

单词 声音的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔acoustics〕Acoustics is the scientific study of sound.音响学是对声音的科学研究。文馨英汉〔articulation〕The act or manner of producing a speech sound.发音:发出说话声音的行为或方式美国传统〔audiophile〕A person having an ardent interest in stereo or high-fidelity sound reproduction.高保真度音响爱好者:对立体声或高保真度声音的播放有热切兴趣的人美国传统〔audiotape〕A tape recording of sound.已录音磁带:录下声音的磁带美国传统〔audio〕Of or relating to high-fidelity sound reproduction.高保真:属于或关于高保真度声音的重放的美国传统〔audio〕Of or relating to humanly audible sound.声音的:属于或关于人类可听到的声音的美国传统〔audio〕Of or relating to the broadcasting or reception of sound.声频:属于或关于声音的传播或接收的美国传统〔audio〕The broadcasting, reception, or reproduction of sound.音响:声音的传播、接收及重放美国传统〔barker〕One, such as a dog, that makes a bark or a barking sound.会吠叫的动物:发出吠叫或类似声音的动物,如狗美国传统〔bioacoustics〕The study of sounds produced by or affecting living organisms, especially those sounds involved in communication.生物声学:对由生物产生或影响生物的声音的研究,尤指相互沟通时所发的那些声音美国传统〔brattle〕A movement that produces such a sound.发出这种声音的运动美国传统〔brazen〕Having a loud, usually harsh, resonant sound.破锣嗓子:发出大声,通常是较粗糙洪亮的声音的美国传统〔cadence〕General inflection or modulation of the voice.抑扬:声音的一般性的起伏与变化美国传统〔catch〕A choking or stoppage of the breath or voice.哽噎:呼吸或声音的哽塞或阻塞美国传统〔celesta〕An instrument with a keyboard and metal plates struck by hammers that produce bell-like tones.钢片琴:用锤子敲击可发出铃声似的声音的带键盘和金属片的乐器美国传统〔chirp〕A short, high-pitched sound, such as that made by a small bird or an insect.啁啾声或唧唧声:如小鸟或昆虫所发出的声音的一种短促而高音质的声音美国传统〔clump〕To walk or move so as to make a heavy, dull sound.重踏着走:以发出沉重、笨拙声音的方式行走或移动美国传统〔clunk〕A blow that produces a dull sound.猛击:使发出沉闷声音的猛烈一击美国传统〔conductivity〕The ability or power to conduct or transmit heat, electricity, or sound.传导性:传导热、电、或声音的能力或能量美国传统〔consonance〕Close correspondence of sounds.和谐:声音的和谐美国传统〔cut〕An abrupt change of image or sound, as between shots in a film.切换:图象或声音的突然转换,如电影中的两个镜头之间的切换美国传统〔diagram〕The sound waves of the voice could be diagramed as in B.这个声音的声波如图B所示。柯林斯高阶〔diapason〕The entire range of an instrument or voice.音域:乐器或声音的整个音域美国传统〔diminish〕The intensity of the sound diminished gradually.声音的强度逐渐减弱。麦克米伦高阶〔discord〕A confused or harsh sound or mingling of sounds.噪音:混杂、刺耳的声音,或多种声音的混合美国传统〔discord〕Music Inharmonious combination of simultaneously sounded tones; dissonance.【音乐】 不协和:同时发出各种声音的不和谐的混合;不协和美国传统〔distorted〕This caused the sound to distort.这导致了声音的失真。柯林斯高阶〔double reed〕A pair of joined reeds that vibrate together to produce sound in certain wind instruments, such as bassoons and oboes.双簧:在某些管乐器中共同振动以产生声音的一对连在一起的簧片,如用在低音管和双簧管中美国传统〔double reed〕An instrument in which sound is produced by a pair of joined reeds.双簧管乐器:由连在一起的簧片发出声音的乐器美国传统〔earplug〕An object made of a soft, pliable material, such as cotton or rubber, and fitted into the ear canal to block the entry of water or sound.耳塞:一种由柔软而灵便的材料制成的东西,如棉、橡胶等材料,以嵌入耳道挡住水或声音的进入美国传统〔earshot〕I urged all in earshot of my voice to do likewise.我力促所有听得见我声音的人都这么做。英汉大词典〔euphony〕Agreeable sound, especially in the phonetic quality of words.谐音,声音的和谐:谐音或悦耳的声音,尤指词的音质美国传统〔fade-out〕A gradual disappearance of an image or a sound, as in cinema, television, or radio.淡出:影象或声音的逐渐消失,如电影、电视或收音机中美国传统〔fart〕A usually audible discharge of intestinal gas.屁:从肠内排出的(通常有声音的)气体美国传统〔hearing dog〕A dog trained to assist a deaf or hearing-impaired person by signaling the occurrence of certain sounds, such as a ringing telephone or doorbell.