

单词 conceal
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HIDE〕He managed to conceal the fact that he had been in prison and so got a job as a security officer. 他设法隐瞒了坐过牢的事实,找到了一份保安的工作。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕I yawned, not bothering to conceal my boredom. 我打着呵欠,不想费神去掩饰我的无聊。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕Many spiders spin special webs to conceal themselves from danger. 许多蜘蛛织出特殊的网,把自己藏起来躲避危险。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕One of the pistols was concealed in the lining of her coat. 其中一把手枪藏在她外套的衬里里面。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕Sacred paintings are screened off, concealed from public view. 圣画被遮了起来,不让公众看见。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕Several drug companies are accused of concealing information from the Food and Drug Administration. 一些制药公司被指控向食品和药物管理局隐瞒信息。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕Several kilos of drugs had been concealed in the back of the truck. 有好几公斤的毒品藏在卡车的后面。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕The man said he had a permit to carry a concealed weapon. 那人说他有许可证,可以携带暗器。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕The secret police had concealed microphones in the walls. 秘密警察在墙里藏了麦克风。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕When police arrived, Black made no effort to hide or conceal herself. 警察来了,布莱克也不想办法躲一躲。朗文写作活用〔LEADER〕His forceful personality concealed his weak leadership and poor political acumen. 他个性坚强,掩盖了他在领导才能和政治敏感度方面的不足。朗文写作活用〔LEGAL〕Texas law makes it legal to carry a concealed weapon. 得克萨斯的法律使携带暗器成为合法。朗文写作活用〔LIGHT〕A small path was illuminated by low orange lamps concealed in the flower beds. 一条小路由隐藏在花坛里的橘黄色的低灯照亮着。朗文写作活用〔ORGANIZE〕Bernstein was convinced that an organized effort had been made to conceal the facts of the case. 伯恩斯坦深信,他们是有计划地隐瞒实情的。朗文写作活用〔PRETEND〕Mr Tellwright made no pretence of concealing his satisfaction. 特尔赖特先生毫不掩饰自己的满足感。朗文写作活用〔RELIGION〕Instead of celebrating their religious faith, they are forced to conceal it for fear of reprisals. 他们没有为自己的宗教信仰举行庆祝仪式,反而因为害怕报复而被迫隐瞒信仰。朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕Nearly 2,000 defeated fighters joined the underground Communist forces concealed in the Mekong delta. 将近2,000名败兵加入了潜藏在该三角洲的地下部队。朗文写作活用〔USE〕The prisoners used the confusion caused by the fire to conceal their escape. 犯人利用火灾所造成的混乱来掩护自己越狱。朗文写作活用〔acute〕Simon's vague manner concealed an acute mind.西蒙貌似蒙昧,其实头脑很灵活。朗文当代〔ambush〕A sudden attack made from a concealed position.伏击:从隐蔽地点进行的突然袭击美国传统〔ambush〕To attack from a concealed position.伏击:从隐蔽地点伏击美国传统〔angle〕His face will be concealed by the camera angle.从这个角度拍照拍不到他的脸。外研社新世纪〔antefix〕An upright ornament along the eaves of a tiled roof designed to conceal the joints between the rows of tiles.瓦檐饰;檐口饰:瓦房屋檐外的一种直的饰物,用于遮掩瓦排的结合部美国传统〔backstage〕Concealed from the public; private.