

单词 勇士
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕Then the warriors turned upon each other, for a fight to the death. 接着勇士们互相扑向对方,进行了一场殊死搏斗。朗文写作活用〔Ajax〕The son of Ileus of Locris and a warrior of small stature and arrogant character who fought against Troy.埃阿斯:洛克瑞斯的依勒斯之子,矮小而傲慢的勇士,曾参加特洛伊战争美国传统〔Ajax〕The son of Telamon of Salamis and a warrior of great stature and prowess who fought against Troy.埃阿斯:萨拉米斯的特勒蒙之子,高大而骁勇的勇士,曾参加特洛伊战争美国传统〔BRAVE/NOT BRAVE〕But for the actions of a few courageous individuals, we might all have died. 要不是那几位勇士奋不顾身,也许我们已全部丧命了。朗文写作活用〔BRAVE/NOT BRAVE〕The Comanches were great and fearless warriors. 科曼切族印第安人都是英勇善战、无所畏惧的勇士朗文写作活用〔FORGIVE/NOT FORGIVE〕It is inexcusable that the government has never paid a cent to the widows of these brave men. 政府从未给这些勇士的遗孀发一分钱,这是不可宽恕的。朗文写作活用〔Goliath〕In the Old Testament, a giant Philistine warrior who was slain by David with a stone and sling.歌利亚:旧约圣经里的非利士巨人勇士,被大卫用石头打死美国传统〔HMS〕He served on board HMS Warrior.他在英国皇家海军舰艇“勇士号”上服役。麦克米伦高阶〔INCLUDE/NOT INCLUDE〕Boorman was once a director able to work his obsessions into movies like ‘Point Blank’ and ‘Deliverance’. 布尔曼曾经是个能够把自己念念不忘的情感融入《步步惊魂》和《激流四勇士》等影片中去的导演。朗文写作活用〔MAKE FUN OF〕The show takes the piss out of virtually everyone, from politicians to eco-warriors. 这个节目差不多把每个人都嘲讽了—从政治家到环保勇士一个不漏。朗文写作活用〔Patroclus〕A Greek warrior, attendant, and friend to Achilles, who was killed by Hector in the Trojan War.帕特罗克勒斯:希腊一勇士,阿喀琉斯的仆从和朋友,在特洛伊战争中被赫克托耳杀死美国传统〔Samson〕In the Old Testament, the Israelite judge and powerful warrior who was betrayed to the Philistines by Delilah.萨姆森:在圣经旧约中,被非利士人黛利拉所背叛的以色列法官、勇士美国传统〔Trojan〕A person of courageous determination or energy.勇士:坚毅的人,有勇气或活力的人美国传统〔Victoria Cross〕A bronze Maltese cross, Britain's highest military award for conspicuous valor.维多利亚十字勋章:一种铜质马耳他十字形勋章,是英国授予有杰出功勋的勇士的最高军队奖赏美国传统〔apiece〕The World Series between the Atlanta Braves and Toronto Blue Jays is tied at one game apiece.世界系列赛上,亚特兰大勇士队和多伦多蓝鸟队双方各赢一场,战成平局。柯林斯高阶〔brave〕America, the land of the free and the home of the brave 美国,自由者的土地、勇士的家园牛津高阶〔collide〕The aims of the negotiators in New York again seem likely to collide with the aims of the warriors in the field.看来,纽约谈判人员的目标可能会再次与战场上勇士们的目标发生冲突。柯林斯高阶〔down〕The Cardinals downed the Braves by a score of 5-2.红雀队以5:2的比分击败了勇士队。韦氏高阶〔ever〕We must never ever forget how those brave men fought for our freedom.我们永远也不该忘记那些勇士是如何为我们的自由而战的。麦克米伦高阶〔excavator〕Excavators uncovered the bones of a Viking warrior.考古发掘者发现了维金勇士的尸骨。外研社新世纪〔fall〕Many brave men fell in the fight to save the city.为保卫这座城市,许多勇士战死了。剑桥高阶〔fighter〕A soldier; a warrior.战士;勇士美国传统〔ghazi〕Often used as a title for such a warrior.回教勇士,穆斯林英雄:经常被用来作为这种勇士的头衔美国传统〔give for〕The brave soldier gave his life for his country.这位勇士为祖国献出了生命。21世纪英汉〔hero〕The song remembers the brave heroes who died for their country.这首歌缅怀为国捐躯的勇士牛津搭配〔honor〕We need to find an appropriate way to honor these brave people.我们需要找个恰当的方式向这些勇士们表示敬意。韦氏高阶〔incarnation〕He believes that he was a Roman warrior in a previous incarnation.他认为自己前世是一名罗马勇士剑桥高阶〔knight in shining armor〕The firefighter who rescued us was our knight in shining armor.救我们的那名消防员是我们心目中的勇士韦氏高阶〔lion〕A very brave person.勇士:勇敢的人美国传统〔martial〕Characteristic of or befitting a warrior.勇敢的,好战的:具有战士、勇士特征的或适宜于勇士美国传统〔mourn〕He mourned for his valiant men.他向他的勇士们致哀。柯林斯高阶〔must〕We must never forget how much we owe to these brave men.我们决不能忘记要对这些勇士心存感激。朗文当代〔nip〕The New York Mets nipped the Atlanta Braves 1-0.纽约大都会队以1:0小胜亚特兰大勇士队。韦氏高阶〔nothing〕Let us make sure that these brave men and women did not die for nothing.我们绝不会让这些勇士们白白牺牲。剑桥高阶〔o'er〕As long as mist hangs o'er the mountains, the deeds of the brave will be remembered.勇士的壮举将永远为后人缅怀,正如缭绕群山的薄雾永远不会消散。柯林斯高阶〔plebeian〕To the brave, there is but one sort of plebeian, and that is the coward.对于勇士来说,只有一种下贱的人,那就是懦夫。英汉大词典〔position〕The Braves positioned left fielder Chipper Jones near the foul line.勇士队将左外野手奇伯·琼斯安排在靠近边线处。外研社新世纪〔quarrel〕New Zealand's quarrel with France over the Rainbow Warrior incident.新西兰和法国关于“彩虹勇士号”事件的争端柯林斯高阶〔red-hot〕The Braves have been red-hot in the last few games.在上几场比赛中勇士队打得非常精彩。朗文当代〔stout〕It was a night made for men of stout heart, a night for old-fashioned heroes.这是为勇士们准备的夜晚, 是为传统的英雄们准备的夜晚。外研社新世纪〔tribute〕The minister paid tribute to the men who had fought the blaze.部长高度赞扬了奋力扑灭大火的勇士们。剑桥高阶〔vain〕The deaths of these brave men were not in vain.这些勇士没有白死。英汉大词典〔valor〕The soldiers received the nation's highest award for valor.这些士兵获得了国家最高勇士奖。韦氏高阶A true warrior values glory and honor above life. 一个真正的勇士珍视荣誉胜过生命。译典通He discovered in a session with a hypnotist that he'd been a Roman warrior in a previous incarnation.他在一次被催眠时发现自己前世曾是罗马勇士剑桥国际In the first game of NBA playoffs, Warriors clobbered the Rockets. 在季后赛的第一场,勇士对火箭予以痛击。译典通The 2015 NBA championship game is a showdown between Cavaliers and Warriors. 2015 的美国职篮总冠军赛是骑士和勇士的对决。译典通




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