

单词 喂奶
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MEAL〕Lois has gotten tired of the late night feedings. 洛伊丝对深夜里喂奶已感到很疲惫了。朗文写作活用〔SICK/VOMIT〕It is quite normal for your baby to bring up some milk after feeding. 宝宝喂奶后要呕出一些,这是很正常的。朗文写作活用〔bottle〕Gary was holding a bottle to the baby's lips.加里正拿着一个奶瓶给婴儿喂奶外研社新世纪〔bottle〕Gary was holding a bottle to the baby's lips.加里正拿着一个奶瓶给婴儿喂奶柯林斯高阶〔bottle〕Give the baby her bottle when she wakes up.婴儿醒来时用奶瓶给她喂奶剑桥高阶〔bottle〕Most medical experts believe that breastfeeding is better than bottle-feeding.大多数医疗专家认为,母乳喂养比喂奶粉好。剑桥高阶〔breast-feed〕She is breast-feeding her baby.她正在给她的婴儿喂奶英汉大词典〔change〕She criticizes me for the way I feed or change him.她批评我, 说我喂奶和换尿布的方法不对。外研社新世纪〔change〕She criticizes me for the way I feed or change him.她批评我不会给他喂奶、不会换尿布。柯林斯高阶〔dry nurse〕A nurse employed to care for but not breast-feed an infant.不喂奶保姆:被雇佣照看但不哺乳婴儿的保姆美国传统〔feeding〕When was the baby's last feeding? [=(Brit) feed] 上次给宝宝喂奶是什么时候?韦氏高阶〔feed〕She sat down to feed the baby.她坐下来给婴儿喂奶麦克米伦高阶〔feed〕When is she due for her next feed?她下一次该什么时候喂奶外研社新世纪〔galactorrhea〕Spontaneous milk flow not associated with childbirth or the nursing of an infant.乳溢:乳汁自然流出,与分娩及喂奶无关美国传统〔hard〕Make sure you put the baby's diaper on before you start feeding her. I learned this lesson the hard way .给宝宝喂奶之前一定要给她垫上尿布,我也是吃过苦头以后才记住的。朗文当代〔nurse〕Most authorities recommend letting the baby nurse whenever it wants.大部分权威人士建议婴儿饿了就随时喂奶柯林斯高阶〔nurse〕The dog nursed her puppies.狗给它的幼崽喂奶韦氏高阶〔nurse〕The lioness is still nursing her cubs.这只母狮还在给它的幼崽喂奶牛津高阶〔nurse〕To feed at the breast; suckle.给…喂奶;哺乳美国传统〔nursing〕Nursing is preferable to bottle-feeding in most cases.在绝大部分情况下,母乳喂养比喂奶粉好。剑桥高阶〔reject〕The dog rejected her ailing puppy and refused to nurse it.这条狗厌弃自己得病的小狗,拒不给它喂奶英汉大词典〔slobber〕I fed milk to her again but she slobbered it on her bib.我再喂奶给她时,她把奶淌到了围涎上。21世纪英汉〔spit〕It is common for an infant to spit up a little milk after being fed.婴儿在喂奶后,回呕出一点儿奶是常有的事。英汉大词典〔spoon〕She spooned the milk to her baby.她用匙给她的婴孩喂奶21世纪英汉〔suckle〕It's time to suckle my baby.到我给宝宝喂奶的时候了。21世纪英汉〔suckle〕To cause or allow to take milk at the breast or udder; nurse.喂奶:使或允许在乳房或乳头处吸奶;哺育美国传统〔suckle〕We watched the cow suckling her calves.我们看着奶牛给小牛喂奶剑桥高阶〔wet nurse〕A woman who suckles another woman's child.奶妈:给另一个女人的孩子喂奶的女人美国传统Like humans, sows also breast-feed their babies. 与人一样,母猪也给自己的幼仔喂奶译典通Mother is nursing the baby. 母亲正在给婴儿喂奶译典通Sheep products are being fed to cows, thereby passing into the human food chain.绵羊产品被用来喂奶牛,由此进入人类食物链。剑桥国际We watched the cow suckling her calves.我们看了奶牛如何给小牛喂奶剑桥国际




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