

单词 大多数
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLASS〕Most senior politicians in the UK are from upper-class families. 英国的大多数资深政治家都出身于上流社会家庭。朗文写作活用〔CONFIDENT/NOT CONFIDENT〕Most actors are natural extroverts. 大多数演员天生性格外向。朗文写作活用〔DIFFICULT〕Most families have a very difficult time dealing with a family member's drug addiction. 大多数的家庭都会觉得极难应付家里有人沾上毒瘾这种事。朗文写作活用〔GAY〕Most fundamentalist churches disapprove of homosexuals. 大多数原教旨主义教会都反对同性恋。朗文写作活用〔HAPPY〕Most craftsmen get a lot of pleasure out of making things. 大多数工匠在制作过程中都得到很大的乐趣。朗文写作活用〔House of Representatives〕The lower house of the U.S. Congress and of most state legislatures.众议院:美国国会和绝大多数州议会的下议院美国传统〔NEWS〕During the war, most reports were compiled under government restrictions. 战时,大多数新闻报道都是在政府的限制下编写的。朗文写作活用〔SLOW〕Most patients gradually develop a resistance to the drug. 大多数病人慢慢地对这种药产生抗药性。朗文写作活用〔THING〕After his stroke, he was able to name inanimate objects like saws and shovels, but unable to name most living things. 中风后他能够叫得出锯子、铲子等无生命物体的名称,但大多数有生命的东西却叫不出来。朗文写作活用〔WORK FOR SB〕Most fashion models are self-employed, and find work through agencies. 大多数时装模特儿是个体经营,通过代理人寻找工作。朗文写作活用〔adaptation〕Most living creatures are capable of adaptation when compelled to do so.大多数生物都能在迫于压力的情况下适应新环境。柯林斯高阶〔animal〕Most cloned animals die at a premature age.大多数克隆动物未成年就死去。牛津搭配〔bargaining〕Most new artists and bands aren't in a strong bargaining position .大多数新的艺人和乐队在谈判中都处于不利的地位。朗文当代〔burn up〕Most asteroids burn up upon entering the Earth's atmosphere.大多数小行星在进入地球大气层时就燃烧殆尽了。韦氏高阶〔capture〕Most of the men had been either killed or captured.这些人大多数不是被杀就是被捕。麦克米伦高阶〔choice〕Penicillin remains the drug of choice in treating this disease.青霉素仍然是大多数人治疗这种疾病的首选药物。麦克米伦高阶〔cinch〕Most observers say the President is a cinch to win re-election.大多数观察家都说总统必定能够再一次当选。朗文当代〔contingency〕Most large businesses have cash reserves as a contingency for bad debts.大多数大公司都有现金储备以应对坏账。麦克米伦高阶〔contrary〕Contrary to popular opinion, I don't dye my hair! 与大多数人的想法不同,我不染头发!剑桥高阶〔crash and burn〕When Senator Gary Hart crashed and burned, most of his people caught on somewhere else in a few weeks.当参议员加里哈特竞选失败时,他的大多数支持者在区区几个星期之中就开始改换门庭了。21世纪英汉〔curable〕Most skin cancers are completely curable if detected in the early stages.如果及早发现,大多数皮肤癌都是完全可以治愈的。柯林斯高阶〔deliver〕Most manufactured goods were delivered to country areas by rail.大多数工业品由铁路运送到农村地区。英汉大词典〔dinky〕This area is too expensive for most people to live in, but it's particularly popular with dinkies.这个地区贵得让大多数人都住不起,但特别受丁克一族的欢迎。剑桥高阶〔diversionary〕Most children are skilled in diversionary tactics .大多数儿童都很会使用转移注意力的小花招。朗文当代〔drub〕The play was drubbed by most critics.这个剧本遭到大多数评论家的非难。21世纪英汉〔echolocation〕Most bats navigate by echolocation.大多数蝙蝠靠回声定位来飞行。柯林斯高阶〔entertain〕Most children's television programmes aim to educate and entertain at the same time.大多数儿童电视节目都旨在寓教于乐。剑桥高阶〔evolutionary〕Most people favour an evolutionary process over another revolution.相较于再一次的变革, 大多数人更倾向于一种演变过程。外研社新世纪〔flower〕Most fruit trees flower in the spring.大多数果树在春天开花。21世纪英汉〔gravely〕Most men would rather go to the grave than own up to feelings of dependency.大多数男人宁死都不愿承认有依赖感。柯林斯高阶〔great〕The great majority of (= almost all) people would agree.绝大多数人都会表示赞同。剑桥高阶〔hedge〕Most insurers' conditions are hedged with all sorts of exclusions.大多数保险公司的保险合同都设有各种各样的免责条款。麦克米伦高阶〔hesitation〕The great majority of players would, of course, sign the contract without hesitation.