

单词 国际
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔working group〕There will be a working group on international issues.将会有一个国际问题调查工作组。柯林斯高阶A folk group led the singing of patriotic songs.一个民间小组带头唱起了爱国歌曲。剑桥国际A strong wind will favour (=give an advantage to) the bigger boats.强风有利于较大的船只。剑桥国际After looking at all the applications, we reached the tentative conclusion that three or four people might be worth interviewing.审阅了所有的申请表后,我们的初步结论是有三四个人值得面试。剑桥国际All they had to drink was brackish water.他们只能喝到稍带盐分的水。剑桥国际Banks should be supporting small private businesses.银行应该支持小型私营企业。剑桥国际Despite being a qualified teacher, her basic salary is less than street cleaners earn.虽然她是个合格的教师,但她的基本薪水比街道清扫工挣得还少。剑桥国际Don't let anyone bully you into doing something you don't want to do.别让任何人胁迫你做不愿做的事情。剑桥国际Don't listen to the alarmists in the City--I am positive that we will double our profits this year.不要听信伦敦城中危言耸听者的话----我确信我们今年的利润将会翻一番。剑桥国际Don't touch those wires whatever you do.无论你做什么都不要碰那些电线。剑桥国际Fiona was coming to the party so I thought it impolitic to ask her ex-husband.菲奥纳要来参加晚会,因此我认为邀请她的前夫是不策略的。剑桥国际Four-letter words refer to the taboo subjects of sex and excretion.四字母词指的是关于性和排泄物等禁忌话题用词。剑桥国际Given the lateness of the hour, she left writing the rest of the letters until the next day.由于时间已晚,她把信的剩余部分留到明天写。剑桥国际Harry came back from his squash match hot and flushed.哈利打完壁球比赛回来,一身热汗,满脸通红。剑桥国际He did ten years porridge for armed robbery.他因武装抢劫服了10 年刑。剑桥国际He has difficulty putting his feelings into words.他很难用言语来表达感情。剑桥国际He leered across the room at the girls.他不怀好意地看着房间那头的女孩子们。剑桥国际He seemed (to be) such a nice man --I was amazed to hear he'd murdered his wife. [L (+ to be)] 他看来好像是一个很好的人----听说他谋杀了妻子,我大为惊异。剑桥国际He sold his equity in the company last year.他去年卖掉了公司里的股票。剑桥国际He struggled along the path, bowed (= bent over) under the weight of the heavy bags he was carrying.他沿小路挣扎着前进,扛着的重包压得他低着头弓着背。剑桥国际He studied medicine at five German universities, and in 1876 became professor of anatomy at Kiel.他在5所德国大学学过医学,于1876年成为基尔大学解剖学教授。剑桥国际He was hollow-cheeked (=His face was too thin) and pale, almost unearthly.他面颊凹陷,脸色苍白,几乎像鬼一样。剑桥国际He's gone to the doctor's to have his stitches taken out.他去医院拆线。剑桥国际Her brother's doing a ten-year stretch behind bars for an armed robbery.她哥哥因持械抢劫而正在服为期10年的徒刑。剑桥国际Her second husband is totally different from Mark.她的第二任丈夫和马克完全不同。剑桥国际His broken arm hung loosely from his shoulder.他受伤的胳膊松弛地从肩部垂下。剑桥国际I asked two people to help me start my car, but neither of them knew what to do.我请两个人帮我发动汽车,可是他们都不知道怎么做。剑桥国际I cleaned the insides (of the pot) with scouring powder.我用去污粉清洗了(罐的)内侧。剑桥国际I don't think Robin has the backbone for this kind of job.我认为罗宾不能胜任这项工作。剑桥国际I enjoyed my three years at university (=in that particular place) so much.我在大学的3年过得很愉快。剑桥国际I gave him a bonk on the head and said, “Get lost!”.我在他头上轻轻敲了一下说“走开别烦我!”剑桥国际I suspected that he had palmed a playing card.我怀疑他把一张牌藏在了手心里。剑桥国际I thought I heard a yell from the bathroom so I came up to see what was the matter.