

单词 conduit
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aqueduct〕A bridgelike structure supporting a conduit or canal passing over a river or low ground.高架渠,桥管:输水道或水渠经河面或低地时起支撑作用的桥状结构物美国传统〔channel〕A tubular passage for liquids; a conduit.水管:液体流过的管道;引水道美国传统〔conduit〕Drug traffickers have used the country as a conduit for shipments to the U.S.毒品贩子利用该国作为把毒品运往美国的通道。朗文当代〔conduit〕He was a reporter; a conduit between the known world and the unknown.他是一名记者, 是已知世界和未知世界之间的媒介。外研社新世纪〔conduit〕In theory, the media are no more than conduits of information and views.理论上来说, 媒体仅仅是信息和观点的渠道。外研社新世纪〔conduit〕Pakistan became a conduit for drugs produced in Afghanistan.巴基斯坦变成了阿富汗制造的毒品向外贩运的通道。外研社新世纪〔conduit〕Pakistan became a conduit for drugs produced in Afghanistan.巴基斯坦成了阿富汗毒品的贩运通道。柯林斯高阶〔conduit〕The organization had acted as a conduit for money from the arms industry.那家机构充当了从军火工业向他处中转资金的渠道。牛津高阶〔conduit〕There is growth in sales to Hong Kong, the conduit for Taiwan's exports to China.台湾通过香港对中国大陆的出口量有所增长。剑桥高阶〔culvert〕The channel or conduit for such a sewer or drain.涵洞管道:涵洞的沟渠或引水道美国传统〔fence〕To act as a conduit for stolen goods.买卖赃物:获取或转让赃物的行为美国传统〔gate〕A device for controlling the passage of water or gas through a dam or conduit.水门,闸门:一种用来控制水或气通过一坝堤或水道的装置美国传统〔intake〕An opening by which a fluid is admitted into a container or conduit.入口:流体流入容器或管道的入口美国传统〔lead〕To be a channel or conduit for (water or electricity, for example).引:作为(如水或电)的渠道或导管美国传统〔main〕The principal pipe or conduit in a system for conveying water, gas, oil, or other utility.主要管道:输送水、天然气、石油系统中的主要管道或沟渠或其他公用事业设备美国传统〔penstock〕A pipe or conduit used to carry water to a water wheel or turbine.水渠,压力水管:一种将水输往水轮机或涡轮机的管道美国传统〔pipeline〕A conduit of pipe, especially one used for the conveyance of water, gas, or petroleum products.管道,管线:一条尤指用来输送水、气或石油产品的输送管道美国传统〔return〕A pipe or conduit for carrying something, especially water, back to its starting point.回行管道:将某物(尤指水)运送至起始点的管子或管道美国传统〔sewer〕An artificial, usually underground conduit for carrying off sewage or rainwater.排水沟,下水道:人工的、通常在地下用于排废物或取水的沟美国传统〔shaft〕A duct or conduit for the passage of air, as for ventilation or heating.通风道:空气流通的通道或传送管道,如用于通风或加热时美国传统〔trunk〕A chute or conduit.流槽或管道美国传统〔water pipe〕A pipe that is a conduit for water.水管:输送水的管子美国传统Along either side of these conduits, lie the cultivated districts. 在这些导线管的两边是被耕耘了的地区。译典通There is a conduit underneath the new house. 这座新房子底下有个导水管。译典通When day broke, they gathered by a conduit. 当天刚破晓时,他们聚集在喷泉旁。译典通




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