

单词 卡迪
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-lined〕I would be able to stay on the Piccadilly Line and get off the tube at South Kensington.我就可以留在皮卡迪利线上,然后在南肯辛顿站下地铁。柯林斯高阶〔Acadian〕A descendant of these settlers, especially a Cajun.阿卡迪亚人:这些移民的后代,尤指阿卡迪亚人美国传统〔Acadian〕A dialect of French spoken by the Acadians.阿卡迪亚语:阿卡迪亚人所说的法语方言美国传统〔Acadian〕Of or relating to Acadia or its people, language, or culture.阿卡迪亚的:阿卡迪亚的、阿卡迪亚人的、阿卡迪亚语言的或阿卡迪亚文化的,与其有关的美国传统〔Acadian〕One of the early French settlers of Acadia.阿卡迪亚:阿卡迪亚的法国早期移民中一员美国传统〔Arcadian〕A native or inhabitant of the ancient Greek region of Arcadia.阿卡迪亚人:古希腊阿卡迪亚地区的原住民或居民美国传统〔Arcadian〕Of or relating to the ancient Greek region of Arcadia or its people, language, or culture.阿卡迪亚的:古希腊阿卡迪亚地区的、阿卡迪亚人的、阿卡迪亚语言的、阿卡迪亚文化的或与之有关的美国传统〔Arcadian〕The dialect of ancient Greek used in Arcadia.阿卡迪亚语:在阿卡迪亚使用的古希腊方言美国传统〔Cajun〕Of or relating to the Cajuns or their culture.阿卡迪亚的:阿卡迪亚人或它们的文化的或与之相关的美国传统〔Cajun〕Often Cajan A member of a group living in southern Alabama and southeast Mississippi, of mixed white, Black, and Native American ancestry. 常作 Cajan 阿卡迪亚人:居住在阿拉巴马南部和密西西比东南部的一个民族,混有白人、黑人和印第安人的血统美国传统〔Cardigan Bay〕A wide-mouthed inlet of St. George's Channel on the western coast of Wales.卡迪根湾:威尔士西部海岸圣乔治海峡的开阔海湾美国传统〔Old North French〕The dialects of Old French spoken in northern France, especially in Normandy and Picardy.古法国北方方言:在法国北部,特别是诺曼底和皮卡迪地区使用的古法语的方言美国传统〔adroit〕Cardew proved particularly adroit at avoiding blame.卡迪尤特别善于逃避责备。外研社新世纪〔allusive〕His new play, Arcadia, is as intricate, elaborate and allusive as anything he has yet written.他的新剧《阿卡迪亚》和他写过的任何作品一样,错综复杂、构思精巧并且富含典故。柯林斯高阶〔andouille〕A spicy smoked sausage made with pork and garlic, used especially in Cajun cooking.辣熏肠:用猪肉和大蒜做成的辣味熏肠,特别用在阿卡迪亚人的食品中美国传统〔circus〕Piccadilly Circus 皮卡迪利广场剑桥高阶〔circus〕Piccadilly Circus 皮卡迪利广场朗文当代〔circus〕Piccadilly Circus 皮卡迪利广场牛津高阶〔circus〕Piccadilly Circus 皮卡迪利广场麦克米伦高阶〔circus〕Piccadilly Circus in London 伦敦的皮卡迪利广场韦氏高阶〔circus〕Piccadilly Circus, in the West End of London伦敦西区的皮卡迪利广场外研社新世纪〔circus〕Piccadilly Circus.皮卡迪利广场柯林斯高阶〔dish out〕She works at the Piccadilly Advice Centre, dishing out advice to the thousands of people who phone up.她在皮卡迪利咨询中心工作, 为成千上万打进电话的人提供建议。外研社新世纪〔erase〕They are desperate to erase the memory of that last defeat in Cardiff.他们急于抹去上次在卡迪夫遭遇失败的记忆。柯林斯高阶〔estimation〕Cardew's estimation of the mental state of the occupants卡迪尤对居民心理状态的评价外研社新世纪〔gravitate〕Most visitors to London gravitate to Piccadilly Circus and Leicester Square.多数到了伦敦的游客被吸引到皮卡迪利广场和莱斯特广场。朗文当代〔grim〕With grim humour, they dubbed the nurses' tents Rotten Row and Piccadilly.他们冷嘲热讽地开起玩笑, 给护士的帐篷起了绰号叫“海德公园跑马道”和“皮卡迪利大街”。外研社新世纪〔have〕Cardew was having a bad influence on the other students.卡迪尤对其他学生产生了坏影响。朗文当代〔inhospitable〕The Makgadikgadi is a brutally inhospitable region.马卡迪卡迪盐沼环境恶劣, 是个不宜居住的地区。外研社新世纪〔piccadilly circus〕It's been like Piccadilly Circus in this house all morning.这房子里整个上午都忙乱得像皮卡迪利广场。牛津高阶〔quite〕Young Cardew is quite the gentleman these days.小卡迪尤这些日子来确实很有绅士风度。麦克米伦高阶〔reserve〕Marine biologists are calling for Cardigan Bay to be created a marine nature reserve to protect the dolphins.海洋生物学家号召将卡迪根湾建成一个海洋自然保护区,以保护那里的海豚。柯林斯高阶〔respectability〕It was a highly respectable and what was called an 'old-fashioned' hotel situated not far from Piccadilly.这是一家非常体面的“老式”旅馆,坐落在离皮卡迪利广场不远的地方。柯林斯高阶〔rough〕The Cardiganshire corgi has a short, rough coat.卡迪根柯基犬长着蓬乱的短毛。外研社新世纪〔stand〕The train now standing at platform 8 is the 15.17 for Cardiff.现在停靠在8站台的是15点17分开往卡迪夫的列车。剑桥高阶Piccadilly Circus 皮卡迪利圆形广场剑桥国际The cardigan is certainly exchangeable as long as you return it in good condition.只要你完好地把它退回,这件卡迪根式夹克衫是可以调换的。剑桥国际




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