

单词 埋伏
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕Six or seven of the passengers were killed in an ambush on the narrowest part of the road. 有六七名乘客在最狭窄的一段路上中了埋伏而丧命。朗文写作活用〔ATTACK〕They moved slowly, knowing that in the next clump of trees enemy soldiers might be lying in ambush. 他们行动很慢,因为他们知道下一簇树丛里可能埋伏着敌军的士兵。朗文写作活用〔ATTRACT/ATTRACTION〕The burglary was set up in order to lure the police officer into an ambush. 这起盗窃案是谋划好的,目的是为了引诱那位警察上当中埋伏朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕Aitkins lay in wait for his victims and shot them as they walked toward their front door. 艾特金斯埋伏着等候作案对象,等他们快走到自己家前门就开枪打死他们。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕The tank commander feared there might be enemy soldiers lying in wait in the hills up ahead. 坦克司令担心,前方的山头上可能埋伏着敌军士兵。朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕People dived aside as undercover cops ambushed a planned post office raid. 暗中埋伏的警察突然出动,打击一场有预谋的抢劫邮局行动,人群顿时散向两边。朗文写作活用〔ambush〕A clump of bushes was their ambush.一丛灌木是他们打埋伏的地方。英汉大词典〔ambush〕Armed police lay in ambush behind the hedge.武装警察埋伏在树篱后面。朗文当代〔ambush〕The act of lying in wait to attack by surprise.埋伏埋伏着,等待进行出其不意的袭击的行为美国传统〔ambush〕The bus was taking people home when the gunmen, lying in ambush, opened fire.那辆公共汽车正载着人们回家时, 埋伏着的枪手开了火。外研社新世纪〔ambush〕The gunmen, lying in ambush, opened fire, killing the driver.埋伏的枪手开枪打死了司机。柯林斯高阶〔ambush〕The hiding place used for this.伏击点:为埋伏而隐蔽的地点美国传统〔ambush〕The police lay in ambush outside the building.警察在楼外埋伏了下来。麦克米伦高阶〔ambush〕The soldiers lay in ambush for the enemy troops.战士们趴在埋伏圈里,等着敌军的到来。牛津搭配〔ambush〕The soldiers set up an ambush on the road.士兵在路上设了埋伏牛津搭配〔ambush〕The soldiers were lying in ambush, waiting for the enemy to approach.战士们埋伏起来,等待敌人靠近。韦氏高阶〔ambush〕They were lying in ambush, waiting for the aid convoy.他们埋伏起来,等着袭击援助车队。牛津高阶〔ambush〕We ran into an ambush in the valley.我们在山谷里中了埋伏牛津搭配〔blind〕A shelter for concealing hunters, especially duck hunters.埋伏处:猎人,尤指猎鸭人的藏身的隐蔽处美国传统〔butt〕An embankment or hollow used as a blind by hunters of wildfowl.埋伏处:打猎时用于隐蔽的堤防或坑洞美国传统〔couch〕They couched in the wood to rob the travelers.他们埋伏在树林里以抢劫旅客。21世纪英汉〔couch〕To lie in ambush or concealment; lurk.隐蔽,埋伏:潜伏或隐蔽时躺下;埋伏美国传统〔lay for〕The soldiers were laying for the enemy in the dark.士兵们埋伏在黑暗中伺机攻击敌人。21世纪英汉〔lay〕The bandits laid for the policemen along the road.匪徒埋伏在路边准备袭击警察。英汉大词典〔lie in wait〕The gunmen were lying in wait when Mr Predit came out of the hotel.当普雷迪特先生走出那家宾馆时那些枪手正埋伏在周围。剑桥高阶〔lie in wait〕The killer may have been lying in wait for him.杀手可能已埋伏好,就等着他来了。韦氏高阶〔lie〕They lay in ambush [wait] for the enemy.他们埋伏起来等待敌人。文馨英汉〔lurk〕Guerrillas lurk in the forests.游击队埋伏在丛林中。英汉大词典〔ready〕Secret information allowed the police to be ready and waiting when the robbers came out of the bank.由于得到秘密线报,警方布下埋伏,等着劫匪从银行出来自投罗网。剑桥高阶〔run〕The ambushed soldiers ran for cover.那些中了埋伏的士兵迅速寻求掩蔽。韦氏高阶〔still hunt〕The hunting of game by stalking or ambushing.伏击猎物,偷袭猎物:靠隐藏跟踪或埋伏来猎取猎物美国传统〔trap〕The soldiers had walked/stumbled into a trap.士兵们已经进入/误入埋伏圈。韦氏高阶〔unseen〕He was killed by a single shot from an unseen soldier.一个埋伏的士兵一枪就把他打死了。牛津高阶〔volley〕Even as the funeral took place, guerrillas hidden nearby fired/let off a fresh volley of machine-gun fire.甚至在葬礼举行过程时,埋伏在附近的游击队又进行了一轮机枪扫射。剑桥高阶〔wait〕The army lay in wait in the forest.部队埋伏在树林里。英汉大词典〔wait〕The robbers were lying in wait for the rich traveller.强盗们埋伏着等待袭击那位富有的旅客。英汉大词典〔walk〕He just walked into the ambush.他正中埋伏英汉大词典〔waylay〕Bandits lie in wait to waylay unsuspecting travellers.强盗埋伏起来, 拦路抢劫毫无戒备的路人。外研社新世纪Even as the funeral took place, guerrillas hidden nearby fired/let off a fresh volley of machine-gun fire.即便在举行葬礼时,埋伏在附近的游击队还用机枪进行一轮扫射。剑桥国际Four men led by a sergeant lay in ambush at the crossroads. 由一名中士率领的四名士兵埋伏在十字路口。译典通He says bandits are lying in wait (= hiding in order to make a surprise attack) further along the road.他说匪徒就埋伏在前面的路上。剑桥国际The enemy fell into our ambush. 敌人中了我们的埋伏译典通The gang of robbers waylaid and robbed travelers. 这帮强盗拦路埋伏抢劫旅客。译典通The general ambushed his troops in the dense woods. 将军把部队埋伏在浓密的树林里。译典通The gunmen were lying in wait (= hiding, ready to attack) when Mr Predit came out of the hotel.普里迪特先生从旅馆里走出来时,那个职业杀手正埋伏等着。剑桥国际The policemen laid for the bandits along the road. 警察埋伏在路边等著袭击匪徒。译典通The rifles lay behind the hill waiting for the order to fire. 步枪队埋伏在小山后面,等待命令开火。译典通The robbers were lying in wait for the rich traveler. 强盗埋伏著等待有钱的旅客。译典通They activated their sleepers over there to plan on a terrorist attack on Paris. 他们启动了埋伏的恐怖分子,准备对巴黎进行恐怖恐击。译典通




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