

单词 基础
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ABC〕ABC's The rudiments of reading and writing. ABC's 读写的基础知识美国传统〔BEGINNING〕Duffy's difficult relationship with her mother was the starting point for her fiction. 达菲与她母亲紧张的关系是她小说的基础朗文写作活用〔CLASS〕The college is offering three basic computer courses this year. 今年该学院开设三门基础计算机课程。朗文写作活用〔COME FROM〕Your test questions will be based on the work you have done in the past year. 测验题目将以你们在过去一年中做的作业为基础朗文写作活用〔COUNTRY〕Germany's strong industrial base has helped maintain its status as a major world power. 德国强大的工业基础有助于保持其世界主要强国的地位。朗文写作活用〔Creole〕Often creole A person of mixed Black and European ancestry who speaks a creolized language, especially one based on French or Spanish. 常作 creole 黑白混血种人:黑人和欧洲血统白人的混血儿,讲克里奥尔化语言,尤指以法语或西班牙语为基础语的混杂语言美国传统〔Hindi〕The literary and official language of northern India that is based on these dialects. It is written in Devanagari and uses Sanskrit as a resource language.印地语:北印度的文学和官方语言,以北印度方言为基础有天城体字母书写,以梵语为主要来源美国传统〔Lingala〕A creole based on Bantu, widely spoken as a lingua franca in Zaire.林格拉语:在扎伊尔广泛使用的交际语,班国语基础的克里奥耳语(混合语)美国传统〔Neo-Lamarckism〕The theory, based on Lamarckism, that response to environmental influence can be inherited and transmitted through the action of natural selection.新拉马克主义:以拉马克主义为基础的理论,认为环境影响的结果会通过大自然的选择遗留和传递下来美国传统〔Proclus〕Greek philosopher and the last major Neo-Platonic teacher. He maintained that reality is fundamentally mental rather than material.普罗克洛斯:希腊哲学家,最后一个重要的新柏拉图主义的导师,他认为现实从基础上说是精神的而非物质的美国传统〔TRUE〕The movie is based on a true story. 这部影片以一个真实的故事为基础朗文写作活用〔Tagalog〕The Austronesian language of the Tagalog on which Filipino is based.塔加拉语:塔加拉人所讲的澳大利亚-波利尼西亚语,是菲律宾语的基础美国传统〔account〕This basic utilitarian model gives a relatively unsophisticated account of human behaviour.这个实用的基础模型较为简略地解释了人类的行为。柯林斯高阶〔anlage〕A fundamental principle; the foundation for a future development.基础,基本:基本原则;未来发展的基础美国传统〔around〕The novel is built around a little-known historical event.该小说以一个不知名的历史事件为基础写作的。21世纪英汉〔atheoretical〕Unrelated to or lacking a theoretical basis.非理论的,与理论无关的:与理论基础无关的或缺乏理论基础美国传统〔basal〕Of, relating to, located at, or forming a base.基部的,基础的:基础的,或与基础有关的美国传统〔base〕The company has built up a loyal customer base .该公司已经建立了一个稳健的客户基础朗文当代〔base〕They were laying the base for a new economic recovery.这些给经济的再次复苏打下了基础朗文当代〔basis〕This document will form the basis for our discussion.这个文件将是我们讨论的基础剑桥高阶〔bottom〕He had worked in the theatre for many years, starting at the bottom.他从最基础的干起,已经从事戏剧工作很多年了。柯林斯高阶〔bottom〕Upon what do his arguments bottom? 他的论据以什么为基础?英汉大词典〔build on/upon〕These classes will help students build on what they already know.这些课程将帮助学生在已有知识的基础上有所提高。韦氏高阶〔build〕Build on the qualities you are satisfied with and work to change those you are unhappy with.以自己满意的优点为发展基础,努力改变自己不满意的地方。柯林斯高阶〔build〕Our relationship is built on trust.我们的关系建立在互相信任的基础上。朗文当代〔build〕The new plan will build on the success of the previous programme.这个新计划将以先前那个方案所取得的成功作为基础朗文当代〔caste〕A social system or the principle of grading society based on castes.等级制度:以种姓为基础的等级社会的社会体制或原则美国传统〔commission merchant〕One that buys and sells goods for others on a commission basis.代销商:以委托为基础为他人买卖商品的人美国传统〔consensual〕Consultation is traditional in the consensual Belgian system of labour relations.协商是建立在意见一致基础上的比利时劳资关系体系的传统做法。柯林斯高阶〔cornerstone〕This study is the cornerstone of the whole research programme.此项研究是整个研究计划的基础牛津高阶〔cornerstone〕Trust is the cornerstone of their relationship.