我想我听到浴室里传来了一声叫喊,因此上来看看发生了什么。剑桥国际I was beginning to think I'd made a dreadful mistake.我开始意识到我犯了个可怕的错误。剑桥国际I'm beat--I'm going to bed.我累死了----我要睡觉。剑桥国际I've been having lustful thoughts (= thoughts expressing sexual desire) about you.我一直如饥似渴地思恋着你。剑桥国际I've seen him down the pub with the rugby team--he's a real man's man.我看到他与橄榄球队员一起在酒吧里----他真是个男子汉中的男子汉。剑桥国际It's not funny -- don't laugh! 没有什么好笑的----别笑!剑桥国际Look over there -- I'm sure I left the book on that shelf.找找那边,我肯定把书放在那个书架上的。剑桥国际MPs have demanded his immediate resignation.下院议员们要他立刻辞职。剑桥国际Most of the people admitted to the hospital were suffering from gunshot wounds.大部分医院收治的人都受了枪伤。剑桥国际Much community care of old people is undertaken by the voluntary sector (= people who are not paid to do it).许多照顾老年人的社区服务工作由志愿者担当。剑桥国际Needlepoint is something of a dying art.刺绣是一门衰落的艺术。剑桥国际Now come on, snap out of it. Losing that money isn't the end of the world.好吧,振作一点,丢了钱并不意味着世界末日。剑桥国际Our love will never die (= end).我们的爱永远不会减退。剑桥国际Put the fish in the microwave and it'll only take 5 minutes.把鱼放到微波炉里,只要转5分钟就可以了。剑桥国际Scotland Yard is the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police.伦敦警察厅是首都警察的总部。剑桥国际She began her career working in underground films.她的事业开始于先锋派电影业。剑桥国际She brandished a saucepan at me so I ran out of the kitchen.她向我威胁地挥舞着平底锅所以我跑出了厨房。剑桥国际She opened the door and let me in.她打开门让我进去。剑桥国际She said she was unhappy, or words to that effect.她说她很不幸福,或是说了些大意如此的话。剑桥国际She shifted (her weight) uneasily from one foot to the other.她不安地把身体的重量由一只脚转到另一只脚。剑桥国际She's angry on account of what you said over lunch about her husband.她对你在午餐时所说的关于她丈夫的话非常气愤。剑桥国际She's just bought herself a pair of jodhpurs even though she's only ever been riding once before.她刚为自己买了条马裤,尽管以前只骑过一次马。剑桥国际She's no slouch when it comes to organizing parties.当要举办舞会时,她麻利地行动起来。剑桥国际Soldiers must swear allegiance to the Crown / the King.战士们必须对君主/国王宣誓效忠。剑桥国际Strict adherence to the safety regulations is expected at all times.在所有的时间内都要严格遵守安全条例。剑桥国际Taking battleships into the area is another escalation in what seems to be a build-up to war.战列舰驶入这一地区是向战争发展过程中的又一次升级。剑桥国际The Brazilian side had made eight changes, six of them positional.巴西队换了八次人,其中六次是位置性的。剑桥国际The Olympic Games are held in a different country on each occasion.每一届的奥运会都由不同的国家举办。剑桥国际The ball fell just outside the sideline.球刚好掉出了边线外。剑桥国际The band is about to begin a world/nationwide tour.这个乐队将要开始作世界性的/全国性的巡回演出。剑桥国际The children's excitement is mounting (= increasing) as Christmas gets nearer.随着圣诞临近,孩子们越来越兴奋。剑桥国际The east of England has low mean rainfall.英格兰东部平均雨量较少。剑桥国际The fullness of the research report (=how much detail it contains) has been widely praised.研究报告的详尽受到了广泛的赞扬。剑桥国际The government is involved in a damage limitation exercise to minimize the effects of the scandal.政府正致力于一项控制损失的活动,以使丑闻造成的影响达到最小程度。剑桥国际The kidnappers renewed their threats.绑架者重申了他们的威胁。剑桥国际The museum is putting on a Hockney retrospective/a retrospective of Hockney's work.