

单词 基因组
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DNA virus〕A virus that possesses a genome composed of DNA.DNA病毒:带有由DNA组成的基因组的病毒美国传统〔WORK〕In the late 1980s, the US embarked on a major undertaking: the human genome project. 20世纪80年代末,美国开始了一个重大项目:人类基因组计划。朗文写作活用〔advance〕Recent years have seen significant advances in our understanding of the human genome.近年来我们在破解人类基因组方面取得了重大进展。牛津搭配〔cast〕Human genome research is casting new light on Alzheimer's disease.人类基因组的研究使人们对阿尔茨海默病有了新的认识。麦克米伦高阶〔conjugation〕The temporary union of two bacterial cells during which one cell transfers part or all of its genome to the other.两个细菌的短暂的结合,其间一个细胞的基因组会部分或全部地转移到另一个细胞中美国传统〔genome〕A complete haploid set of chromosomes with its associated genes.染色体组,基因组:染色体及其相关基因的一个完整的单倍体组美国传统〔genomic DNA〕The full complement of DNA contained in the genome of a cell or organism.基因组DNA,基因组脱氧核糖核酸:存在于细胞或生物体中的全部脱氧核糖核酸辅助成分美国传统〔genomics〕She is a specialist in animal genomics.她是动物基因组研究的专家。剑桥高阶〔genomics〕The study of all of the nucleotide sequences, including structural genes, regulatory sequences, and noncoding DNA segments, in the chromosomes of an organism.基因组:对所有核苷酸序列的研究,包括生物染色体中的结构基因、调节序列和未编码的脱氧核糖核酸节段美国传统〔genotype〕The genetic constitution of an organism or a group of organisms.遗传型:一个有机体或一组有机体的基因组美国传统〔homeobox gene〕One of a group of genes with a shared nucleotide segment that are involved in the formation of bodily segmentation during embryologic development.同源框基因,同源分子基因:胚胎学发展过程中身体复杂的细胞分裂,参与体节形成的共有核苷酸节段的基因组之一美国传统〔major histocompatibility complex〕A group of genes that code for cell-surface histocompatibility antigens and are the principle determinants of tissue type and transplant compatibility.主组织抗原性复合基因:指定细胞表面组织兼容性抗原遗传密码的基因组,是组织类型和移植兼容性的主要决定因素美国传统〔map〕Scientists have succeeded in mapping the human genome.科学家已经成功地定位了人类基因组麦克米伦高阶〔phosphide〕A compound of phosphorus and a more electropositive element or radical.磷化物:由磷和电正的元素或基因组成的一种化合物美国传统〔sequence〕Researchers sequenced the full genome of a rat.研究者们测定了大鼠基因组的全部序列。剑桥高阶〔sequence〕The human genome has now been sequenced.人体基因组的序列现已测定。牛津高阶〔taxing〕They were comparing notes on each other's progress towards solving that most taxing of all puzzles: the riddle of the human genome.他们就解决人类所面临的最大难题,即人类基因组之谜的进展情况交换了意见。柯林斯高阶It is impossible to say how much a person's normal behaviour is predetermined by their genetic make-up.很难说一个人的一般行为有多少是由基因组合预先决定的。剑桥国际




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