

单词 多年来
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COUNTRY〕For more than 70 years, the former Soviet Union was a one-party state. 七十多年来,苏联一直是一党执政的国家。朗文写作活用〔FAIL〕There had been signs that their marriage was on the rocks for years. 有迹象表明他们的婚姻多年来一直有问题。朗文写作活用〔JOB〕He was a keen amateur photographer for many years before he turned professional. 多年来他一直是个热心的业余摄影师,是后来才成为专业摄影师的。朗文写作活用〔MUSIC〕It is the first performance of Berlioz's Requiem in this city in over 20 years. 20多年来柏辽兹的《安魂曲》是首次在这座城市演出。朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕Carl felt I'd been deceiving him all these years by not telling him I was gay. 这么多年来我一直没有告诉卡尔我是同性恋者,他觉得我这是在欺骗他。朗文写作活用〔SIGN〕People have been looking for evidence of life on other planets for years. 人们多年来一直在寻找其他星球上有生命存在的证据。朗文写作活用〔TEACH〕For many years Dr Thornton lectured in Economics at University College. 很多年来,桑顿博士在大学学院里教经济学。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕For years, these people who are now at war lived together very peacefully. 现在在交战的这些人,多年来都是和平共处的。朗文写作活用〔accumulate〕Over the years, I had accumulated hundreds of books.多年来我积累了几百本书。麦克米伦高阶〔agonize〕For years I agonized over whether I could have helped my daughter.多年来,我对是否本该帮我女儿一事感到极度痛苦。麦克米伦高阶〔ape〕For years the British film industry merely aped Hollywood.多年来,英国电影业一味模仿好莱坞。牛津高阶〔apparatus〕For many years, the country had been buried under the apparatus of the regime.多年来,这个国家一直处于该政权机构的高压统治下。柯林斯高阶〔attack〕Unfortunately, the carved ceilings have suffered woodworm attack over the years.可惜的是,多年来雕花的屋顶一直遭到蛀虫的侵害。朗文当代〔bad blood〕There has been bad blood between the two families for years.这两家多年来一直不和。剑桥高阶〔bad〕The company has been struggling for years, and things have recently gone from bad to worse.公司多年来一直在惨淡经营,最近则是每况愈下。韦氏高阶〔bang on about〕He has been banging on about education reform for years.多年来,他一直在唠叨教育改革的事。柯林斯高阶〔beloved〕Eric was a gifted teacher beloved by all those he taught over the years.埃里克是位有天赋的教师,多年来他一直受到所有学生们的热爱。剑桥高阶〔bitter〕She'd suffered terribly over the years but it hadn't made her bitter.多年来她受尽了苦,可她并不怨恨。剑桥高阶〔block〕For years the country has tried to block imports of various cheap foreign products.多年来,这个国家一直竭力阻挠各种廉价外国产品的进口。柯林斯高阶〔captivate〕The play has been captivating audiences for years.这部剧多年来一直吸引着观众。韦氏高阶〔churn ... out〕He has been churning out detective stories for more than ten years.十多年来,他一直在大量粗制滥造侦探小说。21世纪英汉〔confiding〕They've developed a very confiding relationship over the years.多年来,他们建立了非常信任的关系。韦氏高阶〔consistent〕I have been consistent in my approach over the years.我的方法多年来一直保持不变。麦克米伦高阶〔contrive〕The orchestra contrived to produce some of its best playing for years.这支管弦乐队尽力发挥出多年来的最佳水平。外研社新世纪〔damned〕Not a damned thing has changed in more than 120 years.120多年来, 没有发生任何变化。外研社新世纪〔deal〕The people of Liverpool have had a bad deal for many, many years.多年来, 利物浦人遭受了不公正待遇。外研社新世纪〔demolish〕Her study demolished a theory that had gone unquestioned for years.她的研究推翻了多年来一直未受置疑的一个理论。韦氏高阶〔demolition〕The church has been threatened with demolition for years.这座教堂多年来一直面临被拆毁的危险。牛津搭配〔dieter〕I've been an unsuccessful dieter for years.多年来,我一直是个失败的减肥者。韦氏高阶〔disrepute〕The theory has been in disrepute for years.这一理论多年来已无人眷顾。韦氏高阶〔elude〕At 62, Brian found the celebrity and status that had eluded him for so long.布赖恩在62岁时获得了多年来未能得到的名望和地位。柯林斯高阶〔erode〕Years of mismanagement have eroded the quality of their products.