

单词 半圆
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CIRCLE〕Behind the beach is a huge semicircle of limestone cliffs. 海滩后面是一大片半圆形的石灰岩悬崖。朗文写作活用〔CIRCLE〕The teacher had arranged the desks in a semicircle. 老师把课桌排成半圆形。朗文写作活用〔CIRCLE〕We ate at a small semicircular table which stood against the wall. 我们坐在一张靠墙的半圆形桌子旁吃饭。朗文写作活用〔Nissen hut〕A prefabricated building of corrugated steel in the shape of a half cylinder, used especially by military personnel as a shelter.尼森式活动房屋:一种瓦楞铁皮半圆顶状的预制装配式房屋,尤其为军务人员用作遮蔽物美国传统〔Roman arch〕A semicircular arch.半圆形拱门,罗马拱门美国传统〔apse〕Architecture A semicircular or polygonal, usually domed projection of a building, especially the altar or east end of a church.【建筑学】 环形殿:半圆形或多边形的,通常是建筑物的圆形穹窿,尤指祭坛或教堂东端美国传统〔apsidal〕Of or relating to an apse.环形殿的,半圆殿的:环形殿的、半圆殿的,或与其相关的美国传统〔apsis〕Architecture An apse.【建筑学】 半圆形拱顶附带建筑美国传统〔astragal〕A narrow convex molding often having the form of beading.半圆饰,串珠饰:通常有装饰条形式的窄形凸起模型美国传统〔bail〕The arched, hooplike handle of a container, such as a pail.半圆形把手:容器的弓形、箍状把手,如桶的把手美国传统〔basilica〕A Christian church building of a similar design, having a nave with a semicircular apse, two or four side aisles, a narthex, and a clerestory.长方形廊柱大厅基督教堂:相同设计的基督教堂建筑,包括有半圆形的教堂正厅,两边或四边的走廊,一个门厅和一个高窗美国传统〔beading〕Architecture A narrow, half-rounded molding; a bead.【建筑学】 珠缘,串饰:狭窄的半圆形嵌线;珠状花边美国传统〔butterfly valve〕A valve composed of two semicircular plates hinged on a common spindle, used to permit flow in one direction only.蝶形阀:由附在一个共用轴上的两个半圆片组成的阀门,用于限制向一个方向的流动美国传统〔calzone〕A baked or fried Italian turnover of pizza dough filled with vegetables, meat, or cheese.卡松尼包馅披萨,半圆形烤(奶酪)馅饼:一种包有蔬菜、肉、起司,烘烤或油炸而成的意式包馅披萨美国传统〔compass〕Semicircular. Used of bow windows.半圆的。用于弓形窗美国传统〔concha〕Architecture The half dome over an apse.【建筑学】 弯拱凹面:教堂环形殿的半圆形弯拱凹面美国传统〔cupola〕A small rounded and domed structure, as for observation, on a tracked, armored vehicle.旋转炮塔:用于观察等的小型圆形或半圆形建筑物,装在有履带的装甲车上美国传统〔cyclorama〕A large curtain or wall, usually concave, hung or placed at the rear of a stage.半圆形天幕,透视背景:巨大的幕布或围墙,通常为凹形,挂或放在舞台后面美国传统〔dichotomy〕Astronomy The phase of the moon, Mercury, or Venus when half of the disk is illuminated.【天文学】 内行星明亮的半圆:月球、水星或金星其一半被照亮的现象美国传统〔embowed〕Protruding in an outward curve so as to form a recess within.半圆形的:突出一个向外的曲线以在内部形成一个凹陷美国传统〔exedra〕A usually curved outdoor bench with a high back.半圆形室外座椅:一种带有高靠背的弧形露天长凳美国传统〔exedra〕An often semicircular portico with seats that was used in ancient Greece and Rome as a place for discussions.有座椅前廊:带有座位的半圆性门廊,在古希腊和古罗马通常用作谈话的地方美国传统〔fanlight〕Architecture A half-circle window, often with sash bars arranged like the ribs of a fan.【建筑学】 扇形窗:门或窗上有扇骨状放射格条的半圆形窗美国传统〔firmer chisel〕A chisel or gouge with a thin blade, used to shape and finish wood by hand.凿子:用于手工对木料的修整和精加工的有薄刀边的凿子或半圆美国传统〔form〕All the buildings have names and form a half circle.所有的建筑都有名称,连在一起构成了一个半圆柯林斯高阶〔form〕The chairs formed a semicircle.椅子被摆放成了一个半圆韦氏高阶〔gouge〕A chisel with a rounded, troughlike blade.半圆凿:带有凹凸横截面的圆形的凿子美国传统〔hemicycle〕A semicircle.半圆半圆美国传统〔hemicycle〕A semicircular structure or arrangement.半圆形结构或排列美国传统〔lunette〕A crescent-shaped or semicircular space, usually over a door or window, that may contain another window, a sculpture, or a mural.弦月窗:通常在门或窗上的新月形或半圆形空间,它可包含另外一个窗、雕刻或壁饰美国传统〔lunette〕A small, circular or crescent-shaped opening in a vaulted roof.半圆壁,弧形窗:在高高的屋顶上的小的,圆的或新月形的开口美国传统〔orchestra〕A semicircular space in front of the stage used by the chorus in ancient Greek theaters.半圆形区域:古希腊剧场中舞台前为合唱队所用的半圆形地方美国传统〔pasty〕A pie or turnover, especially one filled with seasoned meat or fish.