

单词 合时宜
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔OLD-FASHIONED〕Many people believe that the role of the Royal Family in Britain is anachronistic. 许多人都认为英国皇室的角色已经不合时宜了。朗文写作活用〔OLD-FASHIONED〕The harvest festival celebrations in the town are an anachronism since almost everyone who lives there nowadays works in an office. 镇上的庆丰节活动已不合时宜了,因为现在几乎所有人都在办公室工作。朗文写作活用〔OLD-FASHIONED〕The image of the civil service as a male, middle class bastion is now outdated. 政府部门是中产阶级男性的堡垒,这种形象现在已不合时宜了。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕He always seems to say exactly the wrong thing at the most inopportune moment. 他好像总是在最不恰当的时候说完全不合时宜的话。朗文写作活用〔anachronism〕For some people, marriage is an anachronism from the days when women needed to be protected.对一些人来说,婚姻是妇女需要受保护的时代的产物,而现在已经不合时宜了。剑桥高阶〔anachronism〕The monarchy is seen by many people as an anachronism in the modern world.很多人认为君主制在现代世界不合时宜牛津高阶〔appropriate to〕She gave a speech appropriate to the occasion.她作了很合时宜的讲话。21世纪英汉〔appropriate〕It would not be appropriate for me to discuss that now.我现在来讨论那件事不合时宜朗文当代〔face about〕The middle of an election is no time to face about.选举中期改变主意是不合时宜的。21世纪英汉〔giggle〕Alison tends to get the giggles at the most inappropriate moments.艾利森总是不合时宜地发笑。牛津搭配〔hand〕Uncalled for or improper; indiscreet.不合时宜的,不正确的;不慎重的美国传统〔history〕History will show that the government's reforms were misplaced.历史将证明政府的改革不合时宜麦克米伦高阶〔ill-dressed〕Clothed in a shabby or inappropriate manner.衣衫褴褛或衣着不合时宜美国传统〔ill-timed〕Done or occurring at an inappropriate time; untimely.不合时宜的:在不合适的时间进行或发生的;不合时的美国传统〔ill-timed〕He argued that the tax cut was ill-timed.他争辩说, 减税不合时宜外研社新世纪〔ill-timed〕He argued that the tax cut was ill-timed.他认为减税不合时宜柯林斯高阶〔ill-timed〕His comments were ill-timed.他的评论不合时宜文馨英汉〔ill-timed〕The movie's release was ill-timed.这部影片的上映不合时宜韦氏高阶〔impractical〕It became impractical to make a business trip by ocean liner.乘坐远洋班轮进行商务旅行变得不合时宜了。柯林斯高阶〔inappropriately〕He was dressed inappropriately for the heat in a dark suit.这么热的天他不合时宜地穿了套黑色西服。外研社新世纪〔inappropriately〕He was dressed inappropriately for the heat in a dark suit.这么热的天他不合时宜地穿了套黑色西服。柯林斯高阶〔inappropriately〕I feel the remark was inappropriate for such a serious issue.我认为对如此严肃的问题来说,该评论不合时宜柯林斯高阶〔inappropriate〕His speech was inappropriate to the occasion.他的讲话不合时宜文馨英汉〔inappropriate〕His speech was inappropriate to the occasion.他的讲话不合时宜英汉大词典〔inapt〕His comments were perhaps inapt.他的评论可能是不合时宜的。剑桥高阶〔inconvenient〕Sunday is an inconvenient day to see him.挑星期天去看他,不合时宜英汉大词典〔inopportune〕Inappropriate or ill-timed; not opportune.不合时宜的:不合时宜的或时机不好的;不适时的美国传统〔inopportune〕The dismissals came at an inopportune time.解雇通知来得不合时宜柯林斯高阶〔knack〕He has a knack of saying the wrong thing.他总爱说一些不合时宜的话。朗文当代〔malapropos〕In an inappropriate or inopportune manner.不合时宜地:采取一种不合适或不恰当的方式地美国传统〔malapropos〕Out of place; inappropriate.不合时宜的:次序混乱的;不适当的美国传统〔misconceived〕His criticisms are misconceived and misplaced.