

单词 发光
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ON/ON TOP OF〕On top of the church was a large illuminated cross. 教堂顶上是一个巨大的发光十字架。朗文写作活用〔SEND〕The sun radiates both warmth and light. 太阳散发光和热。朗文写作活用〔SHINE/SHINY〕A few lumps of coal still glowed in the fire. 一些煤块仍然在火堆里灼灼发光朗文写作活用〔SHINE/SHINY〕It's a good idea to paint your bike with luminous paint so that you are more visible to motorists. 用发光漆漆自行车这个办法很好,这样机动车司机就能更清楚地看到你。朗文写作活用〔SHINE/SHINY〕Outside the cathedral, vendors were selling small statues of the Virgin which glowed in the dark. 教堂外面,小贩们在卖圣母像,小小的圣母像在黑暗中幽幽发光朗文写作活用〔aequorin〕A protein secreted by certain jellyfish that interacts with seawater to produce bioluminescent light.发光蛋白质:一与海水相互作用能产生生物光的水母所分泌的蛋白质美国传统〔aglitter〕Glittering; sparkling.闪耀地(的);闪闪发光地(的)美国传统〔aglow〕In a glow; glowing.发光的;炽热的美国传统〔anthelion〕A luminous, white, halolike area occasionally seen in the sky opposite the sun on the parhelic circle.幻日,反假日:天空中有时可见的与太阳相对的幻日圈上的白色发光光环美国传统〔bloom〕Glare that is caused by a shiny object reflecting too much light into a television camera.刺眼的闪光:发光物体反射到电视摄像机上的强光导致的闪光美国传统〔bright〕The stars shine bright.星星闪闪发光英汉大词典〔bright〕The watch has a luminous dial.那只表的指针盘可以发光美国传统〔burnished〕The clouds glowed like burnished gold.云彩像被擦亮的金子一般闪闪发光柯林斯高阶〔burn〕A gold crucifix burns against her throat.金十字架在她颈前闪闪发光英汉大词典〔chemiluminescence〕Emission of light as a result of a chemical reaction at environmental temperatures.化学发光:在环境温度下,因化学反应所产生的发光现象美国传统〔clinquant〕Imitation gold leaf; tinsel; glitter.仿金箔:仿造金片;闪闪发光的金属;闪烁美国传统〔corona〕The luminous, irregular envelope of highly ionized gas outside the chromosphere of the sun.日冕:太阳色球层外的高电离气体所形成的发光的、不规则的环美国传统〔coruscate〕His helmet kept coruscating.他的钢盔在闪闪发光21世纪英汉〔covellite〕A lustrous indigo-blue mineral, CuS, an important ore of copper.铜蓝,靛铜矿:一种发光的靛蓝矿物,CuS,是铜的重要矿物美国传统〔crescent〕A glittering Islamic crescent tops the mosque.新月形标志在清真寺顶端闪闪发光柯林斯高阶〔crown〕The winner of the beauty pageant walked down the runway wearing her sparkling crown.选美大赛冠军戴着闪闪发光的头冠沿T型台走去。韦氏高阶〔crystal〕The dining table shone with silver and crystal.餐桌上摆的银餐具和晶质玻璃器皿闪闪发光英汉大词典〔dew〕Drops of dew shone on the grass.露珠在草地上闪闪发光牛津搭配〔diamante〕A small, glittering ornament, such as a rhinestone or a sequin, applied to fabric or a garment.亮片:一种用于织物或服装上的闪闪发光的小饰物,比如像水晶或金属闪光片美国传统〔diffuse〕The sun diffuses light and heat.太阳散发光和热。21世纪英汉〔dusky〕Heavy gold earrings gleamed against her dusky cheeks.沉甸甸的金耳环在她黝黑的面颊的衬托下熠熠发光柯林斯高阶〔electroluminescence〕Emission of light caused by electric discharge in a gas.电荧光:通过气体的放电引起的发光美国传统〔flare〕A gust of wind made the torches flare.一阵风吹得火把闪闪发光21世纪英汉〔flash〕His watch flashed in the sunlight.他的手表在阳光下闪闪发光麦克米伦高阶〔flash〕To give off light or be lighted in sudden or intermittent bursts.