

单词 大岛
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Baffin Island〕An island of northeast Northwest Territories, Canada, west of Greenland. It is the fifth-largest island in the world.巴芬岛:加拿大西北地区东北部的一个岛屿,位于格陵兰岛西部,是世界第五大岛屿美国传统〔Great Abaco〕The largest island of the Abaco and Cays group in the northern Bahamas.大阿尔巴科岛:巴哈马群岛北部阿尔巴科岛和凯斯群岛中的最大岛屿美国传统〔Great Comoro〕The largest of the Comoro Islands, in the northern Mozambique Channel of the Indian Ocean.大科摩罗岛:印度洋中莫桑比克海峡以北的科摩罗群岛中的最大岛屿美国传统〔Isabela Island〕The largest of the Galápagos Islands of Ecuador, in the Pacific Ocean on the equator.伊莎贝尔岛:厄瓜多尔的加拉帕戈斯群岛中的最大岛屿,位于太平洋的赤道美国传统〔Iwo Jima〕The largest of the Volcano Islands of Japan in the northwest Pacific Ocean. The island was the scene of severe fighting during World War II.硫磺岛:日本火山列岛中的最大岛屿,位于太平洋西北部。第二次世界大战期间,该岛曾是激战的战场美国传统〔Prince of Wales Island〕An island of extreme southeast Alaska in the Alexander Archipelago. It is the largest island in the group.威尔士王子岛:阿拉斯加州东南端一岛屿,位于亚历山大群岛中,是该群岛中的最大岛屿美国传统〔São Miguel〕An island of the eastern Azores in the Atlantic Ocean. It is the largest island in the archipelago and a popular tourist center.圣米格尔岛:大西洋亚速尔群岛东部的岛屿,是该群岛中的最大岛屿和游览中心美国传统〔São Tiago〕An island of southern Cape Verde in the northern Atlantic Ocean. It is the largest island in the group and the site of the capital, Praia.圣地亚哥岛:大西洋北部维得角南部一岛屿,是该区众岛屿和首府普拉亚地区中最大岛屿美国传统〔Tablas〕An island of the central Philippines east of Mindoro. It is the largest of the Romblon Islands.塔布拉斯岛:菲律宾中部一岛屿,位于民都洛岛东面。它是龙布伦群岛中最大岛屿美国传统〔Texel〕An island of northwest Netherlands in the North Sea in the southwest Frisian Islands. It is the largest of the West Frisian Islands and a popular resort area.太克斯:荷兰西北一岛屿,位于弗里西群岛西南的北海。该岛是西弗里西群岛中最大岛屿,并是一个深受欢迎的休假地美国传统〔hidden〕The ship was hidden from view in the shadow of the large island.船驶入了这座大岛的阴影中, 看不见了。外研社新世纪They live on the large Japanese island of Hokkaido.他们住在日本大岛北海道上。剑桥国际We took a jet to the big island, then a propeller plane to the outer island.我们乘喷气式飞机到了大岛,然后乘螺旋桨飞机到了外岛。剑桥国际




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