

单词 天气情况
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVANTAGE〕The weather favours the Australians, who are used to playing in the heat. 天气情况对澳大利亚队有利,他们习惯在热天打球。朗文写作活用〔EFFECTIVE/NOT EFFECTIVE〕There is no infallible way of predicting exactly what the weather will be like. 没有一个绝对可靠的方法可以准确地预测天气情况朗文写作活用〔IMPOSSIBLE〕Severe weather conditions ruled out any rescue operation until the following day. 恶劣的天气情况使得救援工作无法进行,要等到明天再继续。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕And now over to the London Weather Centre for the latest weather report. 现在由伦敦气象中心报告最新的天气情况朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕There are weather reports every hour to keep you up to date with driving conditions in your area. 每小时都有天气预报,让你驾车时知道所在地区的最新天气情况朗文写作活用〔WP〕Weather permitting.天气情况允许的条件下美国传统〔appalling〕They had to wait for hours in the most appalling weather.他们不得不在极为恶劣的天气情况下等了好几个小时。牛津搭配〔build〕The boat was built to withstand every weather condition.这艘船可以应对任何天气情况麦克米伦高阶〔condition〕As long as these weather conditions prevail, we are unable to rescue the climbers.如果这种天气情况继续下去,我们就无法营救登山者。牛津搭配〔condition〕In cold conditions you'll need a sleeping bag with a hood.在寒冷的天气情况下,你需要一个带头套的睡袋。朗文当代〔condition〕The conditions during the first half of the match were appalling.比赛上半场时的天气情况很糟糕。朗文当代〔confluence〕Like most cases of extreme weather, its severity was due to an unusual confluence of events.如同大多数极端天气情况一样, 其严重程度是由数个异常气象条件汇聚在一起造成的。外研社新世纪〔conjecture〕Who can conjecture about tomorrow's weather conditions?谁能推测明天的天气情况?21世纪英汉〔contend〕The rescue team also had bad weather conditions to contend with .营救小组还得应付恶劣的天气情况朗文当代〔contingent〕Our plans are contingent on the weather.我们的计划要视天气情况而定。韦氏高阶〔ease〕Conditions eased dramatically in the course of the afternoon.一下午的时间里, 天气情况一下子就好转了。外研社新世纪〔factor〕The weather could be a crucial factor in tomorrow's game.天气情况会是明天比赛一个至关重要的因素。朗文当代〔fallback〕Digging ditches provided a fallback job when weather conditions were unsuitable for cotton-picking.当天气情况不适宜摘棉花时,挖沟开渠成了一种临时应变的工作。英汉大词典〔free〕The severe conditions hampered attempts to pull the vessel free of the rig.恶劣的天气情况使得把那艘船拉离钻塔的努力很难奏效。柯林斯高阶〔frontal system〕With so many frontal systems so close together, we can expect the weather to be highly changeable over the next few days.有这么多锋系如此接近,我们预计以后几天的天气情况将会多变。剑桥高阶〔launch〕The launch of the space shuttle was delayed for 24 hours because of bad weather.因天气情况不佳,宇宙飞船的发射被推迟了24个小时。剑桥高阶〔look〕By the look(s) of it we shan't have much rain this year.从天气情况看来,今年雨水不会充沛。英汉大词典〔meteorologist〕One who reports and forecasts weather conditions, as on television.天气预报员:报告和预告天气情况的人,如电视气象预报员美国传统〔meteorology〕The science that deals with the phenomena of the atmosphere, especially weather and weather conditions.气象学:研究大气现象的科学,尤指研究天气和天气情况的科学美国传统〔micrometeorology〕The study of weather conditions in a very small area, such as the area immediately around the trunk of a tree, that can affect meteorological conditions.微气象学:研究一个非常小的区域内的可以影响气象的天气情况,例如一棵树树干周围的区域美国传统〔modification〕The weather required some major/minor modifications to our travel plans.那种天气情况要求我们对旅行方案做些大/小的调整。韦氏高阶〔note〕Take note of the weather conditions.要注意天气情况外研社新世纪〔outlook〕The outlook for the weekend is unsettled, with periods of heavy rain.周末的天气情况不稳定,有时有大雨。朗文当代〔play〕We'll see what the weather's like and play it by ear .我们将根据天气情况随机应变。朗文当代〔progress〕Fluky weather conditions will set back the progress of a newly introduced strain of wheat.变化多端的天气情况会有碍新引进品种小麦的生长。英汉大词典〔record〕The weather centre keeps a record of the weather.气象中心对天气情况都备有记录。剑桥高阶〔simulation〕They use computer simulation to predict weather conditions.他们使用计算机模拟预测天气情况韦氏高阶〔slow〕Weather conditions slowed up the departure of other flights.天气情况使其他班机推迟起飞。英汉大词典〔stranded〕Air travellers were left stranded because of icy conditions.由于出现结冰的天气情况,飞机乘客被滞留。朗文当代〔weather〕I checked the weather this morning.今天早晨我查看了一下天气情况牛津搭配〔weather〕The climbers reached the top, in spite of bad weather conditions .尽管天气情况恶劣,登山者还是到达了山顶。朗文当代〔weather〕The lifeboat crews go out in all weather(s).救生船人员在任何天气情况下都出动救援。牛津搭配Despite the array of technical wizardry, some traditional problems still trouble air crews, such as bad weather conditions.虽然有许多先进技术,但一些传统的难题,例如恶劣的天气情况,仍然困扰着机组人员。剑桥国际Officials said that the reason for the large number of delayed trains was the bad weather conditions.官员们说,糟糕的天气情况是大量火车晚点的原因。剑桥国际The launch was no-go due to the weather.由于天气情况,发射没有进行。剑桥国际The television report on the weather is always out of whack with the weather we actually get. 电视台的天气预报总与实际的天气情况不一致。译典通The village fete took place under lowering skies.村民游乐会在阴暗的天气情况下举行。剑桥国际The weather is rather uncertain at the moment.眼下的天气情况还很不明朗。剑桥国际Unless there's an improvement in the weather we won't be going out today.除非天气情况改善,我们今天将不外出。剑桥国际Weather conditions in these mountains change (from) hour to hour (= they are different every hour).山间的天气情况时时在变。剑桥国际Weather-forecasters have extremely delicate equipment (= equipment that can measure very small changes) which helps them predict what the weather is going to be like.天气预报人员拥有极其精密的设备来帮助他们预测天气情况剑桥国际




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