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例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BASIC〕The essential point is that you both need to treat each other with much more respect. 最重要的一点是你俩都需要多多尊重对方。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕Teenagers were dropping out of school in huge numbers, until a group of parents and teachers decided to do something about it. 许许多多青少年都辍学了,后来一群家长和教师决定针对这一情况想想办法。朗文写作活用〔Dodona〕An ancient city of northwest Greece. It was a center of Pelasgian worship dedicated to Zeus.多多纳城:希腊西北部古代城市,曾是佩拉斯吉人礼拜宙斯的中心美国传统〔FAST〕You'll have to work a lot faster than this. 你得比这个速度再多多加快地干才行。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕There are still a great many unknown insect species in the world. 世界上仍有许许多多未知的昆虫种类。朗文写作活用〔LIKE〕Lovers of night life won't be able to resist the many nightclubs in the area. 热爱过夜生活的人是抵挡不住这里许许多多夜总会的诱惑的。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕The new manager is tremendously enthusiastic, and he's got bags of new ideas. 新来的经理很热心,有许许多多的新设想。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕The women see dozens and dozens of movies a year. 那些女人一年看许许多多的电影。朗文写作活用〔NEAR〕Around Salzburg there are literally dozens of exciting places to visit -- all within easy reach. 萨尔茨堡周围确实有许许多多引人入胜的地方可去—它们都在很近便的地方。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕She's had a lot of personal problems - her mother died when she was eight. 她有许许多多个人问题—她八岁丧母。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕As expected, there were dozens of cellular phones on display. 一如所料,陈列着许许多多手机。朗文写作活用〔SPACE〕Tens of thousands of acres of farmland are swallowed up each year by developers seeking living space for the city's fast-growing population. 城市人口快速增长,每年都有许许多多的农田被寻找居住空间的开发商所侵吞。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕Too many children are still injured in avoidable accidents. 仍有许许多多的儿童在本可避免的意外事故中受伤。朗文写作活用〔TIRED/TIRING〕Get plenty of rest and try not to tire yourself unnecessarily. 多多休息,没必要把自己累坏了。朗文写作活用〔absolutism〕They are saying, with varying degrees of absolutism, that animals should not be exploited at all.他们都多多少少带有些绝对地说动物根本不该被拿来利用。柯林斯高阶〔awful〕I saw an awful lot of things.我看到许许多多的东西。英汉大词典〔bastard〕Life can be a real bastard at times.有时生活会变得麻烦多多柯林斯高阶〔bastard〕Life's a bastard sometimes.生活有时候麻烦多多朗文当代〔befit〕As befits a castle of such national importance, there are many stories connected with its history.这是一个国家级的古堡,理所当然流传着许许多多和它有关的历史故事。朗文当代〔be〕A large range of species are to be seen in the aquarium.水族馆里可以看到许许多多不同品种的鱼。朗文当代〔break〕There are hundreds of young musicians out there looking for their first break.许许多多的年轻音乐人在寻找他们的第一次机会。朗文当代〔breast-feeding〕There are many advantages to breast-feeding.母乳喂养益处多多外研社新世纪〔bring〕The girl is nice, but needs a lot of bringing out.这姑娘不错,但还需要多多在场面上经受锻炼。英汉大词典〔care〕She will need lots of tender loving care.她需要多多的细心呵护。牛津搭配〔case〕There are thousands of new cases of AIDS in Africa every year.非洲每年都会出现许许多多艾滋病的新病例。朗文当代〔check〕Applicants are encouraged to check back frequently.欢迎申请人今后多多联系。英汉大词典〔coach〕She has coached hundreds of young singers.她培养了许许多多的青年歌手。牛津高阶〔congratulation〕We had thousands of letters of congratulation.我们收到了许许多多的祝贺信。