

单词 坏死
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔blight〕Any of numerous plant diseases resulting in sudden conspicuous wilting and dying of affected parts, especially young, growing tissues.枯萎病:一种植物疾病,能导致染病部分,尤指未成熟、成长中组织的突然明显枯萎和坏死美国传统〔canker〕A localized diseased or necrotic area on a plant part, especially on a trunk, branch, or twig of a woody plant, usually caused by fungi or bacteria.植物溃疡:植物一个部分,尤指一株木本植物的主干、枝干或小枝上局部的患病或坏死区域,通常由真菌或细菌造成美国传统〔carrion〕Dead and decaying flesh.腐肉:坏死的和腐烂的肉美国传统〔carrion〕Of or similar to dead and decaying flesh.腐肉的:坏死的和腐烂的肉的,或类似于此的美国传统〔gangrene〕Death and decay of body tissue, often occurring in a limb, caused by insufficient blood supply and usually following injury or disease.坏疽:身体组织坏死或衰退,常在四肢发生,因供血不足以及随后的受伤或疾病而引起美国传统〔grave〕He went to an early grave with a necrotic liver.他因肝坏死而过早去世。英汉大词典〔gumma〕A small, rubbery granuloma that has a necrotic center and is enclosed by an inflamed, fibrous capsule. It is characteristic of an advanced stage of syphilis.梅毒瘤:一种小的橡胶肉牙瘤,中心坏死,周围包裹着一层发炎的纤维状外囊。为梅毒的后期症状美国传统〔hangnail〕A small piece of dead skin at the side or the base of a fingernail that is partly detached from the rest of the skin.指甲上的肉刺:一小片坏死的,游离于其余皮肤外的,悬挂在指甲侧面或根部的皮肤美国传统〔infarct〕An area of tissue that undergoes necrosis as a result of obstruction of local blood supply, as by a thrombus or an embolus.梗塞:如由于血栓或栓子的原因,局部血液供应不畅而引发局部组织坏死美国传统〔leaf spot〕Any of various plant diseases resulting in well-defined necrotic areas on the leaves.叶斑病:任一种能导致在叶面上形成界限分明的坏死区域的植物病害美国传统〔mortification〕Pathology Death or decay of one part of a living body; gangrene or necrosis.【病理学】 坏疽:一个活的生物体的某一部位的坏死或毁灭;坏疽或坏死美国传统〔mortify〕Pathology To undergo mortification; become gangrenous or necrosed.【病理学】 变得坏死;变成坏疽或枯斑美国传统〔myocardial infarction〕Necrosis of a region of the myocardium caused by an interruption in the supply of blood to the heart.心肌梗塞:由心脏供血的中断而引起的心肌层部位的坏死美国传统〔necrobiosis〕The natural death of cells or tissues through aging, as distinguished from necrosis or pathological death.进行性坏死:随着年龄的增长细胞或组织的正常死亡,有别于坏死或由于疾病的死亡美国传统〔necrose〕To undergo or cause to undergo necrosis.坏死:引起坏的和使发生坏死美国传统〔necrosis〕Death of cells or tissues through injury or disease, especially in a localized area of the body.坏死:因创伤或疾病引起的细胞或组织的死亡,尤其指身体局部面积的坏死美国传统〔necrotic〕Maggots eat away necrotic tissues.蛆吃坏死的组织。剑桥高阶〔necrotize〕To undergo necrosis or cause to necrose.坏死:引起坏死或使发生坏死美国传统〔pus〕A generally viscous, yellowish-white fluid formed in infected tissue, consisting of white blood cells, cellular debris, and necrotic tissue.脓,脓液:通常是粘性的,黄白色的,由受感染的肌体组织形成的液体,由白血球,细胞碎片和坏死的组织美国传统〔slough〕The dead tissue sloughs slowly.坏死组织慢慢地结痂脱落。英汉大词典〔sunscald〕Localized injury or death of the tissues of a woody plant caused by excessive sun in summer and by the combined effects of sun and low temperatures in winter.日灼病:木质植物组织的部分灼伤或坏死,由夏天过多日光辐射或冬天日光和低温的共同作用引起美国传统〔tumor necrosis factor〕A protein produced by macrophages in the presence of an endotoxin and shown experimentally to be capable of attacking and destroying cancerous tumors.肿瘤坏死因子:当体内有内毒素时,巨噬细胞产生的一种蛋白质 ,有实验表明,能够攻击并毁灭癌瘤美国传统〔vomica〕An abnormal pus-containing cavity, usually in a lung, caused by deterioration of tissue.脓腔:不正常的含脓的腔,常在肺中,由组织坏死引起美国传统




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