

单词 compares
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPARE〕The book compares and contrasts the various methods used in language teaching. 这本书比较了语言教学中各种方法的异同。朗文写作活用〔be better than sex〕For me, nothing compares with the thrill of surfing - it's better than sex.对我而言,没有什么比冲浪更刺激了——感觉简直比做爱还棒。剑桥高阶〔compare apples and/to/with apples〕The article compares apples to apples, grouping wines of the same variety and price together.这篇文章把相同品种和价格的葡萄酒放在一起,做了同类比较。韦氏高阶〔compare〕About 2.5 % of Scottish land is registered organic: that compares very favourably with the European average.苏格兰约有2.5%的土地登记为有机的:这比欧洲的平均水平好得多。麦克米伦高阶〔compare〕His poem compares poorly with yours.他的诗做得不如你的好。21世纪英汉〔compare〕Our road safety record compares favourably with that of other European countries.我们的道路安全纪录比欧洲其他国家要好。柯林斯高阶〔compare〕The city compares favourably / favorably with other parts of Brazil.这个城市比巴西的其他地方好。牛津搭配〔compare〕The imported fabric is 30% cheaper and compares favourably (=is as good) in quality.进口布料价格要便宜 30%,而且在质量上占有优势。朗文当代〔compare〕The poet compares his lover's tongue to a razor blade.诗人把他恋人的舌头比作剃须刀刀片。剑桥高阶〔compare〕The report compares the different types of home computer available.这份报告比较了目前可以买到的不同类型的家用计算机。朗文当代〔compare〕This compares favourably with previous results.这次结果比得上以前的。英汉大词典〔compare〕This school compares with the best in the country(= it is as good as them).这所学校可与全国最好的学校媲美。牛津高阶〔echo〕The bat compares the sound of its cry with the sound of the returning echo.蝙蝠把它自己的叫声和折返的回声作比较。牛津搭配〔ethnology〕The science that analyzes and compares human cultures, as in social structure, language, religion, and technology; cultural anthropology.文化人类学或社会人类学:是分析和比较人类文化,如社会结构、语言、宗教和科学技术的科学;文化人类学美国传统〔favorable〕The wine compares favorably with some that are far more expensive.这种酒比有些贵得多的酒还要好。韦氏高阶〔favourable〕Britain's overall road safety record compares favourably with that of other European countries.英国整体的道路安全状况同其他欧洲国家相比毫不逊色。柯林斯高阶〔favourably〕Britain's overall road safety record compares favourably with that of other European countries.英国的整体道路安全状况与其他欧洲国家相比毫不逊色。外研社新世纪〔historical〕The table compares historical exchange rates for five different currencies.这张表比较五种货币在历史上的兑换率。剑桥高阶〔occurrence〕The study compares the occurrence of heart disease in various countries.该项研究比较了不同国家心脏病的发病率。剑桥高阶〔period〕This compares with a 4% increase for the same period last year.这个数字与去年同期的 4% 升幅相若。牛津高阶〔practicality〕No one's work compares with hers for its practicality or efficiency.从实用性和有效性方面来讲,任何人的作品都不能和她的相比。麦克米伦高阶〔rating〕The article compares the fuel-economy ratings of various cars.这篇文章将各类汽车的节油程度进行了比较。韦氏高阶〔record〕Our record compares well with that of any similar-sized company.与同规模的其他公司相比,我们的成绩更胜一筹。牛津搭配〔shopper〕A commercial agent who compares the merchandise and prices of competing merchants.为商店打听行情的人:一个对互相竞争的商人的商品和价格进行比较的商业人商业员美国传统〔spec〕The article compares the specs of ten of the best-selling cars.这篇文章比较了10款畅销汽车的规格配置。剑桥高阶〔study〕The study compares the incidence of bone cancer in men and women.该研究比较了男性和女性骨癌的患病率。牛津搭配〔unfavourable〕In this respect, Britain compares unfavourably with other European countries.在这方面,英国比欧洲其他各国要逊色。牛津高阶The poet compares his lover's tongue to a razor blade.诗人把他恋人的舌头比作刀片。剑桥国际The study compares the occurrence (= existing amount) of heart disease in various countries.这项研究比较了不同国家里现存的心脏病人数。剑桥国际




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