多年来的管理不善慢慢地毁掉了他们产品的质量。韦氏高阶〔escape〕He succeeded in escaping punishment for many years.许多年来他成功地避开了惩罚。韦氏高阶〔estrangement〕The trip will bring to an end years of estrangement between the two countries.此行将会结束两国多年来的疏远关系。柯林斯高阶〔faithful〕Dr Still gave years of faithful service.斯蒂尔医生多年来一直忠诚地为大家服务。麦克米伦高阶〔fiction〕For years he managed to keep up the fiction that he was not married.多年来他设法一直给人一种未婚的假象。牛津高阶〔fierce〕The two teams have had a fierce rivalry for many years.这两支球队多年来一直是彼此的劲敌。韦氏高阶〔grievance〕For years he nursed a grievance against his former employer.多年来他一直对他以前的老板心怀不满。麦克米伦高阶〔hairstylist〕I've been going to the same hairstylist for years.多年来我一直请同一个发型师设计发型。剑桥高阶〔halfway〕It's the only halfway decent novel she's written in years.这是她这么多年来所写的唯一还算过得去的小说。麦克米伦高阶〔harassment〕African-Americans have been complaining about police harassment for years.美国黑人多年来一直抱怨受到警察的骚扰。朗文当代〔indelible〕Her words left an indelible impression on me for years to come.她的话多年来我都难以忘怀。朗文当代〔involve〕She's been involved with animal rights for many years.她多年来一直参与保护动物权益的活动。剑桥高阶〔in〕She was in and out of trouble for many years.多年来,她的麻烦不断。韦氏高阶〔languish〕She languished in obscurity for many years until the success of her novel made her famous.她多年来默默无闻,直到她的小说畅销才出了名。韦氏高阶〔larger-than-life〕For many years he was an almost larger-than-life personality.多年来他几乎是个传奇人物。英汉大词典〔luxuriate〕Ralph was luxuriating in the first real holiday he'd had in years.拉尔夫正在享受多年来第一个真正的假期。外研社新世纪〔midst〕We are in the midst of one of the worst recessions for many, many years.我们正处于多年来最严重的一次经济衰退之中。外研社新世纪〔misrule〕The country has suffered years of misrule by a weak and corrupt government.该国多年来一直处于一个软弱腐败的政府的蠹政之下。朗文当代〔motherlode〕The Pacific Northwest has been the motherlode of the nation's aluminum output for 60 years. 太平洋西北60多年来一直是这个国家铝矿的主产地。剑桥高阶〔move on〕I'd done the same job for years and felt it was time to move on.我多年来一直在做同一份工作,觉得是该换换工作了。剑桥高阶〔neglect〕The buildings had been neglected for years.这些大楼多年来一直无人看管。牛津高阶〔nurture〕European union is an ideal that has been nurtured since the post-war years.建立欧盟是战后多年来一直争取实现的理想。朗文当代〔ostracism〕She suffered years of ostracism from the scientific community.多年来,她一直受到科学界的排斥。韦氏高阶〔paid-up〕Oh yes, he's been a fully paid-up capitalist for years.是的,多年来他一直是个十足的资本家。麦克米伦高阶〔pair〕The parents have tried for years to pair the two young people off.父母多年来一直设法让这二位年轻人成婚。21世纪英汉〔pass ... by〕He passed by the name of John many years.多年来他一直使用约翰这个名字。21世纪英汉〔peaceable〕As neighbors, they had lived peaceably for many years.作为邻居,多年来他们和睦相处。韦氏高阶〔put the screws on/to (someone or something)〕The government is finally putting the screws to an industry that's been evading environmental laws for years.政府终于开始对多年来一直违反环境法的行业施加压力了。韦氏高阶〔puzzle〕Scientists have been trying to solve this puzzle for years.多年来科学家们一直试图解开这个谜。剑桥高阶〔quest〕They have been questing for a new method of language teaching for years.多年来他们一直在探索语言教学的一种新方法。21世纪英汉〔reliability〕It's been working reliably for years.它多年来运转一直很稳定。柯林斯高阶〔ride〕He has ridden Europe's railroads for years.多年来他一直乘坐欧洲的几条铁路线旅行。英汉大词典〔rusty〕We spent years travelling around in a rusty old van.我们多年来都开着一辆生锈的旧货车四处旅行。柯林斯高阶〔scratch〕People have been scratching their names on this rock for years.许多年来人们都在这块岩石上刻写名字。剑桥高阶〔skim〕For years his business partner had been skimming off the profits.他的商业伙伴多年来一直在私吞利润。