

单词 口前
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GET ON OR OFF A BUS, PLANE ETC〕Embarkation will begin one hour before the ship is due to leave port. 轮船预定离开港口前一小时开始上船。朗文写作活用〔bandage〕The nurse had disinfected the wound before she bandaged it.护士包扎伤口前先进行了消毒。21世纪英汉〔barricade〕Police had formed a barricade in front of the gates.警方在入口前形成一道路障。牛津搭配〔be〕Someone's been and parked in front of the entrance! 有人居然把车停在大门口前牛津高阶〔décolletage〕A dress with a low neckline in front.露肩衬:领口前方开得低的外衣美国传统〔incisor〕A tooth adapted for cutting or gnawing, located at the front of the mouth along the apex of the dental arch.门牙:用于切或撕咬的牙齿,位于口前部沿着齿弓顶端美国传统〔lawyer〕I want to see my lawyer before I say anything.我开口前要见律师。剑桥高阶〔line〕A line formed at each teller window.银行每个出纳员的窗口前都排起了队。牛津高阶〔obstruction〕The car had been parked in front of the entrance, causing an obstruction.小轿车停在入口前,造成了堵塞。牛津搭配〔prostomium〕The portion of the head in earthworms and other annelids that is situated anterior to the mouth.口前叶:各种蠕虫和软体动物头部在口前方的部分美国传统〔smash〕The smash happened just before junction 13 of the M6.撞车事故就发生在 6 号高速公路 13 号交叉路口前牛津搭配〔steer〕The boat steered a course for the harbor.那条船朝向港口前进。文馨英汉〔worsen〕The oil import picture worsens for the country.该国石油进口前景更加不妙。英汉大词典He hesitated before he spoke, as if he wasn't sure how his words would be received.他在开口前犹豫了一会儿,好像不能确定他的话会产生怎样的反响。剑桥国际Spits often shelter river mouths.岬时常挡在河口前面。剑桥国际




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