导聋犬:被训练来帮助聋子或听力受损者的可以指示如电话铃或门铃声等声音的美国传统〔hearing〕The sense by which sound is perceived; the capacity to hear.听力:感受声音的功能;听的能力美国传统〔high fidelity〕The electronic reproduction of sound, especially from broadcast or recorded sources, with minimal distortion.高保真度:尤指广播和录音保持最低限度失真的声音的电子重新合成美国传统〔infrasonic〕Generating or using waves or vibrations with frequencies below that of audible sound.次声的:产生或使用频率低于人耳能听见的声音的波或振动的美国传统〔infrasound〕A wave phenomenon sharing the physical nature of sound but with a range of frequencies below that of human hearing.次声:一种波现象,它有声音的物理特性和频率又在人耳的听力范围之内美国传统〔insulate〕To prevent the passage of heat, electricity, or sound into or out of, especially by surrounding with a nonconducting material.绝缘:防止热,电或声音的进出,特别是通过在外面包上不传导物质来达到美国传统〔kazoo〕A toy instrument with a membrane that produces a sound when a player hums or sings into the mouthpiece.卡祖笛:一种当吹奏者向吹口处低吟或哼唱时一个膜能够发出声音的玩具乐器美国传统〔key〕The pitch of a voice or other sound.声高:嗓音或其他声音的音高美国传统〔knack〕He had the knack of imitating her voice.他已经掌握了模仿她的声音的技巧。外研社新世纪〔loudspeaker〕A device that converts electric signals to audible sound.扩音器:把电子信号转变为可听见的声音的一种装置美国传统〔loud〕Producing sound of high volume and intensity.喧哗的:产生高音量和强烈的声音的美国传统〔mechanically〕He was a very mechanical person, who knew a lot about sound.他精通机械,了解许多有关声音的知识。柯林斯高阶〔medium〕Air is a medium for sound.空气是传播声音的媒质。英汉大词典〔modulation〕A change in stress, pitch, loudness, or tone of the voice; an inflection of the voice.变音:在语调、音高、音量或音调上的变化;声音的一种转调美国传统〔monaural〕Of, relating to, or designating sound reception by one ear.单耳听觉的:单耳的、与之有关的或单耳接收声音的美国传统〔mute〕Refraining from producing speech or vocal sound.缄默的:不说话的或不发出声音的美国传统〔narcotic〕The repetition of the same sound produces a narcotic effect.同一种声音的重复具有催眠作用。英汉大词典〔nonet〕A combination of nine instruments or voices.九重奏(或唱):九种乐器或声音的组合美国传统〔oboe〕A reed stop in an organ that produces a sound similar to that of the oboe.发出类似双簧管声音的风琴音栓美国传统〔orchestrion〕A large mechanical instrument resembling a barrel organ that produces sound in imitation of an orchestra.机械风琴:外形类似手摇风琴、可仿管弦乐效果奏出声音的一种大型机械乐器美国传统〔peeper〕A creature that makes short, high-pitched sounds, especially a frog.雨蛙:尤指青蛙等发出短促而高尖声音的动物美国传统〔phonic〕Of, relating to, or having the nature of sound, especially speech sounds.声音的,语音的:声音的,与之有关的,或具有音质的,尤指语音美国传统〔pickup〕A device that converts the oscillations of a phonograph needle into electrical impulses for subsequent conversion into sound.电唱头,检波器:一种把电唱机针的震动变为电子脉冲以使其转变为声音的装置美国传统〔pinpoint〕With this you can pinpoint the precise location of the sound.你用这个就能找出声音的确切位置。牛津搭配〔pitch〕Acoustics The distinctive quality of a sound, dependent primarily on the frequency of the sound waves produced by its source.【声学】 音质:声音的特性,主要依据从音源发出的声波的频率美国传统〔play back〕Ted might benefit from hearing his own voice recorded and played back.听自己声音的录音回放对特德可能会有帮助。柯林斯高阶〔poop〕We pooped off a salvo in the direction of the sound.我们朝发出声音的地方进行一次齐射。21世纪英汉〔rattle〕A device, such as a baby's toy, that produces short percussive sounds.嘎嘎响的玩具,拔浪鼓:像儿童玩具之类的发出短促敲击声音的器具美国传统〔recordist〕One that records sound electronically, as for films or at concerts.录音师:利用电子来录制声音的人,如电影或音乐会的录音师美国传统〔resonance〕Acoustics Intensification and prolongation of sound, especially of a musical tone, produced by sympathetic vibration.【声学】 共振:声音的加强及延长,尤指由共鸣振动产生的音乐音调美国传统〔ripply〕Characterized by or sounding in ripples.