

单词 后膛
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔breechblock〕The metal part that closes the breech end of the barrel of a breechloading gun and that is removed to insert a cartridge and replaced before firing.炮闩,枪闩:关闭后膛装弹枪的枪后部的后膛的金属部分,可以拆卸下来装子弹并在射击前被替换美国传统〔breeching〕The parts of a gun that make up the breech.后膛部件:组成枪后膛的部件美国传统〔breechloader〕A gun or other firearm loaded at the breech.后膛枪,后膛炮:在后膛装弹药的枪或其它火器美国传统〔breechloading〕Designed to be loaded at the breech. Used of a gun or other firearm.后装式的:设计为在后膛装(弹药)的。用于枪或其它火器美国传统〔firing pin〕The part of the bolt or breech of a firearm that strikes the primer and detonates the charge of a projectile.撞钟:火器中用于撞击起爆剂使子弹起爆的螺栓或后膛的一部分美国传统〔vent〕The small hole at the breech of a gun through which the charge is ignited.火门:弹药通过其点燃的枪后膛上的小孔美国传统




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