

单词 受得住
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔STAND〕Tell me what happened -- I can handle it. 告诉我出什么事了一我承受得住朗文写作活用〔SUPPORT〕I hope the ice is strong enough to take my weight. 我希望这冰足够结实,能承受得住我的重量。朗文写作活用〔SUPPORT〕I'm not sure if this table can take the weight of all these books. 我不知道这张桌子能否承受得住所有这些书的重量。朗文写作活用〔SUPPORT〕The tunnel would have needed to be extremely strong to bear the full weight of the earth above. 隧道本来就要特别牢固,才能承受得住上面泥土的全部重量。朗文写作活用〔bear〕The prizefighter is a bear for punishment.这位拳击手经受得住狠打。英汉大词典〔bear〕These big joists can bear.这几根大梁承受得住压力。21世纪英汉〔bear〕Will the ice bear? 这冰承受得住吗? 英汉大词典〔ride〕Can this country ride out a nuclear attack? 这个国家能经受得住核打击吗? 英汉大词典〔stand〕Stewart can stand any amount of personal criticism.无论针对他个人的批评有多少, 斯图尔特都能经受得住外研社新世纪〔steel〕He steeled himself for the blow.他锻炼自己,使能经受得住打击。英汉大词典〔stick〕How can you stick being there all the time? 你怎么受得住一直待在那儿?韦氏高阶〔temptation〕He had the strength to resist further temptation.他能受得住更多的诱惑。外研社新世纪〔tolerate〕Few plants will tolerate sudden changes in temperature.很少植物经受得住气温的突然变化。牛津高阶〔withstand〕We have to make the walls strong enough to withstand high winds.我们必须把这几堵墙砌得坚固,使之能够承受得住大风的冲击。英汉大词典〔yield〕Will she yield to growing pressure for her to retire?逼她退隐的压力越来越大, 她承受得住吗?外研社新世纪He could not possibly have endured a whipping. 他不可能受得住一顿鞭打。译典通




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