

单词 围上
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔close in〕The hunt chased the fox until it was too tired and weak to run and then closed in for the kill.猎狐队一直把狐狸追得精疲力竭跑不动了,然后再包围上去捕杀。剑桥高阶〔curtain off〕The booth was curtained off on three sides.这个货摊有三面都用帘子围上了。韦氏高阶〔determine〕To limit in scope or extent.限制:在范围上加以制约美国传统〔effect〕Add a scarf for a casual effect.再围上一条围巾以显得随便些。牛津高阶〔exuberant〕Extreme in degree, size, or extent.非凡的,极度的:在程度、规模或范围上极度的美国传统〔fence〕We put up a fence around our yard.我们在院子四周围上了栅栏。韦氏高阶〔get〕She told them to get their scarves and gloves on.她叫他们围上围巾,戴上手套。英汉大词典〔high finance〕Financial transactions or institutions that are extensive in size or scope.巨额融资:在规模和范围上巨大的金融交易或金融机构美国传统〔infinite〕Unlimited in spatial extent.无限延伸的,无穷的:在空间范围上无限大的美国传统〔kill〕The hunters moved in for the kill.猎手们逐渐围上去,准备捕杀猎物。牛津搭配〔meager〕Deficient in quantity, fullness, or extent; scanty.不足的,缺乏的:在数量、程度或范围上缺乏的;不足的美国传统〔meager〕These adjectives mean lacking in quantity, fullness, or extent.这些形容词都有在数量、程度、范围上缺乏和不足的意思。美国传统〔miniconvention〕A convention limited in size or extent, especially a political convention preliminary to a larger or national convention.小型会议:在规模或范围上都有限制的会议,尤指在大型或全国会议前的政治预备会议美国传统〔narrow〕Limited in area or scope; cramped.狭小的,有限制的:在区域或范围上有限的;挤的美国传统〔narrow〕To reduce in width or extent; make narrower.使变窄:在宽度或范围上缩小;使更窄美国传统〔netting〕He put up wire netting around the garden.他把花园四周围上铁丝网。韦氏高阶〔press in〕The enemies are pressing in. What shall we do?敌人围上来了,我们怎么办?21世纪英汉〔reach〕The company has now overtaken IBM in terms of size and reach.在规模和影响范围上,这家公司已经超越了国际商用机器。牛津高阶〔round〕The children crowded round to see what was happening.孩子们蜂拥着围上去,想看看发生了什么事。麦克米伦高阶〔scope〕The new law is limited in scope.这项新法律在适用范围上有所限制。麦克米伦高阶〔spacious〕Generous or large in area or extent; roomy.宽敞的:在区域或范围上广大或宽阔的;广博的美国传统〔yard〕The front yard is fenced for privacy.房前的花园围上了围栏以获得私密性。牛津搭配Many public buildings in the city are covered in scaffolding and closed to the public.城里的许多公共建筑已围上了脚手架,停止向公众开放。剑桥国际The hunt chased the fox until it was too tired and weak to run and then closed in for the kill.打猎队追赶狐狸直到它精疲力竭后,再包围上来干掉它。剑桥国际




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