

单词 土壤侵蚀
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PROBLEM〕The area is plagued by soil erosion and flooding. 该地区受土壤侵蚀和水灾的困扰。朗文写作活用〔cover crop〕A crop, such as winter rye or clover, planted between periods of regular crop production to prevent soil erosion and provide humus or nitrogen.间作:在常规农作物生长间期内种植的农作物,比如冬麦或三叶草,以预防土壤侵蚀并能提供腐殖质和氮美国传统〔crop〕Crop rotation helps prevent soil erosion.农作物轮作有助于防止土壤侵蚀牛津搭配〔dubiously〕El Salvador has earned the dubious distinction of having the worst soil erosion in continental America.萨尔瓦多因是美洲大陆土壤侵蚀最严重的地方而有了这份不光彩的名声。柯林斯高阶〔erosion〕Soil erosion follows drought by a year or so.干旱之后一年左右就会出现土壤侵蚀外研社新世纪〔erosion〕This damages soil structure, which increases erosion.这会损害土壤结构,从而加剧土壤侵蚀牛津搭配〔no-till〕A system for planting crops without plowing, using herbicides to control weeds and resulting in reduced soil erosion and the preservation of soil nutrients.不整地种植:不犁地而以除草剂控制杂草,以减少土壤侵蚀并保持地力的耕耘谷物系统美国传统〔sustain〕The soil was so badly eroded it could no longer sustain crop production.土壤侵蚀得厉害,不能再种庄稼了。牛津搭配




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