肉馅饼:馅饼或半圆形卷饼,尤指内有加了调料的肉体或鱼的美国传统〔pierogi〕A semicircular dumpling with any of various fillings, such as finely chopped meat or vegetables, that is often sautéed after being boiled.俄式肉馅小卷饼:里面包有各种像是碎肉或蔬菜等材料的半圆形包饼,通常是煮熟后再煎的美国传统〔protractor〕Mathematics A semicircular instrument for measuring and constructing angles.【数学】 量角器:一种半圆形的量角和画角的工具美国传统〔puncheon〕A piece of broad, heavy, roughly dressed timber with one face finished flat.半圆木料:由圆木料对剖成的横截面为半圆的木料美国传统〔radius〕He indicated a semicircle with a radius of about thirty miles.他标示出了一个半径大约为30英里的半圆形。外研社新世纪〔radius〕He indicated a semicircle with a radius of about thirty miles.他标示出了一个半径大约为30英里的半圆形。柯林斯高阶〔samosa〕A small fried turnover of Indian origin that is filled with seasoned vegetables or meat and served hot.萨摩萨饼:一种传自于印第安人的小炸半圆形卷饼,填有调过味的蔬菜或肉,热食美国传统〔segmental arch〕An arch in which the curve is a less than semicircular segment of a circle.弧形拱:一种拱形,其弧度比半圆美国传统〔semi-circle〕They stood in a semi-circle round the teacher's chair and answered questions.他们围着老师的椅子站成半圆形回答问题。柯林斯高阶〔semi-circle〕We sat in a semi-circle.我们围成半圆形坐着。外研社新世纪〔semicircle〕A half of a circle as divided by a diameter.半圆:直径分割的圆的一半美国传统〔semicircle〕About 50 children sat in a semicircle around me.大约有 50 个小孩子围成半圆坐在我身边。朗文当代〔semicircle〕An object or arrangement of objects or people in the shape of half a circle.半圆物,半圆形:半圆形物或将人或物安排成半圆形的排列美国传统〔semicircle〕The children sat in a semicircle.孩子们围成半圆形坐着。韦氏高阶〔semicircle〕The houses are built in a semicircle.这些房子呈半圆形排列建造。韦氏高阶〔semicircle〕We arranged the chairs in a semicircle.我们把椅子摆成半圆形。剑桥高阶〔semicircle〕We sat in a semicircle round the fire.我们坐在炉火前,围成一个半圆形。牛津高阶〔semicircular〕Fluid moves in the semicircular canals within the bony labyrinth of the inner ear.液体在内耳骨质迷路的半圆形小管内流动。剑桥高阶〔semicircular〕The chairs were placed in a semicircular arrangement.椅子被摆成了半圆形。剑桥高阶〔semidome〕A roof covering a semicircular space; half a dome.半圆形穹顶:覆盖了半圆形空间的屋顶;穹顶的一半美国传统〔semiround〕Having a round side and a flat side.半圆的:有一个圆边和一个平边的美国传统〔semiround〕Something that has a round side and a flat side.半圆性物:有一个圆边和一个平边的东西美国传统〔sickle〕An implement having a semicircular blade attached to a short handle, used for cutting grain or tall grass.镰刀:用来切割谷物或高杆草的一种工具,有一连接在一短柄上的半圆形刀刃美国传统〔stadium〕A course on which foot races were held in ancient Greece, usually semicircular and having tiers of seats for spectators.竞走场:古代希腊时候的竞走跑道,通常设有看台并成半圆美国传统〔tiara〕An ornamental, often jeweled, crownlike semicircle worn on the head by women on formal occasions.古波斯人头巾:妇女在正式场合戴在头上的一种通常镶有珠宝且像王冠一样的半圆形装饰物美国传统〔tier〕The theater has semicircular tiers of seats.那家戏院有半圆形的成排的阶梯式座位。文馨英汉〔torus〕Architecture A large convex molding, semicircular in cross section, located at the base of a classical column.【建筑学】 凸圆线脚,座盘装饰:一种大的凸起装饰,呈环状半圆形,用于古典雕柱的底座美国传统〔turnover〕A small pastry made by covering one half of a piece of dough with fruit, preserves, or other filling and folding the other half over on top.馅饼:一种半圆形的小馅饼,做法是在半块面团上,放上水果、蜜饯或其它馅,而把另一半折压在上面美国传统〔underwire〕A semicircular wire support sewn into the underside of each cup of a brassiere.胸罩钢丝:胸罩的各个罩杯下侧中缝入的半圆支撑钢丝美国传统〔utricle〕A membranous sac contained within the labyrinth of the inner ear and connected with the semicircular canals.小囊,椭圆囊:位于内耳迷路内的细胞膜的囊,与半圆管相连美国传统The bride walked under an arch of hoops (= half rings) covered with flowers.新娘从缀满鲜花的半圆形拱门下走过。剑桥国际The chairs were placed in a semi-circular arrangement.椅子被排成半圆状。剑桥国际They are sitting in a semicircle. 他们围成半圆形坐著。译典通We arranged the chairs in a semi-circle.我们将椅子排成半圆剑桥国际




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