

单词 在影片
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔NORMAL/ORDINARY〕In the film ‘Phenomenon’, John Travolta plays an ordinary guy who becomes a genius overnight. 在影片《不一样的本能》中,约翰·特拉沃尔塔扮演一个一夜之间变成奇才的普通小伙子。朗文写作活用〔act〕Ellis Pike was chosen to act the part of the lawyer in the film.埃利斯•帕克被选中在影片中扮演律师这一角色。剑桥高阶〔animation〕They used computer animation in the film.他们在影片中使用了计算机动画制作。朗文当代〔appearance〕She made a cameo appearance in the movie.她在影片中客串一个小角色。牛津搭配〔calculating〕In the film she's depicted as a very cold and calculating character.在影片中,她被刻画成了一个冷漠且工于心计的人物。剑桥高阶〔cameo〕He appears briefly towards the end of the film in a cameo role as a priest.在影片接近尾声时,他露面客串了一下牧师。剑桥高阶〔caricature〕His performance in the film was a caricature of a hard-boiled detective.他在影片中把一个冷硬派侦探演得很夸张。韦氏高阶〔conjure〕In the movie she has the power to conjure up storms, fires, and earthquakes.在影片中,她拥有可以召唤风暴、大火和地震的魔力。韦氏高阶〔deep〕The main character has a deep, dark secret that is revealed at the end of the movie.影片的主角有一个深藏心中的秘密,在影片的结尾才被揭开。韦氏高阶〔dense〕In the movie, she plays his kind but somewhat dense aunt.在影片中,她饰演了他那和蔼但又有点愚钝的姑妈。韦氏高阶〔express in〕The director expresses his sorrow in his film.导演在影片中表达出他的悲哀。21世纪英汉〔glowing〕He spoke of her performance in the film in glowing terms(= praising her highly).他热烈赞扬了她在影片中的表演。牛津高阶〔guy〕At the end of the film the bad guy gets shot.这坏蛋在影片结尾时被击毙。牛津高阶〔headline〕They headlined a new girl in the film.他们在影片中又推出了一位新人作女主角。21世纪英汉〔historical〕He strove for historical accuracy in the movie.他力求在影片中准确还原历史。韦氏高阶〔incorporeal〕In the film, the house was visited by a strange incorporeal being.在影片中,一个奇怪的无形体生物造访了这座房子。剑桥高阶〔influence〕Can you use your influence with the director to get me a part in the movie? 你能不能利用你对导演的影响给我在影片中谋个角色?牛津搭配〔interest〕Angelina Jolie supplies the love interest in the movie.安吉丽娜・朱莉在影片中扮演主角爱恋的对象。牛津搭配〔lace〕He laced the film with humour.他在影片中加进幽默内容使之更具吸引力。英汉大词典〔loop〕To add or substitute (words) in a film by altering the sound track.换字幕:通过改变音轨在影片中加入或替换(语句)美国传统〔love〕She plays his love interest in the film.她在影片中扮演他爱慕的对象。牛津搭配〔middle〕He gets killed in the middle of the film.在影片的中间部分他被杀死了。朗文当代〔on-screen〕Producers decided to end her on-screen romance with Pierce Lawton.制片人决定结束她在影片中与皮尔斯·劳顿的恋情。柯林斯高阶〔outshine〕She outshines all the other actors in the film.她在影片中的表演令所有其他演员都相形见绌。韦氏高阶〔performance〕Mel Gibson's central performance in the movie as Hamlet 梅尔・吉布森在影片中扮演关键角色哈姆雷特牛津搭配〔production〕During the film's production, the director wanted to shoot a riot scene but the filming was blocked.在影片摄制期间,导演想拍摄一个暴乱场面,但是被禁止了。柯林斯高阶〔reproduce〕The book's characters are faithfully reproduced in the movie.书中的人物在影片中得到了忠实再现。牛津搭配〔rocket〕His role in the movie rocketed him to fame.他在影片中的角色使他一举成名。韦氏高阶〔screen〕He appears on screen for only 20 minutes.他在影片中只出现了20分钟。外研社新世纪〔screen〕On screen he plays a policeman.在影片中他饰演一位警察。