

单词 大写字母
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RULE/REGULATION〕Sending an angry e-mail in capital letters breaks the rules of netiquette. 用全大写字母发出语调气愤的电子邮件违反了网上礼节。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕Please print your name in block capitals. 请用印刷体大写字母写你的姓名。朗文写作活用〔block capitals〕Complete the form in block capitals.用大写字母填写表格。朗文当代〔block capitals〕Please fill out the form in block capitals.请用正楷大写字母填写表格。牛津高阶〔block capitals〕Please print your name and address in block capitals.请用正体大写字母书写你的姓名和地址。剑桥高阶〔block letters〕The message was written in block letters.这条信息是用大写字母写的。韦氏高阶〔capital letter〕A letter written or printed in a size larger than and often in a form differing from its corresponding lowercase letter; an uppercase letter.大写字母:以比其相应的小体字母更大的并且通常不同的字体书写的或印刷的一个字母;大写字母美国传统〔capitalization〕The use of capital letters in writing or printing.大写字母:在书写或印刷中使用大写字母美国传统〔capitalize〕To begin a word with a capital letter.用大写字母为一个词开头美国传统〔capitalize〕To write or print in capital letters.用大写字母来书写或印刷美国传统〔capital〕Abbr. cap.Relating to or being a capital letter.缩写 cap.大写字母的:关于或是一个大写字母美国传统〔capital〕He wrote the title in capitals.他用大写字母写下题目。麦克米伦高阶〔capital〕His handwritten capital S's look a lot like lowercase/small s's.他手写的大写字母S看起来就像小写字母s。韦氏高阶〔capital〕On its menus was embossed a pair of capital "R's".菜单上饰有一对大写字母R的浮雕图案。外研社新世纪〔capital〕Please print your name in capitals.请用大写字母以印刷体填写你的名字。剑桥高阶〔capital〕Please write in capitals/in capital letters.请用大写字母书写。牛津高阶〔capital〕The name and address are written in capitals.姓名和地址是用大写字母写的。外研社新世纪〔capital〕The title of the report is written in capitals.那篇报告的标题是以大写字母写的。文馨英汉〔capital〕Use block capitals(= separate capital letters).使用大写字母牛津高阶〔cap〕A capital letter.大写字母美国传统〔cap〕She signed the letter with her name in caps: KIM.她在信上用大写字母签上了她的名字:KIM。韦氏高阶〔cross-reference〕In most dictionaries words to which the reader is cross-referenced are given in small capitals.在多数词典中,通过互见指引读者去参看的词用小号大写字母印刷。英汉大词典〔cross-reference〕Other spellings of the word are cross-referenced to this spelling in small capitals.此词的其他拼写形式以互见方式被指引到用小号大写字母印刷的这种拼写形式上来。英汉大词典〔cross-reference〕The words cross-referenced to are in small capitals.通过互见指引读者去参看的词用小号大写字母印刷。英汉大词典〔cross-refer〕In this dictionary capital letters are used to cross-refer from one word to another.在这本词典中,大写字母被用来指引读者从一个词去参看另一个词。英汉大词典〔eccentricity〕The use of lowercase letters for capital letters was one of the idiosyncrasies of the poet e.e. cummings.用小写字母代替大写字母是诗人e.e.卡明斯特有的风格。美国传统〔figures shift〕A shift in a typewriter to uppercase.符号转换:打字机向大写字母盘的转换美国传统〔figures shift〕Computer Science A data control character after which characters are interpreted as having been typed in the uppercase mode.【计算机科学】 符号变换,字符切换:一种数据控制字符,按下后字符被解释为已按大写字母模式键入美国传统〔in〕The title was printed in capital letters.标题是用大写字母印刷的。朗文当代〔letter〕Fill in the form in block letters.用大写字母填表。牛津搭配〔letter〕Fill in the form in capital letters (=written in their large form) .用大写字母填写表格。朗文当代〔letter〕His name was written in large white letters over the doorway.他的名字用白色的大写字母写在门的上方。牛津搭配〔letter〕I wrote my name in capital letters.我用大写字母写我的名字。韦氏高阶〔letter〕Write your name in capital/block letters.用大写字母书写姓名。牛津高阶〔lowercase letter〕A letter written or printed in a size smaller than and often in a form differing from its corresponding capital letter.小写字母:用一种比与其相应的大写字母小而且经常形状相异的字体书写的或印刷出来的字母美国传统〔netiquette〕It's considered bad netiquette to use capital letters in an email because it looks like YOU ARE SHOUTING.在电子邮件中使用大写字母被认为是不符合规范的,因为这样看起来像是在吼叫。剑桥高阶〔noun〕Proper nouns begin with a capital letter.专有名词以大写字母开头。牛津搭配〔practice〕It is common practice among my friends to not use capital letters in e-mail.我的朋友之间写电子邮件时通常都不使用大写字母韦氏高阶〔print〕Please print using capital letters.请用印刷体大写字母书写。外研社新世纪〔print〕The children carefully printed their names in capitals at the bottom of their pictures.孩子们在他们的画底下用印刷体大写字母仔细地写上自己的名字。21世纪英汉〔scad〕If we abolish capitals, there'd be scads less trouble.假如我们取消大写字母,那就可省去不少麻烦。英汉大词典〔sentence fragment〕A phrase or clause that is punctuated and capitalized as a sentence but does not constitute a complete grammatical sentence.句断:一个词组或从句,虽被标为句子或以大写字母开头,但语法上并不能构成一个完整的句子美国传统〔shift〕To select uppercase characters by depressing a key on a typewriter or computer keyboard.字型转换:在打字机或电脑键盘上按一个键,使换成大写字母字型美国传统〔should〕Every sentence should start with a capital letter.每个句子都应该以大写字母开头。朗文当代〔type〕Telegrams are usually typed out entirely in capital letters.电报通常全文都用大写字母打出。英汉大词典〔uncial〕A capital letter written in this style.安色尔字体的大写字母美国传统〔upper case〕Most schools teach children lower case letters first, and upper case letters later.大多学校先教孩子们小写字母,然后再教大写字母柯林斯高阶〔upper case〕Most schools teach children lower-case letters first, and upper-case letters later.大多数学校先教孩子们小写字母, 后教大写字母外研社新世纪〔uppercase〕To print or set in uppercase letters.用大写字母印刷,用大写字母排版美国传统In this dictionary cross-references are shown in capital letters. 本词典中相互参照的词用大写字母表示。译典通Please change all capitals to lower-case letters.请把所有大写字母换成小写字母。剑桥国际Proper nouns are spelled with a capital letter. 专有名词用大写字母译典通THIS SENTENCE IS PRINTED IN CAPITALS/CAPITAL LETTERS.这个句子用大写字母印刷。剑桥国际




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