-head〕An intellectual.尖头人:知识分子美国传统〔spark plug〕Informal One who gives life or energy to an endeavor.【非正式用语】 (事业的)带头人:将生命或能量奉献给某一努力的人美国传统〔the vanguard〕He is in the vanguard of economic reform.他是经济改革的领头人剑桥高阶〔unappreciative〕He is an unappreciative stick.他是一个无欣赏能力的木头人英汉大词典〔unquestioned〕He's the unquestioned leader in his field (= no one would say that he is not the leader).他在他那个领域是无可争议的带头人剑桥高阶〔vote〕We took a quick vote to decide on a leader.我们进行了快速投票来决定谁是领头人牛津搭配〔wave〕The leader of the parade waved a flag.游行队伍的带头人挥舞着一面旗帜。韦氏高阶All these kids do is sit in front of the TV all day like zombies.这些小家伙所做的一切就是像木头人一样整天坐在电视机前。剑桥国际Be a leader, not a follower (=someone who does what they are told to do by others)! 做个领头人,别做随从者!剑桥国际Cheques should be made payable to Toyland plc.支票的抬头人应是 Toyland plc。牛津商务Leading opponents of the proposed cuts in defence spending will meet later today.反对削减国防开支这一建议的带头人将在今天晚些时候会面。剑桥国际My job is so boring it's turning me into a zombie.我的工作如此枯燥,它正在使我变成一个木头人剑桥国际She's young and dynamic and will be a great head of the department.她年轻、精力充沛,会成为部门出色的带头人剑桥国际They interviewed Dr. Jones, a leader in the field of microbiology.他们采访了琼斯博士,微生物学界的领头人剑桥国际




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