幕后的,秘密的:隐瞒公众的;私下的美国传统〔beauty spot〕A small black mark penciled or glued on a woman's face or shoulders to accentuate the fairness of her skin or to conceal a blemish.美人斑:用笔画或用胶粘在女人脸上或肩上的小黑记号,以使其皮肤更白皙或用以遮掩瑕斑美国传统〔birth〕She concealed her pregnancy right up to the moment of birth.她隐瞒了自己怀孕的事,直到孩子出世。柯林斯高阶〔black〕To extinguish or conceal all lights that might help enemy aircraft find a target during an air raid.对…实行灯火管制:在空袭中熄灭所有可能帮助敌机寻找目标的灯火美国传统〔blemish〕Cosmetics are often used to conceal facial blemishes.化妆品常用来遮盖脸部色斑。美国传统〔blind〕A shelter for concealing hunters, especially duck hunters.埋伏处:猎人,尤指猎鸭人的藏身的隐蔽处美国传统〔blind〕Something intended to conceal the true nature, especially of an activity; a subterfuge.挡箭牌:企图掩盖本质,尤指某活动的真实性质的事物;狡猾的逃避手段美国传统〔booby trap〕A concealed, often explosive device that is triggered by an unsuspecting victim when a harmless-looking object is touched.诡雷:一种伪装起来的通常有爆炸性的装置,当一个没有疑心的牺牲品碰到一个看似无害的东西时便被引发美国传统〔bootleg〕Football To fake a hand-off, conceal the ball on the hip, and roll out in order to pass or especially to rush around the end. Used of a quarterback.【橄榄球】 假传进攻:伪造一个脱手,隐藏球在臂部,然后滚出以便通过甚至达到终点。用以指四分卫假传进攻美国传统〔brachyuran〕Of or belonging to the Brachyura, a group of crustaceans including the true crabs, characterized by a short abdomen concealed under the cephalothorax.短尾亚目的:短尾亚目的或属于短尾亚目的,甲壳纲动物,包括真蟹,特征是腹部很短,隐藏在头胸部下方美国传统〔bug〕To equip (a room or telephone circuit, for example) with a concealed electronic listening device.装窃听器:安装隐蔽的电子监听装置(例如在房屋里或电话线路上)美国传统〔cache〕The store of goods or valuables concealed in a hiding place.隐藏:将货物或贵重品隐藏在一隐蔽的处所美国传统〔camouflage〕The method or result of concealing personnel or equipment from an enemy by making them appear to be part of the natural surroundings.伪装,掩饰:通过使人或设施看起来像自然环境的一部分来隐藏他们不被敌人觉察的方法或结果美国传统〔chesterfield〕A single- or double-breasted overcoat, usually with concealed buttons and a velvet collar.长大衣:一种通常有暗纽和天鹅绒领子的单排扣或双排扣长大衣美国传统〔clean〕Not carrying concealed weapons or drugs.没有携带隐藏起来的武器或毒品的美国传统〔code name〕A name assigned to conceal the identity or existence of something or someone.代码名称:用于隐藏某物或某人的本体或存在的一个指定名称美国传统〔concealer〕One that conceals.藏匿者美国传统〔conceal〕Concealing evidence from the police is a serious offence.向警察隐瞒证据是严重的犯罪行为。麦克米伦高阶〔conceal〕About 3kg of cocaine was found concealed in his luggage.大约3千克海洛因被发现藏在他的行李中。外研社新世纪〔conceal〕Five people were arrested for carrying concealed weapons.五人因秘密携带武器被捕。外研社新世纪〔conceal〕He concealed the key inside his tie.他把钥匙藏在领带里面。21世纪英汉〔conceal〕He concealed the truth from her.他对她隐瞒了事实。牛津搭配〔conceal〕He didn't make any attempt to conceal his dislike of me.他丝毫不掩饰他对我的厌恶。外研社新世纪〔conceal〕He had been desperate to conceal his fear from the other men.他极力对其他人掩饰他的恐惧。外研社新世纪〔conceal〕He waited with barely concealed impatience.他等待着,不耐烦的神色几乎不加掩饰地流露出来。牛津搭配〔conceal〕He was also charged with concealing evidence.他还被控隐藏证据。外研社新世纪〔conceal〕His professional cheerfulness conceals his pride.他那做作到家的嘻嘻哈哈的态度掩盖了他的骄傲。英汉大词典〔conceal〕I can't conceal the truth from you any longer.我再也不能向你隐瞒真相了。外研社新世纪〔conceal〕I have nothing to conceal.我没有什么事可保密的。