

单词 压迫
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕Gay people suffer just as much discrimination as any other oppressed minority. 同性恋者和其他被压迫的少数群体一样受到歧视。朗文写作活用〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕He's spent a lifetime fighting oppression and injustice. 他一生都与压迫和非正义作斗争。朗文写作活用〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕Marxists have studied the role of the family in oppressing women. 马克思主义者已经研究过家庭在压迫妇女的问题上所扮演的角色。朗文写作活用〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕Most of the refugees are fleeing from repression in their homeland. 大多数难民都在逃离国内的压迫势力。朗文写作活用〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕Since colonial times, black people in South Africa have been oppressed by the white minority. 自殖民时代以来,南非的黑人就受着少数白人的压迫朗文写作活用〔FIGHT〕This nation has been oppressed for too long, and it's time we fought back. 这个国家受压迫已太久了,我们该起来反抗了。朗文写作活用〔LOVE〕They are fighting to protect their loved ones from oppression and violence. 他们作战是为了保护自己的亲人,不让他们遭受压迫和暴力。朗文写作活用〔MEANING〕The overall thrust of her argument was that women are still oppressed in all areas of life. 她论述的大致要点是妇女在生活的方方面面仍然受到压迫朗文写作活用〔bandage〕A strip of material such as gauze used to protect, immobilize, compress, or support a wound or injured body part.绷带:由纱布等材料做成的条带,用来保护、固定、压迫或支撑伤口或受伤的肢体美国传统〔bear〕Taxation bears heavily on the poor.税捐使穷人感受压迫文馨英汉〔beget〕Oppression begets resistance.有压迫就有反抗。英汉大词典〔better〕He had dedicated his life to bettering the lot of the oppressed people of South Africa.他毕生致力于改变南非受压迫人民的命运。柯林斯高阶〔bleeding〕Use pressure to control the bleeding .用压迫止血。朗文当代〔compression〕Poor posture, sitting or walking slouched over, compresses the body's organs.坐着或者走路的时候低头垂肩,这种不正确的姿势会压迫体内的器官。柯林斯高阶〔conqueror〕The people of an oppressed country obey their conquerors because they want to go on living.受压迫国家的人们听命于征服者, 因为他们想继续活下去。外研社新世纪〔constrictor〕One that constricts, as a muscle that contracts or compresses a part or organ of the body.收缩肌:收缩性事物,如收缩或压迫身体某部分或某器官的肌肉美国传统〔convergence〕The convergence of political corruption and religious oppression led to civil war.政治腐败和宗教压迫的共同作用导致内战爆发。韦氏高阶〔dead hand〕The ever-present, oppressive influence of past events.不死的阴魂:过去事件的永久的、压迫性的影响美国传统〔delivery〕We pray for our delivery from this oppression.我们祈祷能从这种压迫中解脱出来。外研社新世纪〔denounce〕We must denounce injustice and oppression.我们必须对不公和压迫现象予以谴责。剑桥高阶〔detrusor〕Most incontinent women have either genuine stress incontinence or detrusor instability.大多数患有尿失禁的女性要么是腹部压迫性尿失禁,要么是逼尿肌功能失调。剑桥高阶〔downtrodden〕He showed compassion for the downtrodden.他对受压迫的人民表示了同情。韦氏高阶〔dystopia〕An imaginary place or state in which the condition of life is extremely bad, as from deprivation, oppression, or terror.反面乌托邦:一个想象中的由于掠夺、压迫或恐怖造成生活条件极差的国家和地区美国传统〔eloquently〕In the '70s he wrote eloquently about oppression in eastern Europe.他在20世纪70年代生动地记述了东欧内的压迫外研社新世纪〔emancipate〕To free from bondage, oppression, or restraint; liberate.解放:从奴役、压迫或束缚中解放出来;使…自由美国传统〔exclude〕I cannot entirely exclude the possibility that some form of pressure was applied to the neck.我不能完全排除颈部受到某种压迫的可能性。柯林斯高阶〔exert〕The cyst was exerting pressure on her brain.囊肿在压迫她的大脑。外研社新世纪〔fight the good fight〕He has always fought the good fight against oppression.他一直为反对压迫而抗争。韦氏高阶〔fight〕People are fighting against repression and injustice.民众在与压迫和不公平作斗争。朗文当代〔grind down〕These people have been ground down by years of oppression.这些人遭受了多年的压迫韦氏高阶〔grind〕Years of oppression had ground the people down.人民年复一年地遭受着压迫牛津高阶〔gripe〕To oppress or afflict.