

单词 史前
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Aladdin〕It is an Aladdin's cave for students of prehistory.这是史前学学生们的宝库。英汉大词典〔Aran Islands〕Three small islands of western Ireland at the entrance to Galway Bay. The barren, primitive islands have many prehistoric and early Christian remains.阿兰群岛:爱尔兰西部的三个小岛,位于哥尔威湾入口处。这些荒芜、原始的岛上有许多史前及早先基督教遗迹美国传统〔Aurignac〕A village of southern France at the foot of the Pyrenees. It is the site of caves containing prehistoric relics.奥瑞纳:法国南部一村庄,位于比利牛斯山脉脚下。是藏有史前文化的洞穴的遗址美国传统〔Carnac〕A small village in northwest France on the coast of Brittany. It is famous for its prehistoric megalithic monuments that extend in parallel rows.卡赫纳:法国西北部一小村庄,濒临布列塔尼半岛海岸。该村庄有平行排列的史前巨石纪念碑,非常有名美国传统〔Exmoor〕A moorland plateau of Cornwall in southwest England. It is a popular tourist area with notable prehistoric ruins.埃克斯穆尔高地:英格兰西南康沃尔的一片荒野高原。它是一个受欢迎的旅游区,有著名的史前遗迹美国传统〔GUESS〕We don't know why the prehistoric stone circles were built. We can only speculate. 我们不知道建造史前巨石圈的原因,只能推测。朗文写作活用〔Gezer〕An ancient city of Canaan on the coastal Plain of Sharon northwest of Jerusalem. Excavations here have revealed many levels of prehistoric cultures.基色:迦南的一个古老的城市,在沙龙沿海平原,耶路撒冷的西北。出自此地的发掘物显示了不同水平的史前文化美国传统〔HIGH〕Life-size dinosaur models tower above visitors to the Prehistoric Park. 史前公园里实体大小的恐龙模型屹立在前来参观的游客面前。朗文写作活用〔In earlier times〕The tools were known to be in use in medieval/ancient/prehistoric times.据悉,这些工具是在中世纪/古代/史前时期使用的。韦氏高阶〔Marajó〕An island of northern Brazil in the Amazon delta between the Amazon and Pará rivers. It is noted for its prehistoric mounds.马拉若岛:巴西北部一岛屿,位于亚马逊河和帕腊河之间的亚马逊三角洲上。它以岛上的史前土墩而著名美国传统〔Proto-Germanic〕The reconstructed prehistoric ancestor of the Germanic languages.原始日耳曼语:重新构拟的日耳曼语的史前母语美国传统〔Three Age system〕A system for classifying prehistoric artifacts according to successive stages of technological development, divided into the Stone, Bronze, and Iron ages.史前三时期分类法:根据连续性技术发展阶段来针对史前人类古器物所做的分类法,分为石器、青铜器及铁器时代美国传统〔Tiryns〕An ancient city of southern Greece in the eastern Peloponnesus. It contains the ruins of pre-Homeric palaces as well as prehistoric structures.梯林斯:希腊南部一个古代城市,在伯罗奔尼撒半岛的东部,它保存有前荷马时代的宫殿遗址,还有一些史前建筑美国传统〔amber〕He has a collection of prehistoric insects preserved in amber.他收集了很多保存在琥珀中的史前昆虫化石。剑桥高阶〔artefact〕The museum's collection includes artefacts dating back to prehistoric times.这家博物馆的藏品包括一些史前器物。剑桥高阶〔artifact〕The caves contained many prehistoric artifacts.这些洞穴里有许多史前的手工制品。韦氏高阶〔be endowed with sth〕Sardinia is generously endowed with prehistoric sites.撒丁岛上有很多史前遗址。剑桥高阶〔big beast〕Prehistoric fires may have killed off the big beasts that once roamed Australia.史前阶段的数场大火可能使一度生活在澳大利亚的大型野生动物通通灭绝。剑桥高阶〔cave dweller〕One that dwells in a cave, especially a prehistoric human.穴居人:居住在洞中的人,尤指史前人类美国传统〔caveman〕A prehistoric or primitive human living in caves.穴居人:史前或原始的居于洞中的人类美国传统〔celt〕A common prehistoric tool of stone or metal, shaped like a chisel or ax head.