21世纪英汉〔conceal〕I tried to conceal my surprise when she told me her age.她告诉我她的年龄时,我尽力掩饰自己的惊讶。剑桥高阶〔conceal〕In an effort to conceal my disappointment I said quickly: 'Will you be staying on for another night?'为了试图掩饰我的失望, 我飞快地说:“你再留一晚, 好吗?”外研社新世纪〔conceal〕Is there something you're concealing from me? 你是不是有事瞒着我?剑桥高阶〔conceal〕It was said that the police concealed vital evidence.据说警方隐瞒了关键的证据。剑桥高阶〔conceal〕One woman had concealed herself in a cupboard.一个妇女躲在碗橱里。外研社新世纪〔conceal〕Robert could not conceal his relief.罗伯特无法掩饰自己如释重负的心情。柯林斯高阶〔conceal〕She could barely conceal her anger.她几乎无法隐藏自己的愤怒。韦氏高阶〔conceal〕She knew at once that he was concealing something from her.她马上知道了他有事瞒着她。柯林斯高阶〔conceal〕She sat down to conceal the fact that she was trembling.她坐下来以不让人看出她在发抖。牛津高阶〔conceal〕She tried to conceal her face from photographers.她试图遮住脸不让摄影师照到。外研社新世纪〔conceal〕She was taking drugs and trying to conceal it from me.她在吸毒,还想对我隐瞒这件事。朗文当代〔conceal〕She was unable to conceal her surprise.她掩饰不住自己的惊讶。牛津搭配〔conceal〕The camera is small and easily concealed.该相机体积小,容易隐藏。牛津搭配〔conceal〕The controls are concealed behind a panel.控制器隐藏在仪表盘背后。韦氏高阶〔conceal〕The defendant is accused of attempting to conceal evidence.被告被控试图藏匿证据。韦氏高阶〔conceal〕The duke might be concealing a secret from me.公爵可能有秘密隐瞒我。外研社新世纪〔conceal〕The hat concealed her hair.帽子遮住了她的头发。外研社新世纪〔conceal〕The hat concealed her hair.帽子遮住了她的头发。柯林斯高阶〔conceal〕The letters had been concealed under a mattress.那些书信被藏到一个垫子下面。麦克米伦高阶〔conceal〕The listening device was concealed in a pen.窃听装置藏在了笔里。剑桥高阶〔conceal〕The path was concealed by long grass.小路隐藏在长长的草丛里。朗文当代〔conceal〕The scarf concealed a revolver.围巾里藏着一把左轮手枪。外研社新世纪〔conceal〕There had been no attempt to conceal the body.没有任何试图掩藏尸体的举措。外研社新世纪〔conceal〕They are trying to conceal the true extent of the problem.他们正试图掩盖问题的实际严重程度。外研社新世纪〔conceal〕Tim could barely conceal his disappointment.蒂姆几乎掩饰不住自己的失望。牛津高阶〔covering〕Something that covers, so as to protect or conceal.覆盖物:覆盖在某物上起保护或隐蔽作用的物品美国传统〔cover〕To conceal traces so as to elude pursuers.灭迹:掩盖痕迹以甩掉追踪者美国传统〔cover〕To place something upon or over, so as to protect or conceal.覆盖,掩盖:置某件东西在…之上,以保护或隐藏美国传统〔cunning〕The microphone was cunningly concealed in the bookcase.话筒被巧妙地隐藏在书柜里。牛津高阶〔deception〕He conceals his background, a deception which rebounds on him.他隐藏了自己的身世, 最终却使自己吃了苦头。外研社新世纪〔decoy〕He had effectively used her as a decoy to conceal his liaison with Julia.他成功地利用她做烟幕弹, 掩盖了他与朱莉娅的私通。外研社新世纪〔disappointment〕She couldn't quite conceal the deep disappointment she felt.她无法掩饰深深的失望之情。牛津搭配〔disguise〕Clothes or accessories worn to conceal one's true identity.穿了用来隐藏真实身份的衣服或装饰品美国传统〔dislike〕He made no attempt to conceal his dislike of me.他毫不掩饰对我的厌恶。外研社新世纪〔dislike〕He made no attempt to conceal his dislike of me.他毫不掩饰对我的厌恶。柯林斯高阶〔dissemble〕To disguise or conceal one's real nature, motives, or feelings behind a false appearance.掩饰感情:用假象掩盖真实的性格、动机或感情美国传统〔dub over〕To conceal his identity, the man's voice has been dubbed over.为了隐瞒他的身份,那个男人的声音已被(一名演员)配音了。