信任是他们关系的基础韦氏高阶〔cost-plus〕All vessels were to be built on a cost-plus basis.所有的船只都将在成本加利润的基础上制造。柯林斯高阶〔debate〕Honest debate is the foundation of democracy.坦诚辩论是民主的基础牛津搭配〔dependence〕Their relationship is based on a strong mutual dependence.他们的关系建立在强烈的相互依赖的基础上。牛津搭配〔economics〕He shows an understanding of basic economics here.他在此处展示出对基础的经济学的理解。牛津搭配〔engagement〕Her views are based on years of engagement with the problems of the inner city.她的观点是以多年对内城区问题的了解为基础的。牛津高阶〔enterprise〕Private enterprise is basic to capitalism.私营是资本主义的基础美国传统〔essentials〕The basic course covers the essentials of setting up your own company.这一基础课程涵盖了自己开公司的关键要点。牛津搭配〔exemplary〕Underpinning this success has been an exemplary record of innovation.这一成功的基础是出色的创新纪录。外研社新世纪〔experience〕The novel is based on his experiences in the war.小说以他参战的经历为基础牛津搭配〔expertise〕This project builds on the existing expertise of our staff.该项目以我们工作人员的现有专业技术为基础牛津搭配〔fact〕Much of the novel is based on fact.这本小说的大部分以真人真事为基础朗文当代〔follow up〕He followed up his early findings with another study.他在早期发现的基础上进行了另一项研究。韦氏高阶〔foundation〕The first two years of study provide a solid foundation in computing.前两年的学习为计算操作打下坚实的基础麦克米伦高阶〔found〕The British parliamentary system is founded on debate and opposition.英国议会制度的基础是辩论质询。朗文当代〔found〕Their marriage was founded on love and mutual respect.他们的婚姻建立在爱情和互相尊重的基础上。牛津高阶〔framework〕The building had a brick base and a metal framework.这幢大楼以砖石为基础,以金属为框架。麦克米伦高阶〔grassroots〕The groundwork or source of something.基础,根源:某事物的基础工作或根源美国传统〔grounding〕Applicants must have a good grounding in human resources management.应聘者在人力资源管理方面必须有良好的基础朗文当代〔grounding〕The degree provides a thorough grounding in mathematics and statistics.这一学位课程为数学和统计学打下扎实的基础外研社新世纪〔groundwork〕These courses provide the groundwork of statistical theory.这些课程介绍的是统计学理论的基础柯林斯高阶〔ground〕The class is well grounded in arithmetic.这个班级算术基础很好。英汉大词典〔handmaiden〕Technique is the handmaiden of art.技巧乃艺术之基础剑桥高阶〔historical materialism〕A major tenet in the Marxist theory of history that regards material economic forces as the base on which sociopolitical institutions and ideas are built.历史唯物主义:马克思主义关于历史理论中一个主要原则,它认为社会政治制度和观点是建立在物质经济力量基础上的美国传统〔imprecise〕The figures are imprecise because they're based on a prediction of next year's sales.这些数字并不精确,因为它们是以对明年销售额的预测为基础的。剑桥高阶〔inductive statistics〕The branch of statistics that deals with generalizations, predictions, estimations, and decisions from data initially presented.结论数据:数据的一种,主要表明归纳、预测、估量和总结性的数据,以及由基础数据得出的结论性数据美国传统〔informant〕Our survey is based on information from over 200 informants.我们的调查以两百多人提供的信息为基础剑桥高阶〔infrastructure〕The country's infrastructure must catch up with its economic growth.国家的基础结构一定要赶上它的经济发展。英汉大词典〔infrastructure〕The war has badly damaged the country's infrastructure.战争严重破坏了该国的基础设施。剑桥高阶〔keystone〕The keystone of any personal injury case is medical evidence.(裁定)人身伤害案的基础是医学证明。朗文当代〔measurement〕The test is based on the measurement of blood levels.这项化验是以测量血液中各成分浓度为基础的。剑桥高阶〔mystery play〕A medieval drama based on scriptural events especially in the life of Jesus.神秘剧:一种中世纪戏剧,它建立在圣经事件、尤指耶稣生活事件的基础美国传统〔ninth〕A chord consisting of a root with its third, seventh, and ninth.九和弦:由第三、第七和第九三个基础音组成的和弦美国传统〔nonjudgmental〕Refraining from judgment, especially one based on personal ethical standards.非裁决的:制止裁决,尤指建立在个人伦理标准基础之上的美国传统〔obligation〕Alimony, child support, or separate maintenance income may be considered as a basis for repaying this obligation.赡养费、子女抚养费或分居抚养费的收入可以视作偿还这一债务的基础外研社新世纪〔perception〕Recognition and interpretation of sensory stimuli based chiefly on memory.