压迫,折磨美国传统〔groove〕There may be nerve compression at the elbow in the ulnar groove.在手肘处的尺神经沟处可能发生了神经压迫剑桥高阶〔hand〕The feudal and warlord forces worked hand in glove to oppress and exploit the people.封建势力和军阀势力狼狈为奸,压迫和剥削人民。英汉大词典〔hard-handed〕Oppressive; tyrannical.压迫的;专制的美国传统〔harmonium〕An organlike keyboard instrument that produces tones with free metal reeds actuated by air forced from a bellows.小风琴:一种类似风琴的由从风箱里压迫出来的空气驱动自由金属簧片产生音调的键盘乐器美国传统〔heavy-handed〕Oppressive; harsh.压迫的;苛刻的美国传统〔helotism〕A system under which a nominally free social class or a religious, national, or racial minority is permanently oppressed and degraded.农奴制,奴隶制:一种制度,在这种制度中,名义自由的社会阶级、少数宗教派、少数民族或少数种族受到永恒的压迫和羞辱美国传统〔impel〕The lack of democracy and equality impelled the oppressed to fight for independence.没有民主和平等,这促使受压迫者为独立而战。朗文当代〔jackboot〕A person who uses bullying tactics, especially to force compliance.军事压迫,高压手段:采用威胁办法的人,尤指采用军事压迫美国传统〔lade〕To burden or oppress; weigh down.使负担或受压迫;重压美国传统〔liberate〕To set free, as from oppression, confinement, or foreign control.解放:释放,例如从压迫下、囚禁中或外国统治下美国传统〔meningioma〕As meningiomas grow, they press on the surrounding parts of the brain.脑脊膜瘤变大时,会压迫周围的脑组织。剑桥高阶〔nationally〕Blacks and other nationally oppressed peoples 黑人和其他遭受民族压迫的各族人民英汉大词典〔nerve〕A pinched nerve is causing her a lot of pain.一根受压迫的神经让她疼得要命。麦克米伦高阶〔nerve〕He's been off work with a trapped nerve in his back.他因背部神经受到压迫而不再工作。牛津搭配〔neurovascular〕If the problem is severe enough, the neurovascular bundle of nerves to the arm can become compressed.如果问题很严重的话,手臂的血管神经束会受压迫剑桥高阶〔oppressed〕The socialist standpoint is that there should be no division between any oppressed group.社会主义者的观点是所有被压迫的团体应该联合起来。外研社新世纪〔oppressed〕The socialist standpoint is that there should be no division between any oppressed group.社会主义者的观点是所有被压迫的团体应该联合起来。柯林斯高阶〔oppression〕Every human being has the right to freedom from oppression.每个人都有权不受压迫剑桥高阶〔oppression〕Oppression of the people often leads to revolution.压迫人民常导致革命。英汉大词典〔oppression〕Something that oppresses.压迫美国传统〔oppression〕The state of being oppressed.被压迫的状态美国传统〔oppression〕War, famine and oppression have forced people in the region to flee from their homes.战争、饥荒和压迫迫使这个地区的人们逃离了自己的家园。剑桥高阶〔oppressor〕Lacking sovereignty, they could organise no defence against their oppressors.没有主权他们就无法组织起来反抗压迫者。柯林斯高阶〔oppressor〕Sisters, we must rise up and defeat our oppressors.姐妹们,我们必须起来打败压迫我们的人。剑桥高阶〔oppress〕The country has long been oppressed by a ruthless dictator.这个国家长期以来一直处于残酷独裁者的压迫之下。韦氏高阶〔oppress〕The regime is accused of oppressing religious minorities.人们指控这个政权压迫少数宗教群体。牛津高阶〔oppress〕These people often are oppressed by their governments.这些人经常受到政府的压迫外研社新世纪〔overbear〕To crush or press down on with physical force.压倒:用体力压倒或压迫美国传统〔overweigh〕To weigh down excessively; overburden or oppress.给…太多的分量:以过重的份量将…压倒;使负担过重或压迫、使感沉重美国传统〔patriarchy〕The main cause of women's and children's oppression is patriarchy.妇女儿童受压迫的主要原因是父权制。柯林斯高阶〔patriarchy〕The main cause of women's and children's oppression is patriarchy.妇女和儿童受压迫的罪魁祸首是父权制。外研社新世纪〔persecute〕To oppress or harass with ill-treatment, especially because of race, religion, sexual orientation, or beliefs.虐待,残害;迫害:虐待地压迫或折磨,特别是因为种族、宗教、性的倾向或信仰美国传统〔persecutor〕The country's native people rose up against their persecutors.该国的原住民揭竿而起,反抗残害压迫他们的人。剑桥高阶〔plummet〕Something that weighs down or oppresses; a burden.压抑物,压迫感:压下来或压迫的事物;负担美国传统〔preier〕The oppressed people will never allow themselves to be preyed upon any longer by others.