21世纪英汉〔dub〕To conceal his identity, the man's voice has been dubbed over (= an actor speaks his words).为了不暴露他的身份,这个人的声音都经过了配音处理。剑桥高阶〔duck blind〕A shelter, often camouflaged with reeds and grasses, for concealing duck hunters.猎鸭掩体:一种掩体,常用草或芦苇伪装以掩避猎鸭者美国传统〔eloign〕To remove or carry away to a distance, especially so as to conceal.隐匿:移去或带至远处,尤指为了隐藏美国传统〔enormity〕They were desperate to conceal the enormity of what they had done.他们拼命去掩盖自己犯下的罪恶。麦克米伦高阶〔eyewash〕Informal Actions or remarks intended to conceal the facts of a situation.【非正式用语】 骗局:故意隐瞒事情的真相的行为或言语美国传统〔fig leaf〕A stylized representation of the leaf of a fig, used especially to conceal the genitalia depicted on statues of men and boys.遮羞叶:无花果叶的风格化描述,尤用描绘男人和男孩雕像遮蔽生殖器美国传统〔flexagon〕A folded paper construction that can be flexed along its folds to reveal and conceal its faces alternately.纸制折曲式人像:一种在折叠处可以弯曲以交替着显露或隐藏其面孔的折纸制品美国传统〔fly front〕A garment front that has a fly concealing the fastenings.暗门襟:有隐藏盖扣的遮盖布的衣物前部美国传统〔frisk〕To search (a person) for something concealed, especially a weapon, by passing the hands quickly over clothes or through pockets.搜身:通过用手迅速查摸其衣服或口袋来检查(某人)隐藏的东西,尤指武器美国传统〔gruffly〕His gruff exterior concealed one of the kindest hearts.他粗暴的外表下藏着一颗非常善良的心。柯林斯高阶〔gruff〕His gruff exterior concealed one of the kindest hearts.他粗鲁的外表下隐藏着一颗最善良的心。外研社新世纪〔hairpiece〕A covering or bunch of human or artificial hair used to conceal baldness or give shape to a coiffure.假发:用来遮秃或装饰发型的一块或一绺人发或假发美国传统〔hatred〕She makes no attempt to conceal her hatred for her opponents.她无意掩盖她对对手的仇恨。韦氏高阶〔himself〕He thanked God for concealing Himself from the wise and revealing Himself to the simple.他感谢上帝,因为上帝在自作聪明的人面前自行隐匿,在心地纯洁的人面前则显现神迹。柯林斯高阶〔huggermugger〕To keep secret; conceal.保密;掩饰美国传统〔hurt〕Her brave smile concealed a deep hurt.她勇敢的微笑背后隐藏着深深的痛苦。剑桥高阶〔identity〕Her voice was disguised to conceal her identity.为了隐瞒身份,对她的声音进行了处理。牛津搭配〔idolatry〕The youngster makes no attempt to conceal his idolatry of his team-mate.那个小伙子一点都没掩盖对队友的崇拜。剑桥高阶〔incognita〕A woman or girl whose identity is disguised or concealed.隐姓埋名的妇女:姓名和身份被隐匿的女子美国传统〔incognito〕One whose identity is disguised or concealed.隐匿姓名身份者,隐姓埋名者美国传统〔incognito〕The condition of having a disguised or concealed identity.隐姓埋名,匿名:隐匿姓名身份或隐姓埋名的情况美国传统〔indestructible〕This old indestructible conceals an element of iron beneath his flexible charm.这百折不挠的老人在他柔顺迷人外表内隐藏着一股钢铁般的韧劲儿。英汉大词典〔land mine〕Informal A concealed yet incipient crisis.【非正式用语】 隐藏的早期危机美国传统〔masking〕A piece of theatrical scenery used to conceal a part of the stage from the audience.垂幕:从观众的角度遮蔽舞台上某个部分的一块剧场景片美国传统〔mask〕A covering, as of cloth, that has openings for the eyes, entirely or partly conceals the face, and is worn especially at a masquerade ball.(化妆舞会的)面具:布做面具,上有孔可露出双眼、全部或部分地遮住面部,尤在假面舞会上佩戴美国传统〔mask〕A natural or artificial feature of terrain that conceals and protects military forces or installations.掩体,掩蔽物:掩盖、保护军事力量或装备的天然或人工的地貌美国传统〔mask〕To conceal one's real personality, character, or intentions.