斧,锛头:史前一种象凿子或斧头的石质或金属质普通工具美国传统〔comically〕The display of prehistoric monsters is comically naive.史前怪物展览幼稚可笑。外研社新世纪〔comically〕The display of prehistoric monsters is comically naive.史前怪物的展览幼稚可笑。柯林斯高阶〔cromlech〕A prehistoric monument consisting of monoliths encircling a mound.巨石纪念物:由围绕堤丘的数块独石柱构成的史前纪念物美国传统〔cultivate〕Prehistoric peoples settled the area and began to cultivate the land.史前先民在这一地区安顿下来后开始开垦土地。韦氏高阶〔decay〕The intact carcass of the prehistoric animal was prevented from putrefying by the arctic cold.史前时期动物的完整尸体,是由于北极严寒的保护不致腐烂。美国传统〔dolmen〕A prehistoric megalithic structure consisting of two or more upright stones with a capstone, typically forming a chamber.石棚:常作寝室的史前巨石结构,由二块或多块矗立的石头和一块覆盖的石头构成美国传统〔down〕These myths have come down to us from prehistoric times.这些神话从史前一直流传至今。剑桥高阶〔evolve〕Fish evolved from prehistoric sea creatures.鱼是由史前的海洋生物进化而来的。朗文当代〔extinction〕Mass extinctions of prehistoric animals are known to have occurred.我们知道发生过史前动物大规模消亡的情况。韦氏高阶〔folklore〕Local folklore has it that prehistoric men drove cattle over these cliffs.当地民间传说中称史前人类把野牛从这些悬崖上驱赶下去。牛津搭配〔furnish〕Will these finds furnish more information on prehistoric man? 这些发现是否会提供更多史前人类的资料?朗文当代〔geologic time〕The period of time covering the physical formation and development of the earth, especially the period prior to human history.地质时期:地球物质形成和发展的时期,尤指人类历史前的时期美国传统〔grow〕This prehistoric animal grew a thick protective covering.这种史前动物长着一层厚厚的保护性外皮。英汉大词典〔lake dwelling〕A dwelling, especially a prehistoric dwelling, built on piles in a shallow lake.湖上桩屋:一种居所,尤指史前时代建于浅水湖中的木桩之上的居所美国传统〔menhir〕A prehistoric monument of a class found chiefly in the British Isles and northern France, consisting of a single tall, upright megalith.竖石纪念物:一种史前遗留下来的纪念碑,主要存在于不列颠群岛及法国北部,由单块高而直的巨石构成美国传统〔outreach〕The imaginative feat of The Inheritors, set in prehistoric times, outreached Lord of the Flies.以史前时期为背景的《继承者》拥有比《蝇王》更加非凡的想象力。外研社新世纪〔paleobiochemistry〕The study of the development and evolution of biochemicals and biochemical processes.史前生物化学:对生物化学以及生物化学过程的发展和演变的研究美国传统〔paleobiogeography〕The study of the geographic distribution of fossil organisms.史前生物地理学:对有机体化石的地理分布的研究美国传统〔paleobotany〕The branch of paleontology that deals with plant fossils and ancient vegetation.史前植物学:古生物学的分支,研究植物化石以及古代植被美国传统〔paleoconservative〕Extremely or stubbornly conservative in political matters.史前保守派的:对于政治事务极端或固执于保守主义的美国传统〔paleoecology〕The branch of ecology that deals with the interaction between ancient or prehistoric organisms and their environment.古生态学:生态学的分支,涉及古代或史前有机体与其环境的关系美国传统〔paleoliberal〕Extremely or stubbornly liberal in political matters.史前自由派的:对于政治事务极端或固执于自由主义的美国传统〔paleontology〕The study of the forms of life existing in prehistoric or geologic times, as represented by the fossils of plants, animals, and other organisms.古生物学:对出现在史前或地质时代的生命的形成的研究,体现在植物、动物和其它有机体的化石上美国传统〔petroglyph〕A carving or line drawing on rock, especially one made by prehistoric people.