绝大多数球员当然会毫不犹豫地签合同。柯林斯高阶〔hot-desking〕I think that very few employees prefer hot-desking to having a fixed desk.我想大多数雇员都更愿意有一张固定的办公桌而不是轮用办公桌。柯林斯高阶〔identify with〕I believe that most readers will identify with the author.我相信大多数读者会与作者产生共鸣。21世纪英汉〔impression〕Most people want to make an impression.大多数人都想有所作为。外研社新世纪〔inclined〕Most animals are inclined to run when they feel threatened or frightened.大多数动物觉得受到威胁或惊吓时会逃跑。麦克米伦高阶〔indeed〕Most of the essays were very good indeed.这些文章大多数都非常好。朗文当代〔informer〕Most police informers receive a reward for their information.大多数警方的线人都会因提供消息而获得报酬。剑桥高阶〔itinerary〕The National Gallery is on most tourists' itinerary.大多数游客的行程中都有参观国家美术馆一项。牛津搭配〔majority〕Gas cookers are used in the majority of British homes.大多数英国家庭使用煤气灶。外研社新世纪〔march〕When the terrible march ended, much of the Confederacy lay in smoldering ruins.这次可怕的行军结束后, 大多数邦联士兵倒在了浓烟滚滚的废墟中。外研社新世纪〔mileage〕Most of their mileage is in and around town.他们开车大多数时候是在城里和城市周边转悠。柯林斯高阶〔mock〕The new exam mocked the needs of the majority of children.新的考试无视大多数孩子的需要。牛津高阶〔monogamy〕Monogamy is rare in most animal groups, but is common among birds.单配偶现象在大多数动物群体里很少见,但在鸟类中却很常见。朗文当代〔most〕Like most people, I try to take a vacation every year.像大多数人一样,我每年设法休一次假。朗文当代〔most〕Most pupils wanted to go to university (NOT The most pupils wanted to go to university).大多数小学生想上大学。朗文当代〔most〕Some were barefoot, most were in rags.有些人光着脚,大多数人都衣衫褴褛。朗文当代〔neck〕The manager was getting it in the neck every week despite winning most of his games.主教练每个星期都挨训, 尽管大多数比赛他都赢了。外研社新世纪〔need〕Most babies need at least 12 hours of sleep a day.大多数婴儿每天至少需要12小时的睡眠。韦氏高阶〔novelty〕A trip down a mine has great novelty value for most people.对大多数人来说,下矿井参观很有新意。牛津搭配〔occupant〕Most of the occupants had left before the fire broke out.大多数住户在火灾发生前就已经离开了。外研社新世纪〔old〕In those days most people left school when they were only fifteen years old.那时候,大多数人上学只上到十五岁。牛津高阶〔one up〕He's a good artist, which puts him one up on most of his classmates.他是个好的艺术家,在艺术方面胜过大多数同学。韦氏高阶〔open〕After the security alert, most of the firms affected were open for business on Monday morning.安全预警过后,大多数受到影响的公司都在星期一上午开始营业。朗文当代〔persistence〕Most financial analysts have been surprised by the persistence of the recession.大多数金融分析家都对这种持续的衰退表示惊讶。剑桥高阶〔play〕The play is reviewed in most of today's papers.今天大多数报纸都评论了该剧。牛津搭配〔point〕Baja California is the crossing point for most illegal immigrants to the US.大多数非法移民到美国的人把下加利福尼亚作为一个过境点。牛津搭配〔potential〕Most people overestimate the potential risk involved.大多数人高估了其中的潜在风险。外研社新世纪〔predominate〕All nationalities were represented — but the English predominated.所有国家都有代表出席——但是英格兰人占大多数柯林斯高阶〔price〕Most goods are available, but at a price.大多数商品都有售,但是价格极高。柯林斯高阶〔problem〕Most people can see the ethical problem with accepting such an offer.大多数人能看到接受这样一个提议在伦理上产生的问题。牛津搭配〔rank〕Most are recruited from the ranks of people who studied Latin and Greek at university.大多数人是从在大学里修读拉丁文和希腊语的人中招来的。朗文当代〔realm〕Most readers are likely to lose interest when he descends into the realms of (= starts discussing) rhetorical terminology.当他转而谈论修辞术语时,大多数读者很可能会失去兴趣。牛津搭配〔simple〕By issuing simple voice commands, you can get the computer to perform most functions.通过发出简单的语音指令,你就可以使计算机执行大多数的功能。麦克米伦高阶〔soaked〕Most of the walkers were soaked to the skin.大多数步行者都浑身湿透了。麦克米伦高阶〔stay〕I stayed the course longer than most.我比大多数人坚持的时间长。