朗文当代〔snoop〕Government agencies have been snooping on them for years.多年来政府部门一直在窥探他们的情况。韦氏高阶〔sponge〕He has been sponging off us for years.多年来他一直靠我们养活他。英汉大词典〔stalwart〕She has been a stalwart supporter of the party for many years.她多年来一直是该党的忠实支持者。剑桥高阶〔staple〕Phosphate has been a staple of this area for many years.磷酸盐多年来一直是这一地区的主要产品。剑桥高阶〔strut〕The man has strutted importantly about the national stage for years.此人多年来在国家政治舞台上扮演重要角色。英汉大词典〔substantially〕Society has remained substantially unchanged for many years.多年来社会大体没有变化。外研社新世纪〔support〕I'd like to thank my parents for all of their love and support over the years.我想谢谢父母多年来给我的爱和鼓励。韦氏高阶〔torture〕He tortured himself for years with the thought that he could have stopped the boy from running into the road.他本可以阻止那个男孩跑到马路上去的想法多年来一直折磨着他。剑桥高阶〔unchanged〕For many years prices have remained virtually unchanged.价格多年来几乎没变。柯林斯高阶〔unmatched〕For years they have enjoyed a standard of living unmatched by any other country in Europe.多年来,他们所享受的生活水准是欧洲其他任何国家都无法比拟的。剑桥高阶〔unsightly〕My mother has had unsightly varicose veins for years.我母亲多年来一直患有难看的静脉曲张。柯林斯高阶〔untouchable〕For many years, the institution was an untouchable force in politics.很多年来,这个机构在政界一直无人敢管。麦克米伦高阶〔violence〕She had suffered years of violence and abuse.她多年来饱受暴力和虐待之苦。牛津搭配〔vocation〕She struggled for years to find her true vocation.她多年来苦苦寻找真正适合自己的职业。牛津搭配〔whim〕For years she had been subject to her husband's whims.多年来她一直受丈夫的冲动之苦。牛津搭配〔yoke〕The Hong Kong dollar was yoked to the American dollar for many years.港元多年来与美元挂钩。牛津高阶A relentless campaigner, he was a thorn in the government's side for a number of years.作为一名不屈不挠的活动家,多年来他一直是政府的眼中钉。剑桥国际After years of having to listen to her carping criticism, he finally left her.他多年来一直不得不听她吹毛求疵的批评,终于离开了她。剑桥国际Dr Lehrer has worked for years to save these very rare birds.莱勒博士已经工作了多年来挽救这些非常稀有的鸟类。剑桥国际For many years, art schools used male models who hid their genitalia in posing pouches.多年来,艺术学校使用男模特时让他们都戴着男性生殖器保护袋来遮掩。剑桥国际For the first time in many years, the brunt of the snow hit the south-east.多年来,大雪中心首次袭击了东南部地区。剑桥国际For years Mary had been pestering him to take her to Europe. 玛丽多年来一直缠著他要他带她去欧洲玩。译典通For years, he's plodded away at the same dull routine job.多年来,他一直在做同一项单调的工作。剑桥国际He blamed the huge backlog in repairs on disinvestment in the railways over many years.他将修理工作的大量积压归咎于多年来对铁路投资的缩减。牛津商务He pursued his hobby of collecting old almanacs for so many years. 许多年来他一直保持著收集旧历书的嗜好。译典通He pursued this course of action indomitably for several years.多年来他不屈不挠地实行这一行动方针。剑桥国际He spent years moonlighting as a cab driver.他多年来都在私下里兼职开出租车。牛津商务Major US stock indexes tumbled to new multi-year lows.美国各大股票指数跌至多年来的新低。牛津商务Over the years the church has fallen into a state of neglect.多年来教堂沦落到无人照管的地步。剑桥国际The accident happened as a result of years of indifference on the part of the safety regulators.由于安全管理人员多年来对安全问题漠不关心,导致了这一事故的发生。剑桥国际The legalization of gambling has been decried by social welfare groups for years. 赌博的合法化多年来一直受到社福团体的谴责。译典通The walls of the cell were covered with the scrawls of the prisoners that had been held there over the years.牢房的墙上涂满了多年来关在里面的囚犯的乱涂乱画。剑桥国际This has been one of the driest Aprils for many years.这是多年来最干旱的一个四月。剑桥国际We've had a few arguments over the years, but in general we get on marvellously.多年来我们有些小争吵,但总的来说相处得很好。剑桥国际




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