博物馆正在进行霍克尼的作品回顾展。剑桥国际The new TV broke within a week so they returned it to the shop.新电视机在1周之内就坏掉了,因此他们将它送回了商店。剑桥国际The number of people employed in manufacturing industries has dropped over the last five years.在最近五年中,制造业的雇员人数在减少。剑桥国际The police officer pressed the witness to identify the man she had seen.警官敦促证人去辨认她看到的那个男人。剑桥国际The police shot at him but he escaped.警察向他射击,但他逃脱了。剑桥国际The report on homosexuality in the clergy is to be discussed by the Church of England's General Synod next week.关于牧师间同性恋问题的报告将于下星期由英国国教的教会大会进行讨论。剑桥国际The ships’hulls were sheathed in/with copper (= covered with COPPER as a protection).船身包着紫铜。剑桥国际The soldiers had to carry their heavy packs for miles across rough ground.士兵们不得不背着沉重的包裹穿过好几英里高低不平的路面。剑桥国际The spokesperson said the information campaign was a fig leaf to hide the most regressive tax in history.发言人说信息大战只是一块遮羞布,用以掩盖历史上最退步的税收制度。剑桥国际The washing is covered with smuts from the bonfire.洗好的衣服沾满了篝火腾起的烟灰。剑桥国际The wild cards are represented here by asterisks.通配符用星号来表示。剑桥国际Their army is stretched too thin to hold on to the territory for long.他们的军队战线长,力量单薄,领土守不长了。剑桥国际There has been a recent increase in absenteeism (=people not going to work or school when they should be going).最近无故缺席的现象增多了。剑桥国际There is evidence that a predisposition to(wards) asthma runs in families.有证据表明易患哮喘病是有家庭史的。剑桥国际These laws will restrict our ancient rights and liberties.这些法律将会限制我们自古以来的权利与自由。剑桥国际These papers are top secret.这些文件是绝密的。剑桥国际They are pushing for greater equality of opportunity for women.他们努力争取妇女机会的更大平等。剑桥国际They stayed friends after their divorce.他们离婚后仍是朋友。剑桥国际This carpet doesn't clean (=become clean) very well.这块地毯很难弄干净。剑桥国际This is the first time I've been to New York.这是我第一次到纽约。剑桥国际Tickets will cost from $10 to $45.票价从10美元到45美元不等。剑桥国际Unemployment is a stubborn problem which won't just disappear overnight.失业问题相当棘手,它不可能一夜间消失。剑桥国际Wallace was charged with causing an affray at a Southampton nightclub.华莱士被指控在南安普敦岛的一家夜总会挑起了一场斗殴。剑桥国际We could hear the rise and fall of voices from the other room.我们可以听到另一房间里忽高忽低的讲话声音。剑桥国际We had a family reunion where I saw relatives I hadn't seen for 20 years.我们进行了一次家庭重聚,在那里我见到了20年未见到过的亲戚们。剑桥国际We have to face the fact that we're no longer the great sporting nation that we once were.我们已不再像以前那样是体育运动大国了,我们必须面对这个事实。剑桥国际We'd better eat some of this cheese up -- we've got tons of the stuff! 我们最好把这些乳酪吃掉些----我们乳酪多得不得了!剑桥国际We'll pencil in the dates for the next two meetings and confirm them later.我们将下两次会议的日期先草拟一下,以后再确定。剑桥国际When you got lost in the forest you must have been very frightened.当你在树林中迷路时,你一定很害怕吧。剑桥国际Witnesses presented accounts of summary executions and torture by the secret police.目击者叙述了关于秘密警察就地处决和拷打犯人的情况。剑桥国际You trod on my toe, you clodhopping (=awkward) idiot! 你踩到我的脚趾了,笨拙的白痴!剑桥国际You'll do it because I said so.我说了,你就得去做。剑桥国际You'll mess up your insides if you don't eat properly.如果你乱吃东西,你会弄坏你的肚子。剑桥国际




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