

单词 失去知觉的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔analgesia〕A deadening or absence of the sense of pain without loss of consciousness.痛觉缺失:在未失去知觉的情况下感到麻木或丧失痛觉美国传统〔chill〕A sudden numbing fear or dread.恐惧:一种突然的、使人失去知觉的害怕或恐惧美国传统〔cold〕Appearing to be dead; unconscious.失去知觉的:看着好象死了;无知觉的美国传统〔comatose〕Of, relating to, or affected with coma; unconscious.昏迷的:昏迷的,与之相关或受其形响的;失去知觉的美国传统〔insensible〕Devoid of physical sensation or the power to react, as to pain or cold; numb.失去知觉的:缺乏生理感觉或的,如缺乏对疼痛或冷的反应能力;麻木的美国传统〔knockout drops〕A solution, usually of chloral hydrate in alcohol, put into a drink surreptitiously in order to render the drinker unconscious.强麻醉药,蒙汗药:私下放到饮料中使饮用者失去知觉的一种溶液,通常是酒精中的水合氯醛美国传统〔local anesthesia〕Anesthesia characterized by the loss of sensation only in the area of the body where an anesthetic drug is applied or injected.局部麻痹:仅在施用或注射麻醉剂的身体部位失去知觉的麻醉术美国传统〔meshuggeneh〕Crazy; senseless.疯狂的;失去知觉的美国传统〔stupefacient〕Inducing stupor; stupefying or narcotic.使麻醉、失去知觉的或使不醒人事的美国传统〔unconscious〕Her eyes closed as she went unconscious.她失去知觉的同时眼睛也闭上了。牛津搭配〔unconscious〕Temporarily lacking consciousness.不省人事的:暂时失去知觉的美国传统〔unfeeling〕Having no physical feeling or sensation; insentient.失去知觉的:没有肉体感觉或知觉的;无知觉的美国传统Ambulances ploughed through the chaos, carrying away those knocked senseless by the blast.救护车费力穿过混乱的人群,运走那些爆炸中受伤失去知觉的人。剑桥国际Residents walked past a dying man thinking that he had passed out after a party, police said.居民们走过一个奄奄一息的男人,以为他是晚会后失去知觉的,警察说。剑桥国际




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