他的批评考虑不周且不合时宜朗文当代〔mistime〕With the election only two days left, the government, however, mistimed its announcement of tax increases.大选只差两天就要举行,政府却非常不合时宜地宣布加税。21世纪英汉〔nonevent〕An anticipated or highly publicized event that does not occur or proves anticlimactic or boring.被期望但未实现的事:预期要发生或普遍知道而没有发生或证明是不合时宜的或不受欢迎的事件美国传统〔order〕Casual clothes are the order of the day.休闲服装很合时宜朗文当代〔out of place〕The law seems particularly out of place in today's society.这部法律在当今社会似乎特别不合时宜韦氏高阶〔place〕Her use of the word hate sounded strange and out of place.她用憎恨一词听起来怪怪的,不合时宜柯林斯高阶〔place〕Your remarks were rather out of place.你的话有点不合时宜英汉大词典〔political incorrectness〕The political incorrectness, and the inappropriateness of that comment makes me angry.这番话既冒天下之大不韪, 又说得不合时宜, 让我很生气。外研社新世纪〔seasonable〕We've been having seasonable weather.当前的天气正合时宜韦氏高阶〔seasonal〕We needed to find some seasonal music.我们需要找一些合时宜的音乐。麦克米伦高阶〔season〕Not at the right or proper moment; inopportunely.不合时宜的:不在合适的或正确的时间的;不凑巧的美国传统〔sneer〕If you go to a club and you don't look right, you're sneered at.如果你去夜总会却穿得不合时宜,人家会笑你的。柯林斯高阶〔taste〕I do not feel your actions were either appropriate or done in good taste.我认为你的行为既不妥当又不合时宜柯林斯高阶〔timeless〕Archaic Untimely or premature.【古语】 不合时宜或过早的美国传统〔turn〕I may be speaking out of turn, but you might like to know that your attire does not conform to the dress code here.或许我说话有些不合时宜,但是你可能愿意知道你的衣着与这里的服装规则不相符美国传统〔uncalled for〕You have brought the game into disrepute by your unwarranted and uncalled for remarks.你那些毫无根据且不合时宜的评论已经将这个比赛置于不光彩的境地。外研社新世纪〔unfashionable〕His hair was unfashionably long.他不合时宜地留着长发。麦克米伦高阶〔unfortunate〕It really is desperately unfortunate that this should have happened just now.刚才竟发生这样的事儿,实在是太不合时宜了。柯林斯高阶〔unfortunate〕It really is desperately unfortunate that this should have happened just now.刚才竟然发生了这样的事, 实在是太不合时宜了。外研社新世纪〔unseasonable〕Poorly timed; inopportune.不合适的:时间上不适当的;不合时宜美国传统〔unseasonable〕Their visits were usually unseasonable.他们的访问往往不合时宜英汉大词典〔unseemly〕In an improper or inappropriate manner.不适当地:以一种不适当的或不合时宜的方式美国传统〔unseemly〕Not suited to the circumstances; inappropriate.不相称的:不符合形势的;不合时宜美国传统〔weigh in〕Cranston and others were improperly trying to weigh in on the decision.克兰斯顿和其他人都不合时宜地想在这个决定中发表高见。柯林斯高阶〔well-timed〕The release of the book was well-timed.这本书的发行正合时宜韦氏高阶〔wrong〕He picked the wrong time to bring up his salary.他不合时宜地提起他的薪水问题。韦氏高阶Analysts say the issue is dead and buried.分析员称这议题已经不合时宜牛津商务Anderson's illness comes at a particularly inopportune time as he is due to start a tour of Australia next week.安德森在订好下周要开始澳大利亚之旅时生病了,真是不合时宜剑桥国际Her comments were extremely ill-timed (=rude or not suitable).她的评论非常不合时宜剑桥国际His father had just died and he didn't want to marry with indecent / unseemly haste.他父亲刚死,他不想匆忙地不合时宜地结婚。剑桥国际The idea of an election is being criticized as ill-timed and unnecessary.举行选举的主意被批评为不合时宜并且没有必要。剑桥国际




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