

单词 合一
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Chuang Tzu〕Chinese Taoist philosopher who advocated a skeptical approach to knowledge and a willing acceptance of change as a means of unifying oneself with the Tao.庄子:中国道家哲学家,他提倡道无可名之以及“道常无为而不为”是人道合一的方法美国传统〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕Several family-oriented sitcoms are on in the early evening. 傍晚时候有几套适合一家大小收看的情景喜剧在播出。朗文写作活用〔accompany〕The booklet was designed to accompany an exhibition in Cologne.这本小册子是为配合一个在科隆举行的展览而策划的。外研社新世纪〔all-in-one〕We sell printers and scann ers, and all-in-ones that combine the two.我们出售打印机、扫描仪,以及打印扫描二合一设备。牛津高阶〔associate〕Rap groups have been barred from large musical events because they are associated with vandalism.说唱组合一直被禁止参加大型音乐活动, 因为人们会把他们同破坏捣乱联系在一起。外研社新世纪〔break dancing〕A style of dancing in which agility, and often spectacular gymnastic skills, are combined with pantomime and performed especially to the rhythms of rap music.霹雳舞:以灵巧,通常吸引人的体操技巧和哑剧相结合一种舞蹈风格,表演多和着说唱音乐的节奏美国传统〔cephalothorax〕The anterior section of arachnids and many crustaceans, consisting of the fused head and thorax.头胸部:蛛形纲动物和许多甲壳纲动物身体前部头胸合一的部分美国传统〔coincide〕The beginning of the solar and lunar years coincided every 13 years.太阳年和太阴年的起始时间每13年重合一次。外研社新世纪〔coincide〕The beginning of the solar and lunar years coincided every 13 years.太阳年和太阴年的起始时间每13年重合一次。柯林斯高阶〔conform〕The animals' behavior conforms to a common pattern.这些动物的行为符合一般模式。韦氏高阶〔consolidate〕You could think about consolidating your ideas and producing a book.你可以考虑整合一下自己观点, 出一本书。外研社新世纪〔consolidate〕You might want to consolidate your debts.你可能想整合一下自己的债务。外研社新世纪〔cosmos〕Harmony and order as distinct from chaos.合一:与浑沌区别的协调与有序美国传统〔diazo〕Relating to or containing a pair of bonded nitrogen atoms, one of which is also bonded to an aromatic hydrocarbon.重氮的:关于或含有一对结合的氮原子的,其中一个还结合一个芳(旋)烃美国传统〔doss〕Can we doss at your house? 我们能在你家凑合一宿吗?麦克米伦高阶〔family〕It had been designed as a family house.这房子的设计适合一家老小共同居住。柯林斯高阶〔fusion〕A fusion of religion and politics emerged.出现了政教合一的局面美国传统〔gather round〕Gather round, everybody!大家集合一下!外研社新世纪〔hold together〕The coach hopes to hold the team together for at least one more season.教练希望至少再带领这支球队多磨合一个赛季。韦氏高阶〔improvisation〕I'm afraid we don't have all the necessary equipment, so a little improvisation might be required.恐怕我们的必需设备不全,所以我们可能需要把东西临时凑合一下。剑桥高阶〔instance〕He isn't any more specific in this case than on many other instances.他在这件事情上也像在许多其他场合一样,没有具体详谈。英汉大词典〔make〕I hardly had any food in the house so I just had to make do.我在家里几乎没有什么吃的东西,所以我只能凑合一下。朗文当代〔man〕Theology In Christianity and Judaism, a being composed of a body and a soul or spirit.【神学】 身心合一的个体:基督教或犹太教中肉体和灵魂或精神相结合的物体美国传统〔mature〕This position would suit a mature P.A. with computer skills.这个职位适合一个懂电脑的成熟的私人助理。麦克米伦高阶〔mend〕Nothing can mend a broken heart.没有什么能弥合一颗破碎的心。外研社新世纪〔mix up〕Part of the plan was that the town should not fall into office, industrial, and residential zones, but mix the three up together.