

单词 商务
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句A couple of market-makers were caught short of stock.两个庄家被发现卖空股票。牛津商务A good education is the gateway to success.良好的教育是通往成功之路。牛津商务All applications will be acknowledged.所有的申请都将收到覆函告知收悉。牛津商务All our products are certified 100% organic.我们的所有产品均获证明是 100% 的有机物。牛津商务An increasing number of people are booking holidays on the Internet.越来越多的人在互联网上预订假日行程。牛津商务Clothing needs differ throughout the family life cycle.整个家庭生命周期中的服装需求是不同的。牛津商务Demand for the aircraft has outstripped (= has been greater than) supply.对飞机的需求已超过了供应。牛津商务Ecuador's decision to dollarize was taken in January 2000.厄瓜多尔于 2000 年 1 月决定实行美元化。牛津商务Employees are required to submit timesheets for each pay period.员工必须提交每个工资结算期的工时表。牛津商务Every year or so we add a new product category.我们大概每年增添一个新的产品类别。牛津商务Giving presentations is not my strong point (= I am not very good at it).做演示不是我的长处。牛津商务Grey market buyers can obtain goods up to 40% cheaper than through authorized channels.在灰色市场买方能够以比核准渠道便宜 40% 的价格拿到货物。牛津商务He briefly worked as an adviser to the Bank of Italy.他曾短暂地担任过意大利银行的顾问。牛津商务He conned his way into the job using false references.他使用假的证明文件骗取了那份工作。牛津商务He has a vocation for teaching.他的天性适合教书。牛津商务He made a lump-sum payment of $12 000.他一次性支付了 1.2 万元。牛津商务He spent years moonlighting as a cab driver.他多年来都在私下里兼职开出租车。牛津商务He threatened to take legal action against the hospital.他威胁说要起诉这家医院。牛津商务I am writing with regard to your application … 关于你的申请一事,特致函…牛津商务I was conned into buying a useless car.我受骗买了辆不能用的汽车。牛津商务I've just spent three hours making cold calls.我花了三小时打陌生客户的拜访电话。牛津商务Interest rates on mortgage loans have been riding on an uptrend.抵押贷款利率一路走高。牛津商务Invoices must be made out in triplicate.发票必须一式三联。牛津商务It is an infringement of copyright to photocopy a book.复印书是一种侵犯版权的行为。牛津商务It is unlikely that the bank will extend additional credit to the firm.银行不可能给这家公司提供更多的贷款。牛津商务It pays to keep up to date with your work.跟上工作节奏是值得的。牛津商务Major US stock indexes tumbled to new multi-year lows.美国各大股票指数跌至多年来的新低。牛津商务Medical products accounted for 61% of the company's total revenues.医疗产品占公司总收入的 61%。牛津商务No objections were raised at the time.当时没人提出异议。牛津商务Once we've got our heads around this problem, we can start to suggest solutions.我们一旦能够理解这个问题,就可以开始寻求解决办法。牛津商务Our entry-level jobs are multidisciplinary.我们最初级的工作都是多学科的。牛津商务Potential customers are reached through advertising and personal selling.通过广告和人员推销影响潜在顾客。牛津商务Property is always a safe bet.房地产永远是有望成功的投资。牛津商务Public health officials were called in to inspect the premises.公共卫生官员奉召来视察了这场所。牛津商务Real estate can be a hedge against inflation (= property will rise in value more than the rate of inflation).房地产可以作为对冲通货膨胀的手段。牛津商务Revenue fell 1.5% industrywide in November.整个行业 11 月份收入下降 1.5%。牛津商务Share prices ended the day in negative territory.当日股价以低于前一个交易日的水平收盘。牛津商务She went through the company's accounts, looking for evidence of fraud.她仔细审查公司的账户,寻找诈骗的证据。牛津商务Sumitomo, the trading house, was the go-between in the Wal-Mart/Seiyu deal.住友商行是沃尔玛与西友百货之间交易的中间人。牛津商务The Chinese economy has been performing well.中国经济一直运行良好。牛津商务The EU has become Chile's largest export market.欧盟已经成为智利最大的出口市场。牛津商务The authorities devalued the peso against the US dollar by nine per cent.当局将比索兑美元贬值了百分之九。牛津商务The bank offers an APR of 21% on its credit card.银行对信用卡提供 21% 的贷款年利率。牛津商务The bank plans to raise $1.37 bn through a new share issue.这家银行计划通过新股发行募集 13.7 亿元。牛津商务The best slogan wins a prize.最佳标语会得到一笔奖金。牛津商务The buildings were insured against fire damage.给这些建筑物上了火灾损害险。牛津商务The cheque will bounce if your salary doesn't reach your account today.如果你的工资今天未能存入你的账户,支票将被拒付。牛津商务The company cut its loss-making long-haul route to Australia.这公司取消了至澳大利亚的亏损长途运输路线。牛津商务The company has struggled in recent years.这家公司近年来一直在勉强维持。牛津商务The company is listed on the London Stock Exchange.公司在伦敦证券交易所上市。牛津商务The company's financial problems were only a temporary reversal.这家公司的财务问题只是暂时的逆转。牛津商务The debt swap will generate funds for local conservation programmes.