岩石画:画在岩石上的曲线或直线,尤指史前人类所创造的美国传统〔prehistoric〕Little children all seem fascinated by prehistoric monsters.小孩子似乎都对史前怪物着迷。外研社新世纪〔prehistoric〕Of, relating to, or belonging to the era before recorded history.史前的:历史记载之前的、与之相关的或属于之的美国传统〔prehistoric〕Painting originated in prehistoric times.绘画始于史前时期。剑桥高阶〔prehistory〕History of humankind in the period before recorded history.史前史:有历史记载之前的人类历史美国传统〔prehistory〕Human prehistory is divided into three successive periods: the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age.人类的史前史可以分为3个相继时期:石器时代、青铜时代和铁器时代。剑桥高阶〔prehistory〕We are learning about the prehistory of North America.我们在学习北美洲的史前历史。韦氏高阶〔protohistory〕The study of a culture just before the time of its earliest recorded history.史前历史学:对有最早文字记载历史时期以前的文化的研究美国传统〔stone〕The stone circle at Avebury is larger than Stonehenge.埃夫伯里的史前环状巨石阵比索尔兹伯里的巨石阵规模还要大。牛津搭配〔trade〕The road has been an important trade route since prehistoric times.自史前这里就是一条重要的贸易路线。牛津搭配〔trilithon〕A prehistoric structure consisting of two large stones set upright to support a third on their tops.三石塔:一种史前的建筑结构,由两块竖立的巨石上架另一块巨石构成美国传统〔troglodyte〕A member of a fabulous or prehistoric race of people that lived in caves, dens, or holes.史前穴居人:神话中的或史前的居住在洞、穴中的人种中的一个成员美国传统〔troglodyte〕Most people associate troglodytes with prehistoric times, but troglodyte communities still exist in Tunisia and China.大多数人一说到穴居人就会想到史前时期,但是在突尼斯和中国如今仍然存在窑洞居民点。剑桥高阶Chalk was formed in prehistoric times from the shells of tiny sea creatures.白垩是在史前时期由细小的海生动物的壳所形成的。剑桥国际He has a collection of prehistoric insects preserved in amber.他收集有保存在琥珀中的史前昆虫。剑桥国际In prehistoric times, people used flint to flay the animals they killed.在史前时期,人们常常用燧石将他们打死的动物剥皮。剑桥国际Most people associate troglodytes with prehistoric times, but troglodyte communities still exist in some countries.大多数人把穴居人和史前时期联系在一起,但是穴居人社区(窑洞居民点)如今在一些国家仍然存在。剑桥国际Painting originated in prehistoric times with murals drawn on cave walls.绘画始于史前时期洞穴墙壁上的壁画。剑桥国际Prehistoric man used flint knives. 史前人用打火石刀。译典通Prehistoric remains have been found by archaeologists investigating the site.调查遗址的考古学家发现了史前遗迹。剑桥国际Some prehistoric people lived in caves. 有些史前时期的人住在洞穴里。译典通The book is a history of the visual arts from prehistory to the latest experimental art.这本书是视觉艺术从史前史时期到最近实验艺术的历史。剑桥国际The islands are scattered with prehistoric sites -- most of which have not yet been excavated.群岛上散布着史前遗址----其中的大多数还未被发掘过。剑桥国际The museum's collection includes artefacts dating back to prehistoric times.这座博物馆的藏品中包括一些史前的手工艺品。剑桥国际These myths have come down to us from prehistoric times.这些神话从史前一直流传到现在。剑桥国际We took a special trip to see Stonehenge, a prehistoric monument of great antiquity.我们专程去看了巨石阵,那是年代久远的史前遗迹。剑桥国际We visited the prehistoric burial grounds discovered last year. 我们参观了去年发现的史前墓葬地。译典通You do not have to go far to find a living parallel for these prehistoric organisms. 你不必走远就可以找到与这些史前有机体相类似的生物。译典通




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