

单词 商业上
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVANTAGE〕Countries within the European Community grant certain commercial privileges to each other. 欧洲共同体内的国家在商业上互相提供特惠条件。朗文写作活用〔IF〕No one can succeed in business without taking certain risks. 不冒些风险,没有人能在商业上取得成功。朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕Your competitors may have access to the company intranet, so never discuss commercially sensitive issues on-line. 你的竞争对手可能会进入公司内部网络,所以千万别在网上讨论商业上的敏感话题。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕The movie was, not surprisingly, a huge commercial success for Jordan. 这部电影不出所料,让乔丹在商业上取得了巨大的成功。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕Tonight, we're going to hear about another business success story from the North East. 今晚,我们将听到来自东北部的另一个商业上的成功故事。朗文写作活用〔advantage〕They are seeking some kind of commercial advantage.他们正在谋取某种商业上的利益。英汉大词典〔chamomile〕The dried flower heads of either one of these plants, used to make an herbal tea and yielding an oil used in commercial flavorings and perfumery.黄春菊花序:上述植物的任一种头状花序,用于做花茶且可产生一种商业上用来做调味品或香水的油美国传统〔commercial〕The film was a huge commercial success.这部电影在商业上非常成功。朗文当代〔communication〕Its commercial success as a city is partly due to its excellent rail and road communications.这座城市在商业上的成功部分要归功于其高效便捷的铁路和公路交通。剑桥高阶〔competitor〕One that competes with another, as in sports or business; a rival.竞争者:指与他人竞争的人,如在体育或商业上;对手美国传统〔consolidation〕The merger of two or more commercial interests or corporations.合并:两个或多个商业上的利益集团或法人团体的合并美国传统〔doing〕It takes a lot of doing to be successful in business these days.现今要在商业上获得成功是很困难的。英汉大词典〔exploit〕She was eager to exploit her discovery commercially.她渴望为自己的发现找到商业上的用途。牛津搭配〔eye〕Most novels are published with an eye to commercial success.大多数小说出版都指望获得商业上的成功。朗文当代〔flop〕The film was a commercial flop.这部电影从商业上来说彻底地失败了。麦克米伦高阶〔hot〕The finance minister found himself in hot water over his business interests.那位财政部长发现,由于商业上的利害关系自己的处境尴尬。朗文当代〔logic〕Commercial logic has forced the two parts of the company closer together.商业上的考虑迫使公司的这两个部门更加紧密地合作。朗文当代〔miserable〕The film was a miserable commercial failure.这部电影在商业上一败涂地。外研社新世纪〔necessity〕A website has become a business necessity.网站已成为商业上的必需品。牛津搭配〔red ink〕A financial loss in business.赤字:商业上的财产损失美国传统〔respond〕We respond to business problems in creative ways.我们富有创意地处理商业上的问题。牛津搭配〔spite〕English became the official language for business in spite of the fact that the population was largely Chinese.虽然当地居民主要是中国人,英语却成了商业上正式使用的语言。牛津高阶〔succeed〕If you want to succeed in business, think big.如果你想在商业上成功,就要胸怀大志。麦克米伦高阶〔success〕The book proved a major commercial success.结果这本书在商业上大获成功。牛津搭配〔success〕We hope it will be a commercial success.我们希望它能取得商业上的成功。外研社新世纪〔success〕We hope it will be a commercial success.我们希望它能取得商业上的成功。柯林斯高阶〔superior〕Though technically superior, their system was never commercially successful.虽然在技术水平上更胜一筹,但他们的系统从未获得商业上的成功。麦克米伦高阶〔venture〕A business enterprise involving some risk in expectation of gain.商业上的投机:为赢利而进行冒险的企业美国传统〔viability〕The company has questioned the commercial viability of the mine.这家公司曾经质疑经营这一矿山在商业上是否可行。牛津搭配〔viable〕Hospitals plan to stop services that are not financially viable.商业上/经济上/财务上可行的麦克米伦高阶Despite his great commercial success he still yearns for critical approval.尽管他在商业上取得了极大的成功,但他仍然渴望得到批评家们的认可。剑桥国际He has a lot of business acquaintances but very few real friends.他有许多商业上的熟人,但真正的朋友却很少。剑桥国际In spite of going down badly with the critics, the film has been a tremendous commercial success.虽然不受评论界的好评,但这部电影在商业上取得了极大的成功。剑桥国际It may take months before the government adopt or, in business parlance,‘take on board’ the ideas suggested in the report.可能还要经过几个月的时间,政府才会采纳,或用商业上的说法,“考虑接受”报告中建议的那些想法。剑桥国际It's not always good commercial logic (= wise judgment) to raise prices.提价不总是商业上明智的判断。剑桥国际Its commercial success as a city is partly due to its excellent rail and road communications.这个城市商业上的成功部分要归功于优良的铁路和公路交通。剑桥国际Lloyd Webber and Rice have perhaps been the most commercially successful partnership in British musical theatre since Gilbert and Sullivan.劳埃德·韦伯和赖斯可能是自吉尔伯特和沙利文以来英国音乐剧在商业上最成功的搭档。剑桥国际The solicitation of business was regarded as unethical.这种商业上的请求被视为不道德。剑桥国际Though highly respected for her writing, she never achieved much commercial success.虽然她的作品受到推崇,但她从未取得多少商业上的成功。剑桥国际We were business rivals/rivals in business.我们是商业上的竞争对手。剑桥国际You have to be a bit devious if you're going to succeed in business.要是你打算在商业上成功,就不得不滑头一点。剑桥国际




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