麦克米伦高阶〔cousin〕Many of our distant cousins, whom we hadn't seen for years, came to my sister's wedding.我们家许多多年未见的远房亲戚赶来参加姐姐的婚礼。剑桥高阶〔creative〕Like so many creative people, he was never satisfied.像许许多多有创造力的人一样, 他从不满足。外研社新世纪〔custom〕We should [would] like to have your custom.我们希望你多多惠顾。文馨英汉〔deluge〕The company received a deluge of complaints about the defective product.公司收到许许多多对这种有缺陷产品的投诉。麦克米伦高阶〔dictate〕The officers were more or less able to dictate terms to successive governments.这些军官多多少少都能和继任的各届政府谈些条件。柯林斯高阶〔dozen〕I've talked to dozens and dozens of people and they all agree it's wrong.我已经跟许许多多的人谈过,他们都一致认为这是错的。麦克米伦高阶〔draw〕Friday morning's native market is the big draw to Toluca.星期五早上的当地集市吸引许许多多人去托卢卡。英汉大词典〔end〕It'll cost no end of money! 那要花许许多多钱!英汉大词典〔fantastically〕Unlikely and fantastic legends grew up around a great many figures, both real and fictitious.围绕着许许多多或真实或虚构的人物,产生了一些不可思议、荒诞离奇的传说。柯林斯高阶〔flush〕The spring brings a flush of young animals to the farm.春天给农场带来了许许多多的动物幼崽。朗文当代〔gain〕There is much to be gained from seeking expert advice early.尽早征求专家意见好处多多朗文当代〔grim〕Millions of Britons face the grim prospect (=something bad that will probably happen) of dearer home loans.许许多多的英国人未来可能面对一个严酷的事实: 住房贷款负担更加沉重。朗文当代〔grist〕Political sex scandals are all grist to the mill of the tabloid newspapers.政界的性丑闻对通俗小报总是多多益善。牛津高阶〔hassle〕Camping isn't really worth all the hassle.野营麻烦多多,其实不值。牛津搭配〔have〕The airline has had thousands of complaints about delays and cancelled flights.该航空公司收到了许许多多关于飞机延误和取消航班的投诉。麦克米伦高阶〔heap〕It's going to be heaps of fun.会有许许多多的乐趣。麦克米伦高阶〔hell〕A hell of a lot has happened.发生了许许多多事情。英汉大词典〔hell〕A hell of a lot of people like this novel.许许多多的人喜欢这部小说。英汉大词典〔huge〕There are huge numbers of children who have greatly benefited from this.许许多多的孩子从中获益匪浅。外研社新世纪〔hundred〕Hundreds of tree species face extinction.许许多多树种濒临灭绝。柯林斯高阶〔if〕They're great kids, even if they can be demanding.虽然他们要求多多,但他们是很好的孩子。剑桥高阶〔imprison〕Many many years ago, glaciers imprisoned much of our planet's water.许许多多年以前,冰川把我们这个星球的大部分水源给堵塞了。英汉大词典〔independently〕There were benefits to being a single independent woman.做一个单身、自立的女性好处多多柯林斯高阶〔individually〕It would be impractical to attempt to acknowledge individually those many who have given us aid and advice.要想对许许多多给我们提供过帮助和建议的人分别表示谢意,恐怕有点不切实际。英汉大词典〔infinite〕The city offers an infinite variety of things to do.在这个城市有许许多多事情可做。麦克米伦高阶〔lavish〕Hug your children and lavish them with love.拥抱你的孩子,多多关爱他们。朗文当代〔lead〕The police have checked out dozens of leads, but have yet to find the killer.警方核查了许许多多的线索,但还是没有找到杀人凶手。朗文当代〔lot〕There were lots and lots of posters to choose from.有许许多多的海报可以选择。麦克米伦高阶〔many〕Many's the tale he has told us.他给我们讲的故事有许许多多英汉大词典〔many〕They were one of the many, many families that came to watch the parade.许许多多的家庭都来观看游行,他们是其中的一家。韦氏高阶〔many〕You can never have too many friends.朋友总是多多益善。韦氏高阶〔melt〕A lot of the gold was melted down and used for making jewellery.许许多多的黄金被熔化后用来制作首饰。朗文当代〔messiah〕An ordinary priest, he was hailed by thousands as the new messiah.他是一个普通的神父,却被许许多多的人视为新的救世主。剑桥高阶〔million〕I've got a million and one things to do today.今天我有许许多多的事要做。英汉大词典〔more〕It cost a lot more than we expected.花费比我们原来预计的多多了。外研社新世纪〔more〕She earns a lot more than I do.她赚的钱比我多多了。