被压迫人民决不听任其他人再对他们的掠夺。21世纪英汉〔pressure〕A physical sensation produced by compression of a part of the body.压迫感:身体上某一部分由压迫而引起的生理上的感觉美国传统〔pressure〕The defense pressured the quarterback into throwing a bad pass.后卫给四分卫施压迫使他传球失误。韦氏高阶〔pressure〕The sick man complained of a feeling of pressure in his chest.病人主诉说胸部有压迫感。英汉大词典〔react〕The people reacted against the oppression of the government by holding a demonstration.人民举行游行示威,反抗政府的压迫21世纪英汉〔refugee〕One who flees in search of refuge, as in times of war, political oppression, or religious persecution.难民:在战争、政治压迫或宗教迫害的时候为寻求避难而逃出的人美国传统〔release〕Tibet is thrusting forward with a release of energy and initiative in those who were formerly terribly oppressed.西藏正在突飞猛进,那些从前受到残酷压迫的人们正发挥着力量和创造性。英汉大词典〔repressed memory〕A memory that is repressed because of the anxiety it engenders.压抑的记忆:受到压迫的记忆,导因为其所引起的焦虑美国传统〔repression〕They survived 60 years of political repression.他们挨过了60年的政治压迫韦氏高阶〔right〕We should right the poor and the oppressed.我们应当公正对待穷人和受压迫的人民。21世纪英汉〔rise〕Eventually the people rose against the oppressive regime.最终人民起来反抗压迫他们的政权。麦克米伦高阶〔rise〕The oppressed people finally rose up against their rulers.被压迫的人民最终起来反抗他们的统治者。21世纪英汉〔serf〕A person in servitude.被压迫者:处于奴役状态下的人美国传统〔single-minded〕He was single-mindedly devoted to the hastening of freedom for the oppressed.他一心一意致力于早日让被压迫者获得自由。柯林斯高阶〔slaughter〕Thousands of people were systematically slaughtered by their oppressors.数千人遭到压迫者的蓄意杀戮。牛津搭配〔smother〕To be concealed or suppressed.被隐藏或被压迫美国传统〔spread〕The chair legs spread under his weight.椅腿在他身体重量的压迫下向外撑开。英汉大词典〔subordinate〕All women are not equally subordinated or oppressed or exploited by men.并不是所有女性都同样受到男性征服、压迫或剥削。外研社新世纪〔succumb〕The Minister said his country would never succumb to pressure.首相说他的国家永远都不会屈服于压迫柯林斯高阶〔summit〕The Nazi regime represents the apex of oppression and intimidation.纳粹统治代表了压迫与恫吓的极点。美国传统〔the free world〕Wherever tyranny, oppression, and brutality have threatened the free world, our countries have stood for the triumph of good over evil.不论哪里的暴政、压迫、暴虐威胁到自由世界,我们两国都坚信善良会战胜邪恶。剑桥高阶〔thumbscrew〕An instrument of torture formerly used to compress the thumb.拇指夹:过去使用的一种用于压迫拇指的刑具美国传统〔tyrannical〕It's one of the world's most oppressive and tyrannical regimes.这是世界上最压迫人、最专制的政权之一。外研社新世纪〔warlord〕He had been a dictator and a warlord who had oppressed and degraded the people of the South.他既是独裁者也是军阀, 对南方人实行压迫和侮辱。外研社新世纪〔warlord〕He had been a dictator and a warlord who had oppressed and degraded the people of the South.他既独裁又好战,压迫侮辱南方人。柯林斯高阶Blacks and other nationally oppressed peoples 黑人及其他遭受民族压迫的各族人民译典通His novels can be read as an account of the lives of the oppressed industrial proletariat.他的小说描写受压迫的工业无产阶级的生活。剑桥国际In an incendiary speech he called for a popular uprising against the government, whom he accused of dictatorship and oppression.在一次煽动性的发言中他号召人们起来反抗被他指责为独裁和压迫的政府。剑桥国际Many of the country's downtrodden black majority feel persecuted by white “justice”.这个国家大多数受压迫的黑人都觉得受到白人的所谓的“公正”迫害。剑桥国际The oppressed people finally decided to vociferate their anger. 受压迫的民众终于决定要喊出他们的愤怒。译典通They fought their oppressors with all kinds of weapons. 他们用各种武器对抗压迫他们的人。译典通They stood up against their foreign oppressors. 他们起来反抗外国压迫者。译典通War, famine and oppression have forced people in the region to flee from their homes.战争、饥荒和压迫迫使这个地方的人们逃离了他们的家园。剑桥国际Your boss is riding you much too hard at the moment.目前你的老板压迫你太厉害了。剑桥国际




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