隐瞒,掩饰:掩盖住某人真实的个性、性格或目的美国传统〔metal detector〕A gatelike structure through which a person passes, used in detecting concealed weapons such as guns and knives.金属探测门:让人通过的门状装置,用以侦测例如刀枪等藏匿的武器美国传统〔mist〕Something that dims or conceals.雾状物:朦胧或隐匿的某物美国传统〔mist〕To conceal or veil as if with mist.被雾蒙上:仿佛用雾盖上或遮蔽美国传统〔money belt〕A belt having a usually concealed pocket for holding money.钱包暗带:通常附着隐密皮夹以装钱的皮带美国传统〔mound〕To fortify or conceal with a mound.用土石堆设防:用土堆等防护或隐蔽美国传统〔occult〕Hidden from view; concealed.隐藏的;隐藏于视野之外的美国传统〔occult〕To conceal or cause to disappear from view.隐蔽:躲藏或使从视野中消失美国传统〔ovipositor〕A tubular structure, usually concealed but sometimes extending outside the abdomen, with which many female insects deposit eggs.产卵器:管状结构,通常隐蔽的但有时延伸出腹部外部,雌性虫子用以放置蛋或卵美国传统〔pains〕She took great pains to conceal the fact from her parents.为了对父母隐瞒真相, 她煞费苦心。外研社新世纪〔pain〕He tried to conceal his pain from her.他尽力不让她知道自己的痛苦。牛津搭配〔palm〕To conceal (something) in the palm of the hand, as in cheating at dice or cards or in a sleight-of-hand trick.将东西藏在手中:在手掌上隐藏一些东西,如在赌搏掷骰子或玩牌或变戏法中的戏法欺骗行为美国传统〔patch〕A beauty spot applied to a woman's face or shoulder to conceal an imperfection or to enhance the fairness of her skin.装饰贴布:贴在妇女脸部或肩上的美人斑,用来掩盖不完美或增加皮肤的美感美国传统〔patch〕A small piece of material affixed to another, larger piece to conceal, reinforce, or repair a worn area, hole, or tear.补片,补钉:补缀在较大的一片材料上的一小片材料,用来添补、加强或修补一磨损部分、小洞或撕裂处美国传统〔person〕Customs officers found a gun concealed about his person.海关人员发现他身上藏着一把枪。朗文当代〔person〕The accused was found to have an offensive weapon concealed about his person.经发现被告身上藏有攻击性武器。外研社新世纪〔photograph〕The photograph has been touched up to conceal her scar.照片已经过修饰以掩盖她的伤疤。牛津搭配〔pit〕A concealed hole in the ground used as a trap; a pitfall.陷阱:地上用做陷阱的隐藏的洞;陷阱美国传统〔pleasure〕McPherson could scarcely conceal his pleasure at my resignation.麦克弗森掩饰不住对我辞职一事的开心。外研社新世纪〔politeness〕His veneer of politeness concealed a ruthless determination.他彬彬有礼的伪装下隐藏着不择手段的狠心。牛津搭配〔resentment〕She could not conceal the deep resentment she felt at the way she had been treated.受到那样的待遇,她无法掩藏内心强烈的愤恨。牛津高阶〔revulsion〕He tried to conceal his instinctive revulsion at the idea.他试图掩盖自己对这一想法本能的厌恶。牛津搭配〔safe〕I shall conceal myself at a safe distance from the battlefield.我会躲在一个远离战场的安全地带。柯林斯高阶〔scan〕Concealed video cameras scan every part of the compound.几台暗藏的摄像机把院子里的每一个角落都拍了进去。牛津高阶〔screen〕A movable device, especially a framed construction such as a room divider or a decorative panel, designed to divide, conceal, or protect.屏风:一种可移动的设备,尤指如作为房子分隔或者装饰面板的框架构造,设计用于分开、挡住或者保护美国传统〔search〕To examine the person or personal effects of in order to find something lost or concealed.搜寻:为了找到遗失或被隐藏起来的某物而对某人或个人财产进行的搜索美国传统〔secret society〕An organization, such as a lodge, that requires its members to conceal certain activities, such as its rites of initiation, from outsiders.秘密结社:要求其成员向外界隐藏某些活动(如,入会仪式)的组织,如兄弟会美国传统〔secretion〕The act of concealing something in a hiding place.隐蔽:在隐蔽处藏匿某物的行为美国传统〔secret〕Kept hidden from knowledge or view; concealed.