突然发光:迅速或间歇地熄灭或点燃灯火美国传统〔flying saucer〕Any of various unidentified flying objects of presumed extraterrestrial origin, typically described as luminous moving disks.飞碟:任何一种假定为天外来客的不明飞行物,被典型地描述为发光的移动圆盘美国传统〔gemmy〕Glittering like a gem.象宝石一样闪闪发光美国传统〔glaze〕A thin, smooth, shiny coating.光滑表面:薄的、光滑而发光亮的面美国传统〔glint〕A large diamond glinted on her finger.她手指上一颗硕大的钻戒闪闪发光剑桥高阶〔glint〕The sun glinted on the windows.太阳照在窗户上闪闪发光牛津高阶〔glitter〕A gilded temple glittered in the distance.远处,一座镏金的庙宇闪闪发光英汉大词典〔glitter〕His metal buttons glittered in the sunlight.他的金属纽扣在阳光下闪闪发光牛津搭配〔glitter〕Small pieces of light-reflecting decorative material.小发光物:小片的反光的装饰材料美国传统〔glitter〕The water glittered in the sunlight.水面在阳光下闪闪发光牛津高阶〔glitter〕Trees and grass glittered with dew.沾有露水的树木和草叶闪闪发光牛津搭配〔gloss〕The hot sun had glossed the surface of the snow.暖烘烘的太阳照得雪地闪闪发光英汉大词典〔glow〕The coals glowed in the fireplace.炭火在壁炉里微微发光韦氏高阶〔glow〕The strap has a fluorescent coating that glows in the dark.皮带面上有一层荧光在黑暗中微微发光牛津高阶〔glow〕This toy glows in the dark.这个玩具在暗处会发光韦氏高阶〔ignite〕When the electric current is turned on, it ignites the tungsten filaments in the bulb.电流一接通就使灯泡内的钨丝灼热发光英汉大词典〔illuminant〕Something that gives off light.发光体:发出光亮的物体美国传统〔illuminated〕An illuminated sign flashed on and off.发光的指示牌一闪一灭。朗文当代〔illuminated〕His illuminated watch dial showed it was shortly after midnight.他那发光的手表字盘显示出此时刚过午夜。英汉大词典〔illuminate〕To become lighted; glow.发光:变亮;闪烁美国传统〔irradiate〕To become radiant.变得熠熠发光美国传统〔lamp〕A celestial body that gives off or reflects light.自然光源:发光或反射光的天体美国传统〔luminosity〕The condition or quality of being luminous.发光发光的性质或状态美国传统〔luminosity〕There was a luminosity far ahead like the twilight end of a tunnel.遥远的前方有个东西闪闪发光, 犹如隧道尽头发出的微光。外研社新世纪〔luster〕The appearance of a mineral surface judged by its brilliance and ability to reflect light.发光体:凭光亮度和反光性来辨别的矿物的表面美国传统〔only〕Dark matter gives out no light and is detectable only because of its gravitational effect on visible matter.暗物质不发光,它之所以能被发现,只是因为它对可见物质产生引力作用。柯林斯高阶〔photothermic〕Thermoluminescence is a photothermic phenomenon.热发光是一种与光和热都有关的现象。英汉大词典〔pierce〕Large glowing yellow eyes pierced the darkness.一双大而发光的黄眼睛洞悉了黑暗美国传统〔plate〕A shiny metal plate was screwed to the door.门上钉了一块闪闪发光的金属牌。韦氏高阶〔polished〕Her hair is polished.她的头发光洁滑溜。英汉大词典〔radiant〕An object or a point from which light or heat rays are emitted.发光(或热)的:发出光线或热的物体或点美国传统〔radiate〕The sun radiates heat and light.太阳发光发热。韦氏高阶〔ray〕To cast rays on; irradiate.发光,发亮:将光线投向;照耀美国传统〔reflected〕The moon shines by reflected light.月亮靠反射光发光英汉大词典〔rhinestone〕A colorless artificial gem of paste or glass, often with facets that sparkle in imitation of a diamond.莱茵石:一种无色的含铅玻璃或玻璃的人造宝石,常具有钻石般的发光表面美国传统〔ring〕A diamond glittered on her ring finger(= the finger next to the little finger, especially on the left hand).一颗钻石在她的无名指上闪闪发光牛津高阶〔shimmer〕The desert landscape shimmered in the midday heat.