

单词 受到攻击
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CRITICIZE〕Banks are under attack for their refusal to reduce interest rates on loans to small businesses. 银行因拒绝降低小型企业的贷款利率而受到攻击朗文写作活用〔WEAK〕Wild animals are at their most vulnerable when they are asleep. 野生动物睡觉的时候最易受到攻击朗文写作活用〔against〕The police have to arm themselves against attack.警察必须得配备武器以防受到攻击剑桥高阶〔assault〕Today these values are under assault.今天这些价值观受到攻击牛津搭配〔courage〕He showed great calmness and courage under fire.他受到攻击时表现出极大的镇定和勇气。牛津搭配〔dare〕He was under attack for daring to criticize the mayor.他因为敢于批评市长而受到攻击剑桥高阶〔death〕They did not want war, but if attacked they would fight to the death.他们不想要战争, 但是如果受到攻击, 他们会坚决战斗到底。外研社新世纪〔defend〕You have a right to defend yourself if you are being attacked.如果你受到攻击,你有权进行自卫。麦克米伦高阶〔distortion〕His report was attacked as a gross distortion of the truth.他的报道受到攻击,被指严重歪曲事实。牛津搭配〔distress〕She was obviously in distress after the attack.她受到攻击后显然很痛苦。牛津高阶〔exposed〕The old fort was very exposed.这座古老的城堡很容易受到攻击朗文当代〔fire〕The basic policy is under fire.这项基本政策受到攻击英汉大词典〔flank〕The army was attacked on the left flank.部队的左翼受到攻击牛津搭配〔flank〕We were attacked on our left flank.我们的左翼受到攻击朗文当代〔gather round〕The party members gathered round when their leader was attacked.党员们在他们的领袖受到攻击时,聚集起来支持他。21世纪英汉〔high seas〕The ship was attacked on the high seas.这条船在公海上受到攻击韦氏高阶〔hold〕The line of soldiers held under constant attack.士兵不断受到攻击,仍坚守阵地。韦氏高阶〔idle〕This country will not remain idle if its friends are attacked.如果盟友受到攻击,这个国家将不会袖手旁观。麦克米伦高阶〔invulnerable〕The submarine is invulnerable to attack while at sea.潜艇在海上是不会受到攻击的。牛津高阶〔make sth/sb out〕Nobody can make out why you should have been attacked.没人会明白你为何受到攻击剑桥高阶〔mud〕A fish will mud when attacked.鱼儿受到攻击时会钻入泥中躲起来。21世纪英汉〔open〕He has laid himself wide open to political attack.他在政治上已经处于极易受到攻击的境地。牛津高阶〔outrage〕The peasants felt outrage at the attacks on their village.农民们因村庄受到攻击而感到强烈义愤。英汉大词典〔parodiable〕All these peculiarities of his style have been parodied by his assailants.他的所有这些风格特征都受到攻击者模仿嘲弄。21世纪英汉〔parody〕All these peculiarities of his style have been parodied by his assailants.他的所有这些风格特征都受到攻击者模仿嘲弄。英汉大词典〔poise〕She kept her poise even when under attack.即便受到攻击,她依然保持沉着自信。韦氏高阶〔porcupine fish〕Any of various tropical marine fishes of the family Diodontidae, having strong, sharp spines on the body and capable of inflating themselves when attacked.刺魨:刺魨科各种热带海洋鱼类之任何一种,身上有长而尖的刺,在受到攻击时能使自己膨胀起来美国传统〔rank〕When the establishment is attacked, it closes ranks (= unites to protect itself).当该机构受到攻击时,其员工们紧紧团结在一起。牛津搭配〔remind〕The terrorist attack painfully reminded the Americans that they are vulnerable even at home.恐怖袭击以一种痛苦的方式提醒了美国人,即使在国内他们也是容易受到攻击的。牛津搭配〔retreat〕They were attacked and forced to retreat.他们受到攻击,被迫撤退。朗文当代〔safe〕They were safe from attack.他们不会受到攻击牛津搭配〔shaken〕The woman was left shaken by the attack.这个女子受到攻击吓坏了。牛津搭配〔signature〕He was attacked for having put his signature to the deal.他因在协议上签了字而受到攻击牛津高阶〔smell〕The skunk gives off an unpleasant smell when attacked.受到攻击时臭鼬会放出一种难闻的气味。牛津搭配〔soft target〕Women who carry cash about in the streets, as they very often have to, are a very soft target.必须时常携带现金上街的女性很容易受到攻击外研社新世纪〔softly〕Women who carry cash about in the streets, as they very often have to, are a very soft target.必须经常携带现金上街的女性特别容易受到攻击柯林斯高阶〔stand by〕We cannot stand by and watch while our allies are attacked.盟友受到攻击时我们不能袖手旁观。外研社新世纪〔susceptibility〕They are concerned about the city's susceptibility to attack.他们担心这座城市易受到攻击韦氏高阶〔vulnerable〕Tourists are more vulnerable to attack, because they do not know which areas of the city to avoid.游客更容易受到攻击,因为他们不知道城里哪些地方不该去。剑桥高阶〔war zone〕An area at sea in which ships are prone to being attacked during a war.交战地带:在战争期间船只容易受到攻击的海域美国传统Large stature and great physical strength do not guarantee protection from attack.高大身材和强健的体力并不能保证不会受到攻击剑桥国际She is being attacked for her authorship of (=being the person who wrote) the policy document.她因制定了这些政策性文件而受到攻击剑桥国际Such an outspoken article lays her open to attack/criticism/ridicule (= makes her likely to be attacked, etc.).这样一篇坦率的文章使她容易受到攻击/批评/嘲笑。剑桥国际The United Nations has demanded a guarantee from the army that food convoys will not be attacked.联合国已要求军队保证食品护送车队将不会受到攻击剑桥国际Tourists are more vulnerable to attack, because they do not know which areas of the city to avoid.游客最容易受到攻击,因为他们不知道城里哪些地区不该去。剑桥国际




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