隐秘的:保持不被人知道或发现的;隐藏的美国传统〔shield〕To cover up; conceal.庇护;隐瞒美国传统〔shoulder holster〕A leather holster hung from the shoulder and usually worn underneath the arm, allowing a handgun to be concealed underneath a coat.腋下手枪套:从肩部垂下的一皮套,通常戴在胳膊下面,可使手枪隐藏在外衣里面美国传统〔sleek〕To gloss over; conceal.掩饰;隐瞒美国传统〔smoke screen〕A mass of dense artificial smoke used to conceal military areas or operations from an enemy.烟障,烟幕:一团用来对敌人掩盖军事阵地或军事行动的浓雾美国传统〔smoke screen〕An action or a statement used to conceal actual plans or intentions.烟幕:用来掩盖真实计划或意图的行动或言语美国传统〔smoke〕Something used to conceal or obscure.雾障:用来隐藏或使不显眼的物质美国传统〔smother〕To be concealed or suppressed.被隐藏或被压迫美国传统〔sniper〕One who shoots at other people from a concealed place.射击者:从隐藏的地方向别人射击的人美国传统〔snipe〕A shot, especially a gunshot, from a concealed place.冷弹:从隐秘的地方射来的子弹,特别是枪弹美国传统〔snipe〕To shoot at individuals from a concealed place.狙击:从隐秘的地方射击别人美国传统〔soil〕He tried to conceal the soiled condition of his shirt collar.他力图遮盖自己衬衫领口上的污斑。英汉大词典〔stalking-horse〕A horse trained to conceal the hunter while stalking.掩护猎人潜近的掩护马美国传统〔stalking-horse〕A sham candidate put forward to conceal the candidacy of another or to divide the opposition.掩护性侯选人:在竞选中分散对方力量或掩护乙方候选人而推出的掩护性候选人美国传统〔statement〕His bald statement that he'd resigned concealed his anxiety about the situation.他直截了当的辞职声明隐藏了他对局势的忧虑。牛津搭配〔surprise〕They couldn't conceal their surprise at seeing us together.看见我们在一起,他们表现出掩饰不住的诧异。牛津高阶〔sword cane〕A cane with a hollow shaft in which a sword can be concealed.内藏刀剑的手杖,剑杖:空心的柱身可用于藏刀剑的一种手杖美国传统〔top dog〕Reynolds has never concealed his ambition to be the top dog.雷诺兹从不掩饰要出人头地的志向。外研社新世纪〔top dog〕Reynolds has never concealed his ambition to be the top dog.雷诺兹从没掩饰过他要成为老大的雄心。柯林斯高阶〔trap-door spider〕Any of various insect-eating spiders of the family Ctenizidae, found in warm climates, that construct a silk-lined burrow concealed by a hinged lid.活板门蛛:任一种土蜘蛛科的食昆虫蜘蛛,多见于气候温暖的地区,能挖出用折叶页式囊盖住的布满丝线的小沟美国传统〔vague〕His vague manner concealed a brilliant mind.他大智若愚。牛津高阶〔valance〕A short drapery, decorative board, or metal strip mounted especially across the top of a window to conceal structural fixtures.短幔:为了掩盖住建筑结构的结合处而特别悬挂在窗户顶部,具有装饰性边缘或金属边的短帷幔美国传统〔veil〕A piece of light fabric hung to separate or conceal what is behind it; a curtain.帷幔;幕布:悬挂着的一块轻薄织物,用来分隔或隐藏位于其后面的东西;幕布美国传统〔veil〕To conceal or disguise.隐蔽;掩饰美国传统〔veneer〕He concealed his darker side behind a veneer of respectability.他将自己阴暗的一面隐藏在体面的外表之下。牛津搭配〔veneer〕To conceal, as something common or crude, with a deceptively attractive outward show.虚饰:用欺骗的诱人外观掩饰普通的或粗陋的东西等美国传统〔whistle〕I checked the room for concealed wiring, but it was as clean as a whistle.我在房间里检查过有无隐蔽的布线,但什么也没有找到。英汉大词典〔whitewash〕Many people believe that official report about the investigation was a whitewash written to conceal the truth.许多人认为,那项官方的调查报告是隐瞒真相的粉饰之词。韦氏高阶〔wig〕An artificial covering of human or synthetic hair worn on the head for personal adornment, as part of a costume, or to conceal baldness.