领悟力:主要在记忆基础上的再认识和对感觉刺激物的理解美国传统〔personal〕Most writers use personal experience as the basis for their novels.多数作家利用亲身经历作为小说的基础麦克米伦高阶〔plebiscitary〕Swiss democracy is plebiscitary democracy.瑞士的民主是建立于公民投票基础上的民主。英汉大词典〔policy〕We will make human rights the cornerstone of our foreign policy.我们将把人权作为我们外交政策的基础麦克米伦高阶〔predestinarian〕Believing in or based on the doctrine of predestination.信仰宿命论的,依据宿命论的:相信宿命论教义的或以宿命论教义为基础美国传统〔preparation〕The experience was good preparation for a career in journalism.这些经验是从事新闻工作的良好基础麦克米伦高阶〔presumption〕The argument is based on certain presumptions about human nature.这个论点以对人性的某些假设为基础牛津搭配〔primary〕Counselling was given as a primary therapy for depression.心理咨询是抑郁症的基础治疗。朗文当代〔quicksand〕The research seemed founded on quicksand.这项研究犹如建在流沙之上,基础极不稳固。柯林斯高阶〔resegregate〕The schools have been resegregated on an overwhelmingly Negro basis.学校在黑人占压倒多数的基础上重新实行种族隔离。英汉大词典〔rest〕Our trade policy rests firmly on the foundation of free and open markets.我们的贸易政策完全以自由公开的市场为基础牛津搭配〔root〕His opinion is rooted in experience.他的意见是牢固地建立在经验基础上的。英汉大词典〔sample〕The research was based on samples from 29 populations.该研究以取自 29 类种群的样本为基础牛津搭配〔sap〕To undermine the foundations of (a fortification).削弱堡垒的基础美国传统〔service charge〕An additional charge for a service for which there is already a basic fee.服务费:在已有基础费的服务上附加的小费美国传统〔service〕The authorities have said they will attempt to maintain essential services.当局已表示他们将努力维持公共基础服务。柯林斯高阶〔shaky〕Their marriage is on shaky ground.他们的婚姻基础很不稳定。韦氏高阶〔slightly/somewhat/much (etc.) (the) worse for wear〕He came out of basic training only slightly the worse for wear.他参加基础训练后只是稍显疲惫。韦氏高阶〔source book〕A primary document, as of history, literature, or religion, on which secondary writings are based.原始资料:历史、文学或宗教的基本资料,二手文章建立在它的基础之上美国传统〔support〕Fears that instability would return gave the government a broad base of support.对不稳定局势再度出现的担心令本届政府获得了广泛的支持基础牛津搭配〔theorem〕Mathematics A proposition that has been or is to be proved on the basis of explicit assumptions.【数学】 定理:在已明晰的假设基础上已被证明或将被证明的命题美国传统〔tonic〕Music Of or based on the keynote.【音乐】 主音的:主音的,以主音为基础美国传统〔underlay〕To provide with a base or support.垫起:提供基础或支持美国传统〔underpinning〕Material or masonry used to support a structure, such as a wall.基础材料:用于支撑结构的材料或砖石建筑,例如墙美国传统He believes that redemption is based on remission of sin.他认为拯救以宽恕罪孽为基础剑桥国际Last time she ran the race in twenty minutes, so she's hoping to improve on that.上次比赛她跑了20分钟,因此她希望在此基础上再提高。剑桥国际Marketing strategy is likely to form the basis for discussions at next month's conference.营销策略可能成为下月会议讨论时的基础牛津商务The amendments that she tabled (=suggested for discussion) were based on the most recent medical research.她提出的修改建议是建立在最新医学研究的基础上的。剑桥国际The claim must be well grounded in fact.这一断言必须有充分的事实基础剑桥国际The council wants to put the bus service on a commercial footing.镇议会想把公交服务建立在商业基础上。剑桥国际The loan has put the company back on a sound financial footing.这笔贷款将公司重新置于稳健的资金基础之上。牛津商务The war has badly damaged the country's infrastructure, from electricity plants and generators to roads and bridges.战争严重破坏了该国从电厂、发电机到道路、桥梁的基础设施。剑桥国际The work is seedcorn for a longer-term project.这项工作为一个长期项目奠定了基础牛津商务This course is designed to give drivers a grounding (= a knowledge of the basic facts) in car maintenance.这项课程旨在使司机对汽车的维修具有基础知识。剑桥国际We made the decision on the basis of a spin of the coin (= by making a coin turn on its edge to see which side will fall facing up).我们在旋转硬币的基础上作出了决定。剑桥国际




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