

单词 卡农
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔canonical〕Canonical musical works should be studied in schools.学校里应该学习卡农乐曲。外研社新世纪〔canonical〕Music Having the form of a canon.【音乐】 具有卡农曲的形式的美国传统〔canon〕Music A composition or passage in which the same melody is repeated by one or more voices, overlapping in time in the same or a related key.【音乐】 卡农卡农曲:一首乐曲或乐段,其中同样的旋律被一个或多个声部重复,同一调或相关调彼此在时间上重合美国传统〔canon〕The first violin plays the first two bars of the canon's melody.首席小提琴手演奏了卡农曲旋律的开头两小节。外研社新世纪〔stretto〕A close succession or overlapping of voices in a fugue, especially in the final section.赋格、卡农中的密接和应:在赋格曲中紧密的和应或声音的重叠,尤其在最后的部份美国传统




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