

单词 受诱惑
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Everyman〕An Everyman is always tempted.凡人总会受诱惑英汉大词典〔Lorelei〕A siren of Germanic legend whose singing lures sailors to shipwreck.洛勒赖:德意志传统中的女妖,其歌声使水手们受诱惑而船毁沉没美国传统〔Orphic〕Capable of casting a charm or spell; entrancing.迷惑的,受诱惑的:能够发出魅力或咒语的;迷惑的美国传统〔PERSUADE〕Peasants were lured into joining the People's Army by the promises of large sums of money for their families. 农民们听信可为家人挣到一大笔钱的许诺而受诱惑参加了人民军。朗文写作活用〔lure〕He was lured to destruction.他受诱惑而走向毁灭。21世纪英汉〔selfinterest〕Directors may be tempted to act in their own self-interest.董事们可能会受诱惑谋求个人私利。牛津搭配〔temptation〕If you can't resist buying things, shop by telephone to avoid temptation.假如你一看见东西就想买,你就打电话定购,以免受诱惑英汉大词典〔warning〕Perhaps her death will serve as a warning to others tempted to use drugs.或许她的死会使其他受诱惑吸毒者警醒。外研社新世纪As soon as they get paid they squirrel their money away so they won't be tempted to touch it.他们一拿到薪水便存了起来,这样他们就不会受诱惑而动用它。剑桥国际They are open to temptations. 他们容易受诱惑译典通




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