假发:戴在头上的人发或人工合成的头发覆盖物,作为化妆的一部分或掩盖秃头美国传统〔will〕His unassuming manner concealed an iron will.他那谦逊的态度背后是钢铁般的意志。牛津搭配〔wiretap〕A concealed listening or recording device connected to a communications circuit.搭线窃听装置:一种与传播线路相连藏起来的窃听或录音装置美国传统〔wiretap〕To connect a concealed listening or recording device to.装设窃听器:把隐藏的窃听或录音装置与…相连接美国传统〔wiretap〕To install a concealed listening or recording device or use it to monitor communications.从电话线路上窃取:搭线窃听,或偷录装置或用它监视通话内容美国传统〔yawn〕He tried to conceal his yawn behind his hand.他试图用手捂住嘴打哈欠。牛津搭配Behind the tapestry a concealed door led into a secret room.挂毯后面有一扇暗门通往一间密室。剑桥国际During World War II, they masqueraded as Nazis in order to conceal their real work as Resistance workers smuggling vast numbers of Jews to safety.二战期间,他们假冒纳粹分子,以隐瞒抵抗战士的真实身份,而将大量犹太人偷运至安全地带。剑桥国际He has admitted concealing the man's body and misleading the police about his movements on the night of the murder.他已承认隐藏了那人的尸体,并在谋杀当晚使警察对他的行动产生错误想法。剑桥国际He managed to conceal the pain he was suffering and greeted his friends with his old verve.他努力地掩饰了他所受的痛苦,以他往常的热情问候了他的朋友。剑桥国际He was carrying a concealed weapon.他暗带了一件武器。剑桥国际Her saintly manner concealed a devious mind.她圣徒般的举止底下掩藏着离经叛道的思想。剑桥国际I paced up and down to conceal my agitation.我来回踱步,以掩饰自己的不安。剑桥国际I tried to conceal my surprise when she said she was only 22.当她说她只有22岁时,我尽力掩饰自己的惊讶。剑桥国际Investigating officers would visit the claimant's home and interrogate neighbours to check that he or she was not concealing anything.调查员将访问原告的家里,并询问其邻居以检查他或她没有隐瞒什么。剑桥国际It says on the bottle that the make-up will conceal freckles, scars and other minor skin blemishes.瓶子上写着该化妆品可以掩藏雀斑、伤疤和其它皮肤小斑点。剑桥国际It was impossible for him to conceal the superficiality of his knowledge (= how slight it was).他无法掩饰知识的浅薄。剑桥国际Police officers must check that suspects do not have weapons concealed about their person.警察必须检查嫌疑人随身没有携带武器。剑桥国际She concealed her disappointment from her mother. 她对母亲隐瞒了自己的失望。译典通She could barely conceal her wonder as she gazed around the richly decorated room.当她环视这装饰得富丽堂皇的房间时,几乎掩饰不住自己的惊讶之情。剑桥国际She made no attempt to conceal her contempt for anyone who was of lower social status.她从不试图掩饰对社会地位较低的人的轻视。剑桥国际She tried to conceal what she had done to them. 她试图隐瞒对他们所做的事。译典通Some officials in the company knew they were selling prohibited equipment and gave false information to try to conceal what it was.公司里一些官员知道他们自己卖的是违禁设备,于是提供虚假资料以掩盖真相。剑桥国际The entrance to the house is concealed behind high gates.房屋的入口处被隐蔽在高高的大门之后。剑桥国际The new system means that it is more difficult to conceal these figures from the taxman.这种新的体制意味着对收税员隐瞒这些数据变得更加困难。剑桥国际The respectable burghers of Edinburgh did not conceal their dismay.令人尊敬的爱丁堡市民们没有隐藏他们的惊慌。剑桥国际The room had concealed lighting.房间的照明装置是内置式的。剑桥国际Then came revelations that the police had concealed evidence and bribed witnesses.然后揭露出来警察隐藏了证据,贿赂了证人。剑桥国际To conceal his identity, the man's voice has been dubbed over (= an actor speaks his words).为了掩盖他的身份,那位男士的说话声是配音。剑桥国际




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