

单词 头中
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXACT/NOT EXACT〕The ball hit me smack dab in the middle of my forehead. 那球正好打在了我的额头中央。朗文写作活用〔MIRV〕One of these warheads.多弹头分导再入飞行器弹头:这种弹头中的一个美国传统〔borer〕Any of various mollusks that bore into soft rock or wood.钻蛀虫:钻入松软岩石或木头中的软体动物美国传统〔budge〕It was wedged between two stones and we couldn't budge it.它被插在两块石头中间,我们挪不动它。麦克米伦高阶〔camera〕As the camera slowly panned back the face was revealed to be that of a grown man.摄影机慢慢摇回去时, 镜头中现出一张成年男人的脸。外研社新世纪〔close-up〕In the video, we see a writhing poisonous snake in close-up.在视频里, 我们从特写镜头中看到一条扭动的毒蛇。外研社新世纪〔close〕He discovered, on closer inspection, that the rocks contained gold.经过更仔细的检查, 他发现石头中含有黄金。外研社新世纪〔disk flower〕Any of the tiny tubular flowers in the central portion of the flower head of certain composite plants, such as the daisy.盘状花,筒状花:某些菊科植物,如雏菊的花头中间部位的管形小花美国传统〔double〕Can you tell if it's the actor or his double in that shot? 你能辨认出那个镜头中的人是演员还是他的替身吗?韦氏高阶〔fibula〕The outer and narrower of two bones of the human lower leg, extending from the knee to the ankle.人的腓骨:人的小腿的两根骨头中较向外侧和较细的那根,从膝盖延伸到脚踝之间美国传统〔focus〕In this scene, the camera focuses on the actor's face.在这个镜头中,摄影机对准演员的脸部。牛津高阶〔fossa〕A small cavity or depression, as in a bone.窝,凹:骨头中的小窝或凹陷美国传统〔get〕He got his information out of an encyclopedia. You can't get water out of a stone.他从百科全书中查到了资料。石头中可不能冒出水美国传统〔grain〕The pattern produced, as in stone, by the arrangement of particulate constituents.纹理:由微小成份的排列所产生的图案,如石头中美国传统〔ilium〕The uppermost and widest of the three bones constituting either of the lateral halves of the pelvis.髂骨:形成骨盆侧面的三块骨头中最上面和最宽的那块美国传统〔intarsia〕A decorative inlaid pattern in a surface, especially a mosaic worked in wood.细木镶嵌装饰:面里装饰性的镶嵌图案,尤其是木头中的镶嵌图案美国传统〔intercut〕To insert or alternate (scenes or camera shots) in a film sequence to achieve dramatic contrast or follow two or more actions taking place simultaneously.使镜头交切:在连续的电影镜头中插入或交替出现(场景或镜头)以达到戏剧性的对比,或跟随同时发生的两个或两个以上的活动美国传统〔jump cut〕A cut to slightly later action in the course of a filmed scene, creating an effect of discontinuity or acceleration.跳越剪辑,跳切:在已拍摄的一个镜头中,稍微剪去后面的情节,造成不连贯或加速的效果美国传统〔knar〕A knot or burl on a tree or in wood.木节:树上或木头中的结或树瘤美国传统〔medium〕Choose medium to large tomatoes.挑选个头中等到大个的西红柿。牛津高阶〔medium〕She has medium-length blond hair.她有一头中等长度的金发。麦克米伦高阶〔narrator〕The narrator and central figure is a salesman called Mike.镜头中正在做解说的的焦点人物是一个名叫迈克的推销员。外研社新世纪〔peck〕The bird pecked insects from the log.小鸟从木头中啄食虫子。21世纪英汉〔peck〕The bird pecked insects from the log.鸟儿从木头中啄食小虫。英汉大词典〔premaxilla〕Either of two bones located in front of and between the maxillary bones in the upper jaw of vertebrates.前颌骨:位于脊椎动物上颚的上颚骨之前和之间的两块骨头中的一块美国传统〔quayage〕The space available on a system of quays.码头面积:一组码头中可利用的空间美国传统〔raise〕Adele raised herself from the pillows.阿黛尔从一堆枕头中直起身子。朗文当代〔red squill〕A powder prepared from the bulbs of the red squill and used as a rat poison.海葱散:从红海葱的葱头中制成的可用作灭鼠药粉末美国传统〔replay〕You can see on the replay that the goalkeeper was fouled.从回放镜头中可以看到有人对守门员犯规。朗文当代〔shot〕In the opening shot we see Travolta's feet walking down the sidewalk.在开始的镜头中,我们看到特拉沃尔塔的脚在人行道上行走。朗文当代〔sprang或sprung〕The hot water was springing out of the tap.热水不断地从水龙头中涌流出来。21世纪英汉〔spray〕Water or other liquid moving in a mass of dispersed droplets, as from a wave.浪花,水花:以大片分散的小水滴运动的水或其他液体,如从浪头中美国传统〔tinned〕Strain off the juice from the tinned tomatoes and discard it.倒掉番茄罐头中多余的汁, 把罐子扔掉。外研社新世纪〔tin〕Chiefly British To preserve or pack in tins; can.【多用于英国】 装罐头:把…保存或装在罐头中;作罐头美国传统〔voussoir〕One of the wedge-shaped stones forming the curved parts of an arch or a vaulted ceiling.拱楔块:用于形成拱或穹窿的曲线部分的楔形石头中的一块美国传统〔water〕Brown water gushed out of the rusty old tap.棕色的水从生锈的旧龙头中涌出来。牛津搭配〔wood pulp〕Pulp made from wood, used especially to make paper.木浆:从木头中得到的浆液,尤其用于造纸美国传统〔woodborer〕Any of various insects, insect larvae, or mollusks that bore into wood.蛀木虫:钻进木头中的各种昆虫、昆虫的幼虫或软体动物的一种美国传统The hot tap is running cold (= producing cold water)! 热水龙头中流出了冷水。剑桥国际They grind the grain into flour (= make flour by crushing grain) between two large stones.他们将谷粒放在两块大石头中间碾成面粉。剑桥国际




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