

单词 发过
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PEACE〕During the Gulf War, there were several big anti-war demonstrations. 海湾战争期间爆发过数次大规模的反战示威游行。朗文写作活用〔SEND〕While Shelley was still at school, he circulated a pamphlet attacking religion. 谢利还在读书的时候就散发过攻击宗教的小册子。朗文写作活用〔SS.〕Sworn statement.宣誓证词:发过誓的宣言美国传统〔TELL〕He categorically denied that he had ever informed on dissidents. 他断然否认自己告发过持不同政见者。朗文写作活用〔brownfield〕By 2005 he wants half of all new houses to be built on previously developed land: so-called brownfield sites.到2005年,他希望会有一半的新房子建在以前曾经开发过的所谓棕色地带上。柯林斯高阶〔cable〕She sent a cable to her mother.她给母亲发过一封电报。外研社新世纪〔debate〕Do you ever speak in debates? 你在辩论中发过言吗?牛津搭配〔finish up〕After making a fortune in business, he finished up poor at his death.他做生意发过大财,但临终时他一贫如洗。21世纪英汉〔have〕If you had a computer, I could send the directions to you by email.如果你有计算机的话,我就能把操作说明用电子邮件给你发过去。麦克米伦高阶〔heart attack〕John had a heart attack three years ago.约翰3年前曾发过心脏病。剑桥高阶〔historic〕Extinct volcanoes are those that have not erupted in historic times.死火山指有史以来没有喷发过的火山。朗文当代〔inform〕He denied that he had ever informed on his neighbours.他否认曾告发过邻居。朗文当代〔kill〕They didn't do much of anything. The day just easily killed itself.他们没有干多少事。这一天很容易地就打发过去了。英汉大词典〔know〕I've never known her to lose her temper.我从没见她发过脾气。英汉大词典〔laze〕They lazed away the summer vacation.他们把暑假就这样懒懒散散地打发过去了。英汉大词典〔nephew〕The illegitimate son of an ecclesiastic who has taken a vow of celibacy.私生子:已发过誓要独身的传教士的私生子女美国传统〔otherwise〕It is not permitted to sell or otherwise distribute copies of past examination papers.不准出售或以其他方式散发过去的试卷。牛津高阶〔post〕One student posted a detailed account of the comments on the Internet.一位学生在网上发过一份帖子, 对有关评论作了详尽说明。外研社新世纪〔prematurely〕He was prematurely gray. = His hair went gray prematurely.他的头发过早地灰白了。韦氏高阶〔premature〕Her hair became prematurely white.她的头发过早地苍白了。牛津高阶〔rag〕I've only once seen him lose his rag.我只见他发过一次脾气。柯林斯高阶〔reaction〕Certain foods are more likely than others to cause allergic reactions .某些食物比其他食物更容易引发过敏反应。朗文当代〔say〕It says a lot for her that she never lost her temper.她从没发过脾气,这说明她很有涵养。牛津高阶〔swear to〕She was bursting to announce the news but was sworn to secrecy.她急不可待地想宣布这个消息, 但她发过誓要守口如瓶。外研社新世纪〔swear〕A few of us knew what was going to happen, but we were sworn to secrecy (= we were made to promise to keep it a secret).我们有几个人知道将要发生什么事,但我们已经发过誓要对此保密。剑桥高阶〔swear〕She was bursting to announce the news but was sworn to secrecy.她急不可待想宣布这个消息,但却发过誓要守口如瓶。柯林斯高阶〔swear〕You swore that you would never see her again.你发过誓说你再也不会和她见面。麦克米伦高阶〔take/sign the pledge〕What's this then, you're only drinking orange juice - have you signed the pledge or something? 这是怎么回事?你只是在喝橘子汁——你是发过誓不再喝酒了,还是其他什么原因?剑桥高阶〔take〕He hasn't taken since his first vaccination.自从他第一次接种以来,疫苗一直没有发过英汉大词典〔temper〕She hardly ever lost her temper.她几乎没发过脾气。麦克米伦高阶〔virgin territory〕The company is moving into markets that until now have been virgin territory.公司进入了一些迄今为止从未开发过的市场。剑桥高阶〔virgin〕An unmarried woman who has taken religious vows of chastity.贞女:发过宗教誓言保持贞洁的未婚女子美国传统〔voice〕Did he ever lose his temper, ever raise his voice ? 他有没有发过脾气? 大过嗓门?朗文当代A few of us knew what was going to happen, but we were sworn to secrecy (= we were forced to promise that we would keep it a secret).我们中有些人知道将要发生什么事,只是我们发过誓一定要保守秘密的。剑桥国际Can you telex the order today? 你今天可以将订单用电传发过来吗?牛津商务Habitués of this gentlemen's club are generally middle-aged, grey-haired and overweight.这个绅士俱乐部的常客大致是一些白头发过胖的中年人。剑桥国际His inner ears were inflamed. 他的内耳发过炎。译典通His stressful job made him go prematurely grey (= made his hair turn grey).紧张的工作使他的头发过早花白了。剑桥国际I've never once seen her angry in/through all the years (= in all the time) I've known her.我认识她的这些年来从未见她发过一次火。剑桥国际It was a long train journey, but they managed to pass three hours playing cards.这是一次火车长途旅行,但他们打打牌也就把3个小时打发过去了。剑桥国际Since my heart attack I've cut fatty foods out altogether.自发过心脏病后,我就不再吃多脂食物了。剑桥国际The judge reminded the witness that he was still under oath. 法官提醒证人,他是发过誓的。译典通The program tells you where your emails originated.这个程序会告诉你电子邮件从何处发过来。牛津商务They charged the enemy three times. 他们向敌人发过三次突击。译典通We get customer input early in the development of new products.我们让顾客尽早投入到新产品的开发过程中。牛津商务We lazed away the whole week. 我们把整周时间就这样懒懒散散地打发过去了。译典通We'll send it so long as you phone when it arrives.只要到了货之后你能打个电话过来我们就将给你发过去。剑桥国际




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