外研社新世纪〔subsonic〕This is 20,000 feet higher than most subsonic airliners.这比大多数亚音速飞机的飞行高度高 20,000 英尺。柯林斯高阶〔suppress〕Men are required to suppress a large proportion of their feelings.男人大多数情况下要压抑自己的感情。外研社新世纪〔tape〕Most companies already create tape backups and archives.大多数公司已经建立磁带备份和磁带档案。牛津搭配〔transportation〕Most private transportation is vintage Detroit.大多数私人汽车是老牌的底特律产车子。英汉大词典〔try〕Most people would prefer to stick to tried and tested methods of birth control.大多数人都会选择继续使用已经反复验证过的节约方法。剑桥高阶〔unacceptable〕Most people would consider such risks wholly unacceptable.大多数人会认为这样的风险完全不能接受。牛津搭配〔unknown〕Most of her friends are unknown to me.她的大多数朋友我都不认识。麦克米伦高阶〔ups and downs〕Like most married couples we've had our ups and downs, but life's like that.和大多数已婚夫妇一样,我们也经历过沉浮波折,但生活就是如此。剑桥高阶〔urethra〕The canal through which urine is discharged from the bladder in most mammals and through which semen is discharged in the male.尿道:大多数哺乳动物自上尿液从膀胱中排出体外的管道,雄性的精子可从中排出美国传统〔volley〕She hit most of the winning volleys.大多数得分的截击球都是她击出的。外研社新世纪〔voucher〕The voucher can be used at most major supermarkets.这种购物券可以在大多数大型超级市场使用。朗文当代〔walk〕I could walk down most of the boys.我能走得比大多数男孩子远。英汉大词典〔well worn〕Most British visitors beat a well-worn path to the same tourist areas of the US.大多数英国游客总沿着一条老路线参观相同的美国旅游景点。牛津高阶〔wide〕Most experts agree that the election is wide open at this point.大多数专家都认为选举进行到此阶段结果仍难预料。朗文当代〔within〕They are lowering prices to bring the product within reach of the mass of consumers.他们在降低价格, 以使大多数消费者都能买得起这种产品。外研社新世纪〔woefully〕Most of the ships were woefully short of ammunition.大多数舰船弹药极度匮乏。柯林斯高阶Although it was a mixed class, girls preponderated.虽然这是一个男女混合班,但女生占大多数剑桥国际Like most people (= As most people would) , I'd prefer to have enough money not to work.和大多数人一样,我更喜欢有足够的钱而不必工作。剑桥国际Most European countries put the clocks back in the autumn and forward in the spring.大多数欧洲国家在秋天把钟表拨慢一小时,在春天又拨快一小时。剑桥国际Most avalanche accidents occur on north- and east-facing slopes.大多数雪崩事故发生在北坡和东坡。剑桥国际Most borrowers of library books go for romance, mystery and crime.大多数到图书馆借书的人喜欢关于爱情、神秘故事和犯罪的书。剑桥国际Most countries were waiting to see how the new rime behaved before passing comment.这个新政权作何表现,大多数国家正拭目以待,不发表看法。剑桥国际Most evenings there's a party and the dress code is rigid--black tie.大多数的晚上有晚会,着装的要求很死板----要戴黑色的领带。剑桥国际Most of our staff are on short-term contracts.我们的大多数员工签订的是短期合同。牛津商务Most of the damage was done to the front nearside wing of the car.汽车的绝大多数损坏都发生在左前侧。剑桥国际Most of the village's inhabitants are retired city folk enjoying a rural/pastoral idyll.这村子的大多数居民是城市中退休的人,他们在享受着乡村的/田园诗般的快乐生活。剑桥国际Most of what he said was just a load of guff.他说的大多数话只不过是一些废话。剑桥国际Most parents expect that their children will survive them.大多数父母都预计自己比孩子死得早。剑桥国际Most parents prefer to use disposable nappies if they can.如果可能大多数父母都愿意用一次性尿布。剑桥国际Sundry distant relatives, most of whom I hardly recognized, turned up for my brother's wedding.形形色色的远房亲戚都来参加我哥哥的婚礼,其中大多数人我几乎都不认识。剑桥国际The crossing of this dangerous river was a challenge to most of us. 对我们大多数人来说,横渡这条充满危险的大河确实是个挑战。译典通The disease mostly affects people over 50, causing paralysis and uncontrollable tremors.这种病大多数影响50岁以上的人,它导致瘫痪和无法控制的颤抖。剑桥国际They haven't been given these rights for (all) eternity--they should justify having them just like most other people have to.他们不是永远享有这些权利的----他们应该证明有权享有它们,正像其他大多数人不得不做的那样。剑桥国际




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