外研社新世纪〔sensitive〕In the movie, he plays a concerned and sensitive father trying to bring up two teenage children on his own.在影片中,他扮演了一个关怀备至、体贴入微的父亲,努力独自抚养两个十几岁的孩子。剑桥高阶〔sequence〕The heroine dies in the closing sequence of the movie.女主人公在影片的结尾场景中死去。牛津搭配〔sexuality〕Her overt sexuality shocked movie audiences.她在影片中露骨的情色表演令观众大为震惊。牛津搭配〔supporting〕He has a supporting role in the movie.他在影片中饰演一个配角。韦氏高阶〔sympathetic〕She comes across as a more sympathetic character in the movie.她在影片中扮演的角色更能引起观众的共鸣。剑桥高阶〔tear into〕The critics tore into her performance in the movie.评论家们毫不留情地抨击了她在影片中的表演。韦氏高阶〔travel〕In the film, he travels back in time to the '50s.在影片中,他穿越时间回到了 50 年代。牛津搭配〔unfeeling〕She accused me of being unfeeling because I didn't cry at the end of the film.她责备我铁石心肠,因为我在影片结尾时没有哭。剑桥高阶At the beginning of the film, the camera zooms in to show two people sitting by the side of a river.在影片开始的时候,镜头对准了坐在河边的两个人。剑桥国际Harrison Ford always seems to play the part of the hero in films.哈里森·福特似乎总是在影片中扮演男主角。剑桥国际I thought that bit at the beginning/end of the film was brilliant.我认为在影片开头/结尾的那一段是很出色的。剑桥国际I'd love to be an extra in a film.我愿意在影片中当临时演员。剑桥国际In the film Kelly plays a part ideally suited (=as well suited as it is possible to be) to her personality.在影片中凯利扮演一个与其性格完全相符的角色。剑桥国际In the film he plays a lecherous soldier.在影片中他扮演一个好色的士兵。剑桥国际In the film she plays a lovelorn princess.她在影片中扮演了一位遭受失恋痛苦的公主。剑桥国际In the film she plays a romantic loser.在影片中,她扮演了一个爱情的受挫者。剑桥国际In the film she's depicted as a very cold and calculating character.在影片中她被描写成一个冷漠而精明的人物。剑桥国际In the film version, Kenneth Branagh played the hero.在影片中,肯尼斯·布拉那夫扮演主角。剑桥国际In the film's unexpected denouement, the woman who was thought to have been murdered was found to be still alive.在影片出人意料的结局中,人们发现那个以为已经被杀的女子还活着。剑桥国际In the film, Cooper is the incorruptible FBI agent working against the drug dealers.在影片中,库珀是个与毒贩作斗争的正直的联邦调查局探员。剑桥国际In the film, he is able to depict the sense of otherness and alienation that many people feel when they are growing up.在影片中,他能表现出许多人在成长期被人视为异类、被人疏远的感觉。剑桥国际In the film, the house was visited by a strange incorporeal being.在影片中,这房子有一个奇怪的无形体的生物来访。剑桥国际In the film“The Witches of Eastwick” Jack Nicholson plays a rich, oversexed man who is really the devil.在影片《东威克的巫婆们》中,杰克·尼克尔森扮演一个富有的、性欲过强的男人,他实际上是魔鬼。剑桥国际She accused me of being unfeeling because I didn't cry at the end of the film.她责备我心肠硬, 原因是我在影片结尾时没有哭。剑桥国际She gave a mesmeric performance in the film as a woman dying from cancer.她在影片中扮演一位因癌症而濒死的女人,展现了迷人的演技。剑桥国际The poet is depicted in the film as a rather fey and otherworldly young man.这个诗人在影片中被描绘成一个神秘古怪不属于现实世界的年轻人。剑桥国际With his latest offering, wunderkind Spielberg has once again demonstrated his gift for making movies.在他的最新作品中,天才青年斯皮尔伯格再次显示了他在影片制作方面的天分。剑桥国际




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