规划认为这个城镇不应划分为办公区、工业区和居住区, 而应三区合一外研社新世纪〔mixed〕I prefer being in mixed company.我更喜欢男女混合一起。麦克米伦高阶〔modality〕A tendency to conform to a general pattern or belong to a particular group or category.属性,特性:符合一种大体模式或属于特定的组或类的倾向美国传统〔moderate〕The cabin is of moderate size - just right for a small family.这间小屋中等大小——正适合一个小家庭。剑桥高阶〔mustard〕The place simply does not cut the mustard as a venue for a leading tournament.这个地方完全不符合一流比赛场地的要求。外研社新世纪〔outdoor〕They're ideal for every outdoor pursuit.它们非常适合一切户外活动。外研社新世纪〔peg〕The RMB was pegged at eight to the dollar by the bank.银行规定每8元人民币折合一美元。21世纪英汉〔pistol grip〕A grip used on certain tools, such as a saw, shaped to fit the hand.握把:一种用于一定工具上的握把,如锯上,形状正适合一只手握美国传统〔pistol grip〕The grip of a pistol, shaped to fit the hand.手枪握把:手枪的握把,形状正适合一只手美国传统〔place〕Well, in the first place he has all the right qualifications.嗯,首先,他符合一切条件。牛津高阶〔prejudice〕We must not pander to the irrational prejudices of a small minority.我们决不能迎合一小撮人荒唐的偏见。牛津搭配〔sector〕A measuring instrument consisting of two graduated arms hinged together at one end.尺规:一种将两个标有刻度的尺臂接合一端而形成的测量工具美国传统〔serve〕The sofa will serve as a bed for a night or two.沙发可以当床凑合一两夜。牛津高阶〔solo〕He promised he would have a stronger management team around him and that he would not fly solo any more.他承诺会在自己周围集合一支更加强大的管理团队, 而不是再继续单打独斗。外研社新世纪〔sporty〕The steering and braking are exactly what you want from a sporty car.其转向和制动装置都完全符合一辆运动型汽车的标准。柯林斯高阶〔stereotype〕He doesn't conform to/fit/fill the national stereotype of a Frenchman.他不符合一般人头脑中法国人的形象。剑桥高阶〔territorialism〕A system of church government based on primacy of civil power.政教合一统治制:以非教会权力为首位的一种教会政府组织美国传统〔theanthropism〕Theology The doctrine of the union of human and divine natures in Jesus.【神学】 人神一体论:基督教人与神性合一的论调美国传统〔unity〕These nouns denote the condition of accord resulting from an identity or coincidence of interests, purposes, or sympathies among the members of a group.这些名词表示一致的条件,得自识别或符合一群的成员中的兴趣、目的或同情,美国传统〔unsportsmanlike〕Not displaying the qualities or behavior befitting a good sport.不象运动员的:未表现出符合一个好的体育运动员的品质或举止的美国传统〔wink〕I didn't get a wink of sleep on the aeroplane.我在飞机上没合一下眼。外研社新世纪〔wink〕I didn't get a wink of sleep on the aeroplane.我在飞机上没合一下眼。柯林斯高阶〔wink〕Informal A brief period of sleep.【非正式用语】 打盹:合一下眼,一个盹美国传统Each investment must meet a set of financial criteria.每项投资必须符合一套财务标准。牛津商务Marketing, sales and IT are being merged to cut costs.营销、销售和资讯技术部门三者合一以削减成本。牛津商务Poor Diane hasn't slept a wink -- she was coughing away all night.可怜的戴安娜未合一眼,她整夜都在咳嗽。剑桥国际The cabin is of moderate size--just right for a small family.这间小屋中等大小,正好适合一个小家庭。剑桥国际The court has permitted the resurrection of these laws, if they meet certain procedural requirements.法庭已同意重新起用这些法律,如果它们符合一定的程序要求的话。剑桥国际The offer is subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions.报盘须符合一定的条件。牛津商务They have scrupulously avoided being seen in public together.他们小心谨慎地避免在公众场合一起露面。剑桥国际




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