

单词 十五分钟
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔airstrip〕We landed on a grass airstrip, fifteen minutes after leaving Mahe.飞离马埃十五分钟后, 我们降落在一条简易跑道上。外研社新世纪〔appointment〕I was already forty-five minutes late for a dental appointment .与牙医的约会我已迟到了四十五分钟朗文当代〔get〕It took them fifteen minutes to get the boat ready.他们花了十五分钟把船准备好。朗文当代〔heyday〕In its heyday, the company ran trains every fifteen minutes.公司在最兴隆时期每隔十五分钟就开出一列火车。牛津高阶〔pack ... into〕Pack all the speeches into fifteen minutes.把你所有的发言压缩在十五分钟内讲完。21世纪英汉〔procedure〕The entire procedure takes about 15 minutes.整个过程大约需要十五分钟外研社新世纪〔quarter-hour〕Fifteen minutes.十五分钟美国传统〔quarter〕She arrived three quarters of an hour (=45 minutes) late.她迟到了四十五分钟朗文当代〔quarter〕The programme lasted an hour and a quarter.这个节目历时一小时十五分钟牛津高阶〔ransack〕Three robbers ransacked the bank in twenty-five minutes.三个强盗在二十五分钟之内将银行抢劫一空。21世纪英汉〔remain〕The score is tied, with fifteen minutes remaining.现在比分相同,比赛还剩十五分钟朗文当代〔return〕It was forty five minutes before she returned.过了四十五分钟她才回来。朗文当代〔ride〕A fifteen minute taxi ride will take you to the airport.坐出租车十五分钟就能到机场。朗文当代〔will〕I will be there in fifteen minutes.我十五分钟后会到达那里。韦氏高阶I caught seven trout in fifteen minutes. 我十五分钟内捉到七条鳟鱼。译典通She anchors a 45-minute news show at noon. 她每天中午主持四十五分钟的新闻广播。译典通The exam lasted an hour/three hours/half an hour/a quarter of an hour/an hour and a half.考试持续了一小时/三小时/半小时/十五分钟/一个半小时。剑桥国际The interview overran by fifteen minutes. 那次采访超过规定时间十五分钟译典通The service in here is so slow-- I've been waiting for a coffee for fifteen minutes! 这儿的服务太慢了----我等一杯咖啡等了十五分钟剑桥国际We had a faculty meeting at 2 p.m. and a lecture later, with a 15-minute coffee break between. 午后二时我们开教师会议,而后有一个讲座,在此之间我们有十五分钟喝咖啡休息。译典通




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