

单词 四散奔逃
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LEAVE〕The demonstrators suddenly turned and scattered in all directions. 示威人群突然转身四散奔逃朗文写作活用〔direction〕As shots rang out, the crowd ran screaming in all directions .枪声响起,人群尖叫着四散奔逃朗文当代〔madly〕We began rushing around madly in the dark.我们开始在黑暗中拼命四散奔逃外研社新世纪〔scatter〕The sound of gunfire made the crowd scatter in all directions.枪声使人群四散奔逃朗文当代〔scurry〕The attack began, sending residents scurrying for cover.进攻开始了, 居民们四散奔逃着寻找藏身处。外研社新世纪〔squeal〕The boys scattered, squealing in horror.男孩们四散奔逃, 一路惊恐地尖叫着。外研社新世纪〔start up〕A group of zebras started up by a shot.一声枪响把一群斑马惊得四散奔逃21世纪英汉




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