债务交易协定将为当地的水土保护计划提供资金。牛津商务The directors are examining the feasibility of a management buyout.董事们正在研究管理层收购的可行性。牛津商务The factory will remain open except for the regular New Year closing.除了新年期间例行停业之外,工厂照常营业。牛津商务The first rule of web development is that content is king.网络开发的第一项规则即内容为王。牛津商务The games are being shown free-to-air.这些比赛正免费播放。牛津商务The graphics give you highly complex morphing effects.这些图像会让你感受到复杂多变的效果。牛津商务The group has announced a $100 million offering (= sale) of convertible notes.集团宣布发行 1 亿元的可转换票据。牛津商务The group was devolved into dozens of smaller businesses.这集团被分拆为数十家小企业。牛津商务The hotel's amenities include a gym, a terrace and two restaurants.旅馆设施包括一个健身室,一个露天平台和两家餐厅。牛津商务The investigation uncovered numerous discrepancies in the company's accounts.这项调查发现公司账目中有很多不一致的情况。牛津商务The new law puts temporary staff on the same footing as long-term employees. 新法律使临时工与长期雇员享有同等待遇。牛津商务The number of factories has been cut from 13 to 6.工厂的数目已从 13 家减少到 6 家。牛津商务The number of people unemployed has risen by 67 000 since bottoming in April.自从四月的最低点以来,失业人数已上升到 67 000 人。牛津商务The owner is selling because his partner has relocated.因为伙伴已迁往其他地方,所以业主正在寻找买主。牛津商务The price was not negotiable.价格没有商量的余地。牛津商务The product has been validated against safety requirements.这款产品已通过安全要求检验。牛津商务The programme was first costed at $23 billion.这计划最初的成本估算为 230 亿元。牛津商务The saw must cut with great precision.锯子必须能够精确切割。牛津商务The sell-off in technology stocks may be slowing down.技术股的抛售可能会放缓。牛津商务The software instantly displays the customer profile that corresponds to the caller's phone number.软件能立刻显示与来电者电话号码相符的顾客档案。牛津商务The strikers plan to return to work on Thursday.罢工者计划星期四回去工作。牛津商务The supermarket chain has been promoting aggressively.超市连锁店一直在进行声势浩大的促销活动。牛津商务The survey on consumer taste was commissioned by local stores.消费者口味调查是由当地商店委托进行的。牛津商务The survey showed that many workers want a higher level of employee involvement.调查显示许多工人希望职工有更高层次的参与。牛津商务The turnaround time for order processing is usually under 24 hours.订单处理的周期通常在 24 小时内。牛津商务There have been delays in recovering damages from the supplier for faulty machines.从供应商处获得因机器故障造成的损害赔偿一事出现了耽搁。牛津商务There is pressure for the country to revalue.这个国家的货币有升值压力。牛津商务They are expanding their directory-enquiries service to include mobile-phone numbers.他们将电话号码查询服务扩展到移动电话号码的查询。牛津商务They carefully examined our requisitions for paper clips and notepads.他们仔细检查了我们曲别针和记事本的申领单。牛津商务They import tea and wholesale it to retail stores.他们进口茶叶并批发给零售商店。牛津商务This is a fundamental paradigm shift in management.这是管理观念上一个根本性的变革。牛津商务Tourism is our largest source of foreign exchange.旅游业是我们最主要的外汇来源。牛津商务Toyota was the star performer with record annual profits.丰田公司创下年度赢利纪录成为业绩明星。牛津商务We are required to follow certain rules on hygiene and safety.我们必须遵循某些卫生和安全规则。牛津商务We are running a sales promotion in October with a 20% discount on our camera phones.我们将在十月份对我们的可拍照手机进行降价 20% 的促销活动。牛津商务We don't expect a repeat of last year's sales gains.我们不希望销售收益重复去年的状况。牛津商务We have a staff of 25.我们有 25 名员工。牛津商务We have assigned 20% of our budget to the project.我们将预算的 20% 分配给这项目。牛津商务We have very little to spend on marketing.我们可用的营销经费已经微乎其微。牛津商务We need stricter measures to reduce environmental pollution.我们需要有更严格的措施来减少环境污染。牛津商务We stopped over in Paris on the way to Hong Kong.在前往香港的途中我们在巴黎稍作停留。牛津商务We will design a made-to-measure solution for your IT needs.我们将根据你们的信息技术需求专门设计一套解决方案。牛津商务We're grateful for your business.感谢您光顾本店。牛津商务We're operating in a market that is extremely risk averse.我们在一个极其厌恶风险的市场上运作。牛津商务Web pages are written in HTML.网页都是用超文本标记语言编写的。牛津商务When it first appeared, this vehicle set new standards for safety.这款车刚上市时,确立了新的安全标准。牛津商务You can contact me on/at the following number … 你可以拨打下列号码和我联系。牛津商务You should run a virus check on your laptop.你应该在你的笔记本电脑上执行病毒检查。牛津商务Your login name must be a four-character alphanumeric code.你的登陆名称必须包含四个字符的字母数字组合编码。牛津商务




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