牛津高阶〔multitude〕These systems are capable of performing multitudes of tasks.这些系统能完成许许多多不同的任务。英汉大词典〔participation〕Teachers were asked to solicit student participation.要求教师敦请学生多多参与。牛津搭配〔pass over〕Numerous persons with only a few Negroid traits annually pass over and are ab-sorbed into the dominant Caucasoid population.许许多多只有少许黑人特征的人每年都被当作白人而被吸收为占优势的高加索种群人口。21世纪英汉〔plenty〕Your family has plenty to be thankful for.应该多多感谢你的家人。韦氏高阶〔prink〕The thousand and one emporiums patch and prink us.许许多多大百货公司供应我们华丽的服装。21世纪英汉〔puddle〕The meltwater puddled the flat sea ice.融化的冰水在平坦冰冻的海面上形成许许多多的水坑。英汉大词典〔right〕I want to see you use your right a lot more in this round.我希望在这个回合中看到你多多用上右手。英汉大词典〔say〕There's a lot to be said for living in the country.生活在这个国家好处多多外研社新世纪〔sea〕She looked out over a sea of smiling faces.她从许许多多微笑的脸上看过去。麦克米伦高阶〔shortage〕There's no shortage of ideas when it comes to improving the education of children.谈到改善孩子教育问题,大家都想法多多柯林斯高阶〔sling〕She had suffered her own share of slings and arrows in the quest for publicity.在追求成名的道路上, 她经历了许许多多的坎坷不平。外研社新世纪〔sling〕She had suffered her own share of slings and arrows in the quest for publicity.在追求成名的道路上,她经历了许许多多的坎坷不平。柯林斯高阶〔sort〕There are so many different sorts of mushrooms available these days.现在可以买到许许多多不同种类的蘑菇。柯林斯高阶〔spice〕Millions have bought the book to spice up their sex lives.许许多多的人都买了这本书为他们的性生活增添乐趣。朗文当代〔suffering〕This war has caused widespread human suffering.这场战争给许许多多的人带来了苦难。牛津高阶〔teem with〕These mountains are teeming with terrorists.这些山上有许许多多恐怖分子。外研社新世纪〔teem〕These rivers teem with fish.这些河里有许许多多的鱼。麦克米伦高阶〔temp〕Like so many aspiring actresses, she ended up waiting tables and temping in office jobs.和许许多多曾经满怀抱负的女演员一样,她最后只能端端盘子,在办公室打打零工。柯林斯高阶〔to〕There's an awful lot of work to be done.有许许多多的工作要做。剑桥高阶〔trick〕There's no trick to it-you just need lots of practice.没有窍门,只有多多练习。牛津搭配〔umpteen〕He has written umpteen books.他写了许许多多的书 。外研社新世纪〔well〕He's rolling in money! Well, he's got a lot more than me, anyway.他有的是钱! 反正比我多多了。朗文当代At my school we had to put up with a lot of dos and don'ts that were completely pointless.在学校里,我们不得不忍受许许多多的毫无意义的行为规范。剑桥国际I have got a hundred things to do. 我有许许多多事情要做。译典通It's one of those glossy magazines with endless pictures of minor celebrities and socialites attending balls.这是那些浮华杂志中的一本,它刊登了许许多多的照片,全是有关小名流的和有社交界名人参加的舞会。剑桥国际Let's have more action, less discussion.让我们多多行动,少发议论。剑桥国际Most office buildings have dozens of air ducts and vents.多数办公楼都有许许多多的管道和通风口。剑桥国际Plenty of exercise will take some of the beef off you. 多多运动可以给你减掉一些体重。译典通The air was full of butterflies. 天空中飞舞著许许多多蝴蝶。译典通The city is shamed by the large number of homeless people living on its streets.许许多多无家可归的人们露宿在大街上使这个城市丢尽脸面。剑桥国际The heat was overwhelming and people were dropping off like flies.热浪滚滚,难以承受,许许多多的人因此死去。剑桥国际The many sorrows turned her hair white. 这许许多多不幸的事使她的头发变白了。译典通The photograph was a composite of dozens of pictures put together.这张照片是由许许多多的照片拼在一起所组成的。剑桥国际The realities of poverty exist for a great many people across the globe.对于全球的许许多多人而言,贫穷的事实依然存在。剑桥国际There's an awful lot of work to be done.有许许多多的工作要做。剑桥国际We would always take lashings of ginger beer with us when we went on a picnic.野餐时我们总要带许许多多姜汁啤酒。剑桥国际




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