波纹(状)的,潺潺流水般声的:以起涟漪或微波为特征的,或发出潺潺流水般声音的美国传统〔sabin〕A unit of acoustic absorption equivalent to the absorption by one square foot of a surface that absorbs all incident sound.赛(宾):吸声计算单位,等于一平方英寸的表面所吸收的全部外来声音的吸收量美国传统〔sanity〕He was a voice of sanity in the Republican Party.他是共和党中发出理智声音的人。牛津搭配〔scrape〕To rub or move with a harsh grating noise.伴有刺耳声音的刮或移动美国传统〔silencer〕One that silences, especially a device attached to the muzzle of a firearm to muffle the sound of firing.消音器:消除声音的物体,尤指套在火器的枪口用来消除射击声音的装置美国传统〔snap〕A sudden, sharp cracking sound or the action producing such a sound.啪嗒声或发出啪嗒声:一种突然、轻脆的声音或发出这种声音的动作美国传统〔snap〕The act of producing this sound.捻手指:发出这种声音的动作美国传统〔sonorous〕Having or producing a full, deep, or rich sound.洪亮的:拥有或发出饱满、深沉或圆润的声音的美国传统〔sonorous〕Having or producing sound.作响的,出声的:作响的或能发出响亮声音的美国传统〔soprano〕A singer having such a voice.女高音歌手,童声高音歌手:其有这种声音的歌手美国传统〔sound wave〕A longitudinal pressure wave of audible or inaudible sound.声波:包括听得见或听不见的声音的纵向压力波美国传统〔sounding〕Emitting a full sound; resonant.宏亮的:发出饱满声音的;响亮的美国传统〔sounding〕The act of one that sounds.发声:发出声音的人或物的动作美国传统〔staticky〕Relating to or producing random noise accompanying transmitted or recorded sound.静电声音的:有关或产生伴随传送或纪录声音的随机噪声的美国传统〔stethoscope〕Any of various instruments used for listening to sounds produced within the body.听诊器:用于听体内产生声音的各种器具美国传统〔stress〕The relative force of sound or emphasis given a syllable or word in accordance with a metrical pattern.重读:在被给的音节或词语中与诗格相适应的声音的相对力量或重点美国传统〔stretto〕A close succession or overlapping of voices in a fugue, especially in the final section.赋格、卡农中的密接和应:在赋格曲中紧密的和应或声音的重叠,尤其在最后的部份美国传统〔swish〕A movement making such a sound.发出这种声音的动作美国传统〔telephone receiver〕The part of a telephone in which incoming electrical impulses are converted into sound.听筒:将接收到的电脉冲转换成声音的装置,是电话机的一部分美国传统〔telephony〕The transmission of sound between distant stations, especially by radio or telephone.电话通讯:相隔遥远的位置之间声音的传送,尤指通过无线电或电话美国传统〔tormentor〕A sound-absorbent screen used on a movie set, used to prevent echo.吸音幕:电影机边用来吸收声音的屏幕,用来防止回声美国传统〔tremor〕He couldn't control the tremor in his voice.他无法抑制声音的颤抖。牛津搭配〔uprise〕To increase in pitch or volume; swell.(体积的)膨胀,(声音的)变高:音调,音量升高;在数量等方面逐渐扩大;膨胀美国传统〔vehicle〕Air is the vehicle of sound.空气是传播声音的媒介。英汉大词典〔vocal〕Having a voice; capable of emitting sound or speech.有声音的:有声音的;能发出声音或语言的美国传统〔voiceless〕Having no voice; mute.无声的:没有声音的;沉默的美国传统〔voice〕The poems which he wrote in the trenches are generally agreed to be those in which he found his true voice.他在战壕里创作的那些诗歌被公认为是他找到了自己声音的作品。柯林斯高阶〔volume〕A control, as on a radio, for adjusting amplitude or loudness.音量调控器:一个调控器,如在收音机上,用来调节声音的响度或强度美国传统〔volume〕The amplitude or loudness of a sound.音量:声音的响度或强度美国传统〔wailful〕Issuing a sound resembling a wail.发出象哀号的声音的美国传统〔wind-bell〕A light bell that can be sounded by the wind.风铃:可靠风来发出声音的轻铃美国传统Air is a medium for sound. 空气是声音的传播媒介。译典通Compact discs offer more faithful sound reproduction than records.激光唱盘对声音的复制比唱片更逼真。剑桥国际If I hear one more squeak out of you (= if you say anything else), there'll be trouble! 如果我再听到你发声音的话,你就有麻烦了!剑桥国际She was phoning from Australia but I was amazed at the clarity of her voice.这是她从澳大利亚打来的电话,我对她声音的清晰度感到很惊讶。剑桥国际The human ear allows us to detect subtle differences in loudness (= how loud something is) and in pitch, and to locate the source of a sound.耳朵使我们能辨别出音量、音调的微小差别,并能确定声音的来源。剑桥国际




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