

单词 多发性
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bence-Jones protein〕A protein occurring in the serum and urine of patients with certain diseases, especially multiple myeloma.本斯·琼斯蛋白:一种存在于患某些疾病的病人的血清和尿液中的蛋白质,尤指多发性骨髓美国传统〔HTLV-I〕A retrovirus that causes diseases similar to multiple sclerosis.HTLV-Ⅰ 病毒:一种反录病毒,会引起类似多发性硬化的疾病美国传统〔MEN1 syndrome〕MEN1 syndrome increases the risk of tumours in the endocrine glands.多发性内分泌瘤综合症1型增加了患上内分泌腺肿瘤的风险。剑桥高阶〔MS〕I was recently diagnosed as suffering from MS.我最近被确诊患上了多发性硬化症。外研社新世纪〔NOW〕As of now, there is no cure for multiple sclerosis. 目前多发性硬化症尚无治疗方法。朗文写作活用〔beta-interferon〕A family of glycoproteins that are produced by fibroblasts, have antiviral properties, and are used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.β干扰素:由成纤维细胞产生、具有抗病毒性的糖蛋白族,用于治疗多发性硬化美国传统〔death sentence〕Multiple myeloma is not an inevitable death sentence.多发性骨髓瘤不一定是绝症。外研社新世纪〔demyelinating disease〕Multiple sclerosis is the most common demyelinating disease.多发性硬化症是最常见的髓鞘脱失病。剑桥高阶〔henceforth〕Multiple Sclerosis (henceforth referred to as MS) 多发性硬化(以下称为 MS)朗文当代〔multiple myeloma〕A malignant proliferation of plasma cells in bone marrow causing numerous tumors and characterized by the presence of abnormal proteins in the blood.多发性骨髓瘤:一种骨髓中由于血细胞恶性增生导致的大量肿瘤,并以血液中出现不正常蛋白质为特征美国传统〔multiple sclerosis〕She died recently after a long battle with multiple sclerosis.她与多发性硬化进行了长期斗争, 最近才去世。外研社新世纪〔myeloma〕She was diagnosed with multiple myeloma when fractures in her vertebrae were found.当她的脊椎被发现有裂缝时,她被诊断出患有多发性骨髓瘤。剑桥高阶〔myxomatosis〕A highly infectious, usually fatal disease of rabbits that is caused by a pox virus and is characterized by many skin tumors similar to myxomas.多发性粘液瘤;粘液瘤病:一种高度传染的、通常是兔子患的致命性疾病,由梅毒病毒引起,而且特征为许多类似于粘液瘤的皮肤瘤美国传统〔profit〕All the profits from the sales of the CD will go to the Multiple Sclerosis Society.销售这张CD所得的全部利润将捐给多发性硬化症协会。麦克米伦高阶〔relapse〕The therapy can reduce the relapse rate for multiple sclerosis.这种疗法可以减少多发性硬化的复发率。牛津搭配Multiple sclerosis can result in a man being half-paralyzed. 多发性硬化症可以造成一个人半身不遂。译典通Multiple sclerosis is a disease which affects the function of the nervous system (=the way in which it works or operates).多发性硬化是一种影响神经系统工作的病症。剑桥国际




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