

单词 堆砌
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔clutter〕Don't clutter the page with too many diagrams.别用太多的图表来堆砌版面。牛津高阶〔deliberation〕The girl stacked the blocks with deliberation.这个女孩从容地把砖堆砌起来美国传统〔hyperbolic〕His breezy style avoids the pitfalls of hyperbolic repetition.他以轻快的笔触避开了夸张堆砌的文风, 不落窠臼。外研社新世纪〔lumber〕Chiefly British Miscellaneous stored articles.【多用于英国】 杂乱堆砌的物件美国传统〔overload〕He overloaded his essay with facts and figures.他的论文堆砌了太多的事实和数字。韦氏高阶〔recital〕Her speech was actually just a long recital of names, places, and dates.她的演讲实际上不过是对一些名字、地点以及日期的长篇堆砌韦氏高阶〔tear ... off〕If you tear off the rhetorical top-dressing from his article, you will find there is very little solid content.如果从他的文章中剥去堆砌的华丽词藻,你会发现其中少有实际内容。21世纪英汉〔wordy〕The chapter is mostly wordy rhetoric.这一章多为冗长的辞藻堆砌而成。外研社新世纪A company is more than a bundle of assets.一家公司远不止是一批资产的堆砌牛津商务Layering new technology on top of existing computer systems can cause problems.在现有的电脑系统上再堆砌新技术会造成问题。牛津商务




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