沙漠中的景观在正午酷热的光照下闪闪发光麦克米伦高阶〔shimmer〕The lake shimmered in the moonlight.湖水在月色下闪闪发光朗文当代〔shimmer〕The satin shimmers.缎子闪闪发光英汉大词典〔shine〕The polished surface shone in the sun.抛光的表面在阳光下闪闪发光英汉大词典〔skin〕Her skin was glistening with sweat after her run.她跑完步后皮肤上带着汗珠闪闪发光牛津搭配〔spangle〕To sparkle in the manner of spangles.发亮:象金属片般闪闪发光美国传统〔sparkler〕One, such as a highly polished metallic surface or a virtuoso performer, that sparkles.闪闪发光之物:焕发光彩的东西,如擦亮的或金属的表面或是一个技艺精湛的表演者美国传统〔sparkle〕Bits of broken glass sparkled in the sunlight.几片碎玻璃在阳光下闪闪发光麦克米伦高阶〔sparkle〕Her eyes sparkled with excitement.她的眼睛兴奋得闪闪发光麦克米伦高阶〔sparkle〕The diamond sparkled.这枚钻石闪闪发光韦氏高阶〔starry〕She gazed at him with starry eyes.她盯着他,双眼闪闪发光韦氏高阶〔sunshine〕The sea was sparkling in the early morning sunshine.在清晨明媚的阳光下,海水闪闪发光麦克米伦高阶〔sun〕The sun caught her dazzling copper hair.阳光照耀在她紫铜色的头发上,熠熠发光牛津搭配〔sun〕The sun glinted on the blades.片片叶子在阳光的照耀下闪闪发光牛津搭配〔tail〕The long luminous stream of gas and dust forced from the head of a comet when it is close to the sun.彗尾:一颗彗星距太阳最近时从其头部吹向尾部的长长的发光气体和尘埃流美国传统〔twinkle〕Her eyes twinkled when she heard the news.当听到这个消息时,她两眼闪闪发光21世纪英汉〔twinkle〕His brown eyes twinkled behind the gold-rimmed glasses.他棕色的眼睛在金框眼镜后面闪闪发光剑桥高阶〔twinkling〕Often engagement rings are a safe band of twinkling diamonds.订婚戒指通常有一圈镶嵌牢固、闪闪发光的钻石。外研社新世纪〔viperfish〕Any of various small deep-sea fish of the family Chauliodontidae, having fanglike teeth, a long first ray of the dorsal fin, and photophores along the sides.蝰鱼:属于蝰鱼科的各种小深海鱼之一,有毒牙样的牙齿,背鳍上有一条长且重要的背鳍骨,两侧有发光器官美国传统Across the shimmer of the lake, we could see the dark shape of the mountain.越过闪闪发光的湖面,我们能看到黑黝黝的山的轮廓。剑桥国际He polished the brass till it shone brightly/brilliantly.他把黄铜器皿擦得闪闪发光剑桥国际Her eyes sparked. 她双眼闪闪发光译典通Magpies are attracted to small shiny objects which they carry away to their nests.喜鹊喜欢将小的发光体带回鸟巢。剑桥国际Polonium is so radioactive that it glows in the dark.钋的放射性很强,能在黑暗中发光剑桥国际She appeared in the doorway, wearing a shimmering blue sequined dress which made her resemble a mermaid.她出现在门口,穿着一件闪闪发光的蓝色光片衣裙,令她像一条美人鱼。剑桥国际The diamond sparkled in the sunlight. 钻石在太阳光下闪闪发光译典通The gold was glinting in the sunlight. 金子在阳光下闪闪发光译典通The lake glittered in the sunlight.在阳光照射下,湖面闪闪发光剑桥国际The leaves glisten with dew. 叶子上的露水闪闪发光译典通The lights of the bay twinkled below the restaurant terrace.海湾的灯火在餐馆的露台下面闪闪发光剑桥国际The sun sparkled the lake. 太阳照得湖面闪闪发光译典通The water shimmered in the moonlight. 水在月光下闪闪发光译典通The waxed floor had a good shine. 打蜡地板闪闪发光译典通These bullets contain a special chemical which glows brightly as the bullets fly through the air, indicating the path they have taken.这些子弹含有特殊的化学成分使它们在空气中飞行时能闪闪发光以确定弹道。剑桥国际This hair mousse is designed to eliminate frizz and make hair glossy and easier to manage.这种摩丝是为了要消除头发